You For Eternity

Chapter 962: Have me with you (5)

As if... even her expression and tone at that time can be recalled together.

"Xiaobai~Xiaobai~" Wei Young said several times, pulling back Bai Yujing's thoughts.


"Xiaobai, are you sleeping?" Wei Young called to him several times.

"What's the matter?"

"Dad is going to take us to play this weekend, should Xiao Bai go?"

Nianxin directly answered for her: "Xiaobai won't go, Xiaobai's injury is still not healed, so she can't walk around casually."

Bai Yujing didn't answer first, but said, "His legs are so fast? Can he get off the ground on weekends?"

"I don't know, isn't he just lame? Going on crutches, anyway, he promised Wei Yang, he should not break his promise."

Bai Yujing said, "I knew I should interrupt both his legs."

See where he can take Weiyang.

"Is it too late to replenish the gun?"

"Puff......" Nianxin suddenly laughed.

Does the uncle be humorous?

Wei Young is going, Qianyi will naturally go too. Nianxin didn't say not to let him go, because by then her brother and sister-in-law had already returned. If they were to go with them, each family would look at their children, then Just rest assured.

"It's too late for Second Master Bai."

While talking, the door of Bai Yujing's ward was pushed open, and Lan Ye came in with a cane.

Zhan Yan, who didn't stop him, stepped in: "Second Lord..."

Bai Yujing gave a look, forget it.

So Zhan Yan went out again.

"Dad!" Wei Young ran down to pick him up.

Why Lan Ye hurt Weiyang so much, probably because she was cute, plus the little girl was stupid, too deceitful, he liked the feeling that she admired him and protected him so much.

The most important thing was that she called him Dad, so that Bai Nianxin's stinky girl instantly pulled her face down.

Oh, now there is one more Bai Erye.

"I haven't eaten dinner yet, come and have a dinner, don't mind Erye Bai."

Bai Yujing ignored him.

He said that he minded, he would not leave here witty.

From the beginning, he had been thinking about it.

Bai Yujing would even think, if at that engagement banquet, when his eldest brother made a proposal to bring together Nianxin and Lan Ye, how good would it be if he refused?

Or, when Nianxin asked him if Lan Ye was good enough, he said something bad, and Nianxin would not approach him in anger.

The source of all this seems to be traceable to himself.

Thinking this way makes it even more unhappy.

Lan Ye deliberately sat on the right side of Nianxin, but Nianxin did not avoid it, because she knew that even if she changed positions, Lan Ye would follow her childishly to change positions. There was no need to waste the time in between. It would be better to finish eating quickly. Whether he eats or not, close the table!

"Nianxin, this year is my birth year, won't you give me a red hand rope?"

Since his image collapsed, he has been too lazy to pretend to be a good man in front of Bai Yujing, what to say and how to be happy.

Nian Xin baited him a glance: "Oh, you are neither the same age as my uncle nor Zhan Yan, what birth year are you in?"

What Bai Yujing noticed was that she knew that this year was her birth year.

But the red hand rope still only gave Zhan Yan a person?

"Don't care about such small details."

"This is a big stubborn thing! People who don't even have a fate, why are you asking me for a red hand rope here!"

"But Zhan Yan did, he said you gave it." Lan Ye is like the little baby who wants sugar.

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