You For Eternity

Chapter 903: Xiaobai is going to eat people (2)

Ye Ning smiled mockingly, holding the pair of gloves and saying, "We broke up a long time ago, so what are we doing with these broken gloves?"

"Give it back to me!" Shi Wei frowned, trying to get her things back, to no avail.

Ye Ning, a big man who was about eight meters tall, raised her hand casually, and she couldn't get it even if she jumped up.

"It was originally a gift I gave you. Since we broke up, I have to come back."

He did it on purpose.

He is a superstar Uranus, even if he gave out the diamond, he would never take it back, let alone a pair of broken gloves?

Shi Wei knew that he didn't really want those gloves, he just saw her goodbye, and wanted to exhale with her. She was angry that she took his brother's money and left him.

"Ye Ning, it is not important to you, you give it back to me."

"It doesn't matter to me?" Ye Ning sneered. "How important is that to you? The breakup is so simple. You took so much money from my brother, is it not enough for you to buy new gloves? !"

Shi Wei looked at his angry eyes, calmed down, stopped grabbing gloves, and quietly said, "Enough."

The gloves were gone, she turned and continued walking.

Ye Ning was holding those gloves in his hand, looking at her back, and suddenly said: "Shi Wei, I said, don't come back if you leave."

Shi Wei didn't know if she heard it.

Ye Ning, who returned to the car, had been looking at those gloves.

Why are you still keeping it?

If you still have him in your heart, why did you take the money away? If you don't have him, why do you leave these gloves and sew them and don't discard them?

Shi Wei, what do you think?


Shi Wei returned to her apartment and turned on the light. The furniture inside was simple and concise, but there were a few Ye Ning posters on the wall.

The latest one was taken during the drama together with Jiang Wan.

The poster shows how the couple think and match at night, but she knows that it is impossible. She knows secrets that others don't know. Jiang Wan is his brother Ye Yan's girlfriend.

This news has never been heard before, and it can only be said that Ye Yan concealed it very well.

The roommate came out in the middle of the night, watching Shiwei squatted on the sofa to eat instant noodles, and shook her head helplessly: "Shi Xiaowei, do you want to behave like this?"

Shi Wei filled her mouth with instant noodles, watched TV, and said, "How did I abuse myself?"

"Is this kind of junk food eaten by humans? You come back from the outside, and you are hungry and won't bring some takeaway?"

"Foreign pornographic junk food is expensive, not to mention not necessarily clean."

"You really lost money!" The roommate threw out angrily. He glanced at the late-night reruns on TV and sighed. No matter how much money, can Ye Ning still pay you?"

Shi Wei seemed to be freezing, sniffed and said, "I can't practice, I can always imagine it."

"Just keep on dreaming! You are an 18th-line artist who can see him as a gift. Don't think about it. If you have this time, you might as well work hard, at least blend into a third-line, maybe even I can play a supporting role for him, and make it fun to play with."

Shi Wei bit her face, blew her nose, and said with a cold voice: "I won't play a supporting role for him. Shi Wei also has her own pride."

"Bah! Your pride is worth a few cents! Besides, for the sake of money, when have you ever been proud? Look at what you have been doing over the years. Why don't you give you money?"

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