You For Eternity

Chapter 972: Xiaobai, it's you and me (5)

The BBQ at night is united together. All kinds of grills, food, etc., are all prepared by Bai Yujing. It was originally the camping that Lan Ye mentioned, but in the end, he didn't know what happened. Those tasks fell on Bai Yujing's head.

In general, the second master of the Bai family doesn’t like to be dominated by others, and everything should be in his hands. Lan Ye doesn’t like to take care of these things. Since he wants to do these things, let them do it well, simply. Become the shopkeeper.

Zhan Yan led the people to move all these things out and did some preparatory work, but the heavens were not beautiful, and when the fire started, the sky began to drizzle.

Fortunately, Bai Yujing made complete preparations and set up large umbrellas everywhere, just a little drizzle, and his camping mood was not affected.

Nian Xin thought, if Lan Ye were to prepare this matter, he would definitely not take this into account.

Two copies of everything were prepared, and the other was prepared by Bai Yujing for Zhan Yan. The subordinates should not be hungry. They should separate the two camps and do their own work. Some people barbecue, and some guard the surrounding area.

The white and blue two have made a joint in advance. The food is currently, what is the gap?

Because there is no distinction between you and me at a barbecue, the brothers underneath get along very happily. Whatever else, they even vomit.

For example, some people say that this young master in our family is really too difficult to serve. The eldest lady is okay and sympathetic to her subordinates, but this young master is too capricious, and tears when she talks too much.

So some people said, you think we are having a good life, this second master of our family can freeze to death when he is cold, and a single glance will make people unable to move. The young master of your family has our second master terrible?

Some people say that the young master of our family is not as scary as your second master, and I am not convinced.

Dao, not convinced!

Both places are lively.

Chu Chu and Nianxin sat and chatted, while the men stood in front of two rows of grills, grilling food methodically.

In order to prove that he was a little man, Qianyi had to help, and Wei Yang had to follow him at first sight, but Nian Xin was dragged back.

She's a little confused, don't put yourself on the grill later!

I really don't worry about letting her touch the fire source, and she will definitely not let her pass.

As for Qianyi, Chu Chu was very relieved, but if she wanted to help, Qianyi would definitely despise her and let her sit obediently and wait for her to eat.

In front of the two rows of grills, Li Hengzhi and Bai Yujing stood in a row, and Lan Ye was alone in his own row. It's not that he doesn't like to work with people, but has someone asked his opinion?

No, just threw him out.

Lan Ye grilled two skewers of meat and greeted Wei Young over.

"This is your little grandfather, and this is your uncle," he pointed to two skewers of meat separately, "Go, give it to your mother and aunt."

"Ah..." Wei Young was too scared to answer, "Xiao Bai and Uncle were roasted? It hurts..."

"They sacrificed themselves and go quickly."

Qianyi heard it all on the side, and said to Wei Young, "Don't listen to him, aren't they there?"

"Oh! Dad is kidding!"

"It's rare for you to understand," Qianyi nodded in relief, then glanced at Lan Ye, "Uncle Lan, you are so boring."

Lan Ye suddenly put a small bunch from the grill on the plate to Qianyi: "Almost forgot, this is you."

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