You For Eternity

Chapter 940: Infatuated with the Sun Island (9)

Gu Tong stared and patted him: "Chu Chu, they are still behind..."

"When are you still taking care of them?"

"Oh!" Chu Chu looked at the movement in front of him, grinning, grabbing Li Hengzhi's hand and patted a few times, very excited, pulling him to slow down deliberately.

Li Hengzhi looked at her appearance and knew that there was something tricky in it. Calmly looked at the front: "What are you two doing?"

Chu Chu looked ahead, did not look up at him, and said, "Did you find it?"

Chu Chu laughed and said, "I'll tell you, tomorrow I will know who can win!"

As a trust in his friends, Chu Chu bet Tong Tong first! (...)

In order to show his support for his cousin and protect the dignity of men, Li Hengzhi also gambled on God to start. (...)

Li Tianyou hugged Gu Tong and walked fast. The two of them had already entered the elevator. They turned around and saw that the two of them were still falling so far away. Just about to call them to hurry up, Chu Chu waved his hands intimately: "Go up first. , We sit next to it."

Li Tianyou went to press the button, Gu Tong turned his head and glanced at Chu Chu, and Chu Chu blinked, then added a cheering gesture, as if to say: Come on!

The two went into another elevator without a hassle and went to the floor of the presidential suite.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the two foreigners outside the door looked at the scene inside the elevator. They were stunned. They looked at each other and didn't go up very clearly.

Chu Chu smiled, bumped into Li Hengzhi and stood to the right, beckoning them to come in.

They walked in embarrassedly.

The two seemed to have come down the door, and came out wearing hotel slippers.

Chu Chu smiled at them, then turned back, and said without a smile, "Let you not pay attention to the impact."

Li Hengzhi stood tall and tall, much taller than them. He stretched out his hand and put it on Chu Chu's shoulder without evasiveness. He looked at the front and said, "I'm not cheating. What impact should I pay attention to? This is nothing more normal in this simple and honest Sun Island."

After finishing talking, Li Hengzhi slightly bent over, turned sideways and bit on her lips, then looked at them and said, "This is my wife."

Chu Chu was embarrassed and patted him: "What are you doing?"

"Oh!" The two nodded clearly, "Pretty!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"Hey! Where are you looking! Are you going crazy for her, you stupid pig! Look at your bright eyes!"

Chuchu black question mark face.

Wait... Has the style of painting changed?

"NO, baby, you are the most beautiful."


The two of them quarreled for a while, and the suspected offender kissed the annoyed feeling. They reconciled instantly, and then they were introduced and said, "This is my boyfriend."


They got off at a certain level, and Chu Chu didn't expect that the first couple he saw would be GAY, and laughed helplessly: "It really is the Sun Island with the folk customs."


Gu Tong was carried into the room by Li Tianyou, left for a while, and poured her a cup of hot water, "You drink the hot water first."

It is winter in Haicheng, and heavy clothes are required, while Sun Island is completely summer. Even though you wear T-shirts and hot pants, you can still see the bikini feast on the white sand beach during the day.

Therefore, it is entirely possible that Gu Tong is not satisfied, and Li Tianyou has never suspected.

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