You For Eternity

Chapter 980: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (13)

It may not feel that strong to walk all the time. Once you stop, it is very difficult to walk again.

After a while, Nianxin came back with a kettle and set it aside. She hurriedly closed the door, shook the rain on her body, and set up the stove.

Bai Yujing was thinking, what does this girl want to do?

Nianxin has never seen this kind of stove.

Although she didn't have the treatment of a eldest lady in the Bai family, the Bai family didn't have this kind of manual fire-making tool. With her qualifications, she had never seen it before. She could not know how to make a fire.

She squatted and fought for a long time, but finally Bai Yujing came out and moved slowly over: "I'll come, what do you want to do?"

Bai Yujing immediately lit the fire in the stove, and Nianxin seemed to have seen some magical scene: "It turns out that this was did you do it, uncle?"

"I can be more primitive, what do you think?"

Seeing that the fire was over, Nianxin put the kettle on it and helped Bai Yujing sit on the bed.

She stood in front of the bed, stretched out her hand to unbutton Bai Yujing's button, was grabbed by him, frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"How about your injury, you know better than me? You are so wet, you have to take off your clothes if you are not injured, let alone you look like this?"

"I'll do it myself."

Bai Yujing unbuttoned himself, and Nianxin kept standing by and watching. When he finished unbuttoning, he helped to take the shirt out of his sleeve.

It had almost been soaked into a red shirt, and was thrown underneath Nianxin's feet.

"It may be a little painful, you have to bear it..." Nianxin said, frowning first.

Just looking at it, she felt it hurt!

"Forget it, that's it, wait for Zhan Yan and the others to find here. You won't deal with it."

"Is there anything worse than it is now? What if I won't deal with it? If the wound is soaked in this way, it will be bad! What if Zhan Yan and they haven't found us tomorrow morning?"


The way she had taught others, she had a bit of momentum, and she didn't know where she learned it.

"Have you been closer to your sister-in-law recently?"


"Kicking Lan Ye's kick is not like your style, who taught you."

"That still needs to be taught, self-taught."


"It hurts?" Nianxin carefully cut the bandage in front, and then slowly removed it back.

His entire back was almost covered with wound medicine. It was brown. It was now fused with blood and rain. The entire back was too bad to see. She didn't know if it was injured or it was.

The wound and the rain have been combined for a while, and now that the bandage is torn apart, even a tough guy like Xiaobai is also groaning in pain. You can imagine how painful it is.

Nianxin opened her brows more and more frowning.

Bai Yujing was enduring it, calling out for fear that she was worried. But sometimes he still hums inadvertently.

The oil lamp is not so bright, the light in the whole wooden house is not very sufficient, but it can illuminate the shadow of Nianxin on the bed, it is a...

Looking at the shadow, she has a delicate figure.

Bai Yujing was afraid of thinking too much, so he closed his eyes.

When they were torn apart, they stuck together, which made Nianxin feel painful.

"Uncle opened his mouth."

Bai Yujing closed his eyes and didn't know what she was going to do, but he listened to her for a rare occasion and opened his mouth.

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