You For Eternity

Chapter 966: Have me with you (9)

"I should be alone for the rest of my life. I should not harm others."

Taking advantage of the red light now, Chu Chu leaned forward and hugged his arm, then raised his hand to touch his head: "Hey, don't be sad. In this world, I will be with you."

The corner of Li Hengzhi's mouth bends: "I love that world for three seconds."

It’s great, although there are many misery and setbacks in life, but fortunately she still has her around.


Gu Tong and Gu Yan moved out to live in the urban area. Gu's mother lived in the suburbs by herself. The siblings occasionally went home together, and occasionally staggered. Gu's mother lived alone, sometimes boring, but also Go to see the two children in the city and clean up the house or something for them.

Before coming, Gu Tong asked Gu Yan first. Gu Yan said that his mother had gone back, so Gu Tong took Li Tianyou back to his apartment with confidence. Because of the Sun Island and his party, the relationship between the two people has become closer, and there is no pressure to chat alone. Never be as awkward as before.

And now Gu Tong occasionally showed the attitude of a little woman, Li Tianyou carried everything, otherwise she would just hold his arm.

"Gu Yan said that he worked overtime today and didn't come back to sleep. Chu Chu will definitely not come when he moves to his big cousin's house now. There is no one at home. Do you want to stay here overnight?"

Li Tianyou smiled: "Okay?"

"Come on!" Gu Tong smiled, grabbing his arm and ran out of the elevator, then opened the door.

Li Tianyou followed her, smiling helplessly and sweetly.

At the first taste of the sweetness, the two are in a sweet love period, grasping all the opportunities that can be together, and wanting to get together.

Gu Tong opened the door and went in to change slippers: "Come in!"

"Tong Tong, are you back?"

The sudden sound of Gu's mother made the key in Tong Tong's hand fall to the ground.

"Mom?! Why are you here? Gu Yan didn't mean that you already..."

gone back already? !

Damn Gu Yan, the news is inaccurate!

Mother Gu came out and looked at Li Tianyou outside the door.

Gu Tong had an idea: "Ah...Thank you, handsome guy, help me move things to the door, now I can do it myself."

Li Tianyou also felt that it was too early to see the parents now. What's more, it was really abrupt today. He didn't know that her mother was there, with empty hands, and didn't buy any meeting gifts, so he followed her words and said, "You are welcome. Yes, I'll let you put all those things here, I'll leave first."

Mother Gu’s eyes were bright: "Hey! Little handsome guy, I helped you so much. Come in and have a cup of hot water. It’s so cold outside and your face is red. How can I teach you Tongtong? People have helped you, you don’t even invite people to drink tea!"

Tong Tong: "..."

Li Tianyou sat restrained on the sofa. Mom Gu poured him a cup of hot water, and then sat next to him and asked, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-eight." This is the first time the ugly wife has seen her in-laws, but Li Tianyou answered happily.

"Oh... just right! Our Tongtong is 23."

"...Mom! What do you ask people for their age?" How about asking a stranger like that!

"It's 28... won't you get married?"

"not yet."

"Where is your girlfriend?"

"Yes." Just behind you.

I should have stopped asking about this. Tongtong thought that everyone said he had a girlfriend, so should her mother stop asking?

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