You For Eternity

Chapter 918: Young Master is a guest with us (7)

Looks so loving~

If Wei Young is not Nianxin's daughter, then it's a thousand dollars cheaper, and she will pick up a cute little daughter-in-law!

Chu Chu had a thought at this moment, if you give Qiansheng a younger sister... it seems like a good choice.

"After leaving Qianyi, we will go to aunt's house for dinner."

Chu Chu held Qianyi's hand.

At this time, Wei Young's eyes slipped, and he was unwilling to be curious: "Mom... let's go to grandma's for dinner, okay?"

Chu Chu looked at Wei Young's expectant face and said, "Why don't you take her? Wei Yang's existence can't be kept secret. Besides, my uncle will not necessarily tell Jiang Chuan Bai's side."

Chu Chu felt that both Uncle Li and Aunt Li were sensible people and would definitely not say anything that shouldn't be said.

What's more, the uncle and aunts also watched the scene last time for the grandpa Bai's birthday. If they knew the situation of Nianxin in Bai's family, they would be tight-lipped about Nianxin.

"Will it be too abrupt in the past?"

Nianxin is the same as her brother Li Hengzhi, and her relationship with her mother hasn't gone anywhere, but her relationship with her uncle's family is very good.

Mainly because my uncle and aunt are so nice, they never care about their identities, let alone go to the white house of Jiangchuan, who are totally different from her mother's three views.

"To change the word abruptly, that would be a surprise. Aunt likes children. I think the only thing you need to worry about is that your aunt doesn't see Wei Young likes too much, so she will stay at home and not let go." Chu Chu smiled.

"That's true," Nianxin also smiled, "Then I'll talk to my uncle."

Bai Yujing naturally supported Nianxin's decision. He also knew something about her Uncle Haicheng's family, and sister Yunyan was not the same person, so he let her go with confidence.

Just for their safety, Bai Yujing sent Zhan Yan to personally **** them.

Chu Chu went downstairs and saw such a big show and smiled: "Don't be so exaggerated, right?"

"Follow him, it's okay to exaggerate." Nianxin didn't care about the pomp.

Looks like two main bulletproof cars, plus a bodyguard car guarding them around.

The two children walked in front hand in hand, and Chu Chu yelled anxiously: "Qianyi, go slowly, don't fall my sister."

It happened between the electric light and flint.

A black car suddenly stopped a few meters in front of the two children.

Before everyone reacted, Zhan Yan had already rushed down and hugged Wei Young.

"Can't shoot!" Zhan Yan shouted.

The two children are beside each other, and it is terrible to accidentally hurt either one.


A change that everyone hadn’t expected took place, including Chu Chu who thought that the target of the people who got on and off the car was Wei Young, who came for Second Master Bai, so the first person Zhan Yan protected was Wei Yang, not Qian. One.

But when Zhan Yan turned around and raised his gun, he found that there was no one behind him, and that person was holding Qianyi next to him.

"Don't shoot!" Chu Chu shouted to the second master Bai, "Qianyi!"

The people in black used Qianyi as a meat shield, and they were sure that they didn't dare to shoot. They quickly backed up and returned to the car. The door closed and the car drove out quickly.

Qianyi sat in the car with her little hand on the window, and looked worriedly at the nervous Chuchu outside the car.

He was not afraid, just afraid that Xiao Taozi was frightened.

"Sister-in-law!" Nianxin grabbed her, "Look for brother!"

The others were stunned, this did not play cards according to the routine and disrupted their rhythm.

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