You For Eternity

Chapter 930: Accidentally married into the royal family (9)

"Nonsense!" Chu Chu retorted, "Son, you are in marriage, OK! I got the certificate from your dad!"

"Is there a difference?" Qianyi glanced.

"..." Chu Chu entangled with his fingers, looking elsewhere and said, "Baby, I just thought, if I told you in advance, what if your grandfather the king finds me first, he is the king, God disappeared the two of our wives without knowing it. Your dad doesn’t know anything, we don’t have anymore. How foresight I am!"

Qianyi and Li Hengzhi glanced over, squinting their eyes.

Although there is a certain reason, they dare to swear that she never thought of this at the beginning, okay?

"Leaving my son and going to grandma's house. It hasn't passed yet. They must be worried about something."

Through Nianxin’s big mouth, when they arrived at Uncle Li’s house, the door opened and they lined up in two rows and joked: "Welcome the two princes back~"

Li Hengzhi &Qianyi: "..."

Li Hengzhi walked over, looked at the best bully in the crowd, grabbed Li Tianyou by the neck, and dragged him in: "It must be your idea."

After Li Hengzhi lived for so many years, when did he regard himself as a prince?

Oh, the royal family or something, he didn't care.

Gu Tong grabbed Chu Chu's wrist at once and said excitedly: "Oh, Chu Chu, are you a princess in this way? Oh my God... I am the godmother of the little prince! Qianyi~~ Forget it!"

Facts have proved how important it is to have a pair of insights!

Being hugged abruptly, Qianyi rolled his eyes towards the ceiling and said, "Godmother, Qian Xiaotao didn't tell you, have we already refused?"


"Cousin Cousin..." Li Tianyou begged for mercy, "We have adopted you in the Li family, will Butler's King Brown reward us?"

Li Hengzhi smiled: "The king said that illegitimate children are not seen, and the royal family of the Barth dynasty must not have this stain. Those who know it will not be amnesty. Is this reward good?"

Li Tianyou immediately closed his mouth, made a zipper movement, and shut his mouth.

A group of people noisily, finally sat down.

But Chu Chu was thinking about what God said all the time, what does it mean... adopted by the Li family?

Everyone in the Li family knew about this, but they didn't tell Li Yunyan.

Aunt Li likes Qianyi very much, and she hugs him to her side: "Qianyi, grandma thought from the beginning that you are not in the pool!"

Uncle Li is the most calm person, and aunt Li said: "You will be an afterthought! You know what you know!"

"Yes, you know!" Aunt Li snorted at him, "But God, your dad really didn't guess wrong. When we brought Hengzhi back, he said that those people are definitely not What kind of people who are waiting, I never thought that I would be a monarch of a country! This is really unpredictable in the world. If we are not good to Heng, wouldn't we have committed a serious crime."

Uncle Li said, "Do you think they wouldn't send someone to stare at us? I really wanted to treat him badly, and took the child back long ago."

Li Hengzhi twitched his mouth, as if to laugh at himself: "Uncle, you think too much, even if I die here, they won't care."

This sentence suddenly lowered the heat atmosphere.

If he could say such a thing, he must have been hurt.

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