You For Eternity

Chapter 968: Xiaobai, it's you and I do (1)

Listening to Tong Tong's words, Gu's mother's face suddenly sank, "I'm sorry Tongtong...It's all my parents I'm sorry to you, for not giving you such good living conditions, and my mother has not saved you any dowry in her life ...And Gu Yan, who doesn't even have a house. How should we find a girlfriend for Gu Yan in the future..."

With that, Gu's mother's eyes turned red.

"Mom...what are you talking nonsense? We never blamed you! And Gu Yan, what are you worried about him? This kid has a good brain and looks good. He is afraid that he can't find a wife? Don't worry! Gu Yan He is a man, so he will carry this house, the house is nothing wrong, he buys it himself! If you don’t have a wife, then you can save! We Gu Yan is great, OK!"

No matter how much Gu Tong comforted her, Gu's mother still felt sorry for their brothers and sisters. They hadn't given them a rich life since they were young, and they were really far from other children.

Li Tianyou outside the house heard the situation clearly.

The soundproofing of these apartments has never been good.

He considered everything, but did not consider the actual situation of the two companies.

However, this is not something to worry about. Fortunately, the two big Buddhas in the family are in the new century mentality, I am afraid that he still can't keep up with them.

The background of Tongtong's family has never been one of their concerns.

But today, he remembers what they said in his heart. What he has to do in the future is to get rid of their mentality and let Tongtong marry him happily.


It was the weekend in a blink of an eye, thinking that there was not much time to accompany Qianyi, this weekend Lan Ye took them to play, and Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu agreed to go together.

When they set off, Li Hengzhi, Chuchu and Qianyi set off from home in a car and drove to the hospital to meet Nianxin and the others.

Before I arrived at the hospital, I found that all kinds of carts and carts lined up at the entrance of the hospital, and the traveling posture was very grand.

Qianyi supported her little head and looked outside and said, "Daddy, I know why you don't need to bring bodyguards, so save money."

These people didn't know whether it was from the Bai family or the Lan family. They couldn't tell the difference with naked eyes.

Li Hengzhi smiled without talking.

Except for some specific occasions, he needs to bring a few bodyguards to defend himself, which is generally not needed.

His status is no better than Bai Yujing and Lan Ye. There are not so many enemies. Commercial enemies generally don't need to touch human lives and there is nothing to worry about.

As for his secret identity...

Oh, almost no one knows.

A wise man would not use him as a useless ordinary person who has no false name as a bargaining chip.

At this time, I was a little surprised to see the people coming out of it.

It turned out to be Bai Yujing.

"Is he already able to get off the ground?"

Before going to Sun Island, I heard that he had difficulty even walking.

But at this time, Chu Chu looked at it this way with the naked eye, he was tall and straight, and he didn't feel badly wounded from the outside. If she hadn't seen him before and knew he was seriously injured, she would have believed it.

"Should endure, take this opportunity to show people outside, he Bai Yujing is safe and sound."

Some time ago, many people were spreading that Erye Bai was killed in that explosion.

Nian Xin and Wei Young were walking beside Bai Yujing. Chu Chu had a strange thought for an instant, but he shook it quickly and waved it away.

I started thinking about it again...

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