You For Eternity

Chapter 982: Xiaobai, it's you and I willing (15)

Nianxin sat on his lap like a little rabbit, raised her head and looked at him, her eyes clear.

She was wearing nothing except someone else's T-shirt, he understood.

She hugs him like this, her body is close to his, and he can feel her...

And her legs, and her body sitting on his lap...

Even though there is a layer of fabric, the point is still the same: he knows she doesn't wear anything inside.

"Unless... you are not clean in your heart, and you don't really consider me your niece."

"Don't talk nonsense." He avoided her sight.

A little disappointment flashed in Nianxin's eyes.

In fact, I knew it a long time ago, but... I still look forward to a different answer.

"Then it's okay, you just treat me as a child, hold me tight, and get through tonight."

However, his hands were placed on both sides, just tightening the quilt.

I can only sit and sleep tonight.

This is the first time Nianxin is sleeping in his arms. She doesn't care about anything else, anyway, in this small wooden house with only the two of them. At this moment, even the moment before they came, Xiaobai is all alone. of.

Thanks to the cold weather, she can hold him like this as an excuse to put her face on his chest.

If it was normal, he would have pushed her away, but not this time. The cold made the two of them get closer.

She was beginning to be grateful that they fell and had such a unique experience with Xiaobai, otherwise... I am afraid she would not be able to get close to him like this in her life.

Nianxin leaned in his arms and adjusted her posture.

"..." Bai Yujing still closed his eyes, don't look at any indecent, his voice was deep, "Don't move."

With her round eyes open, Nianxin raised her head and looked at Bai Yujing.

The way he closed his eyes reminded her of Tang Seng who was tempted by female **** but tried his best to endure it.

His three heavy words made Nian Xin's heart happy.

At least in his eyes, she didn't really make him so undesirable, except for the identity of a niece, she could make him confused.

Thinking of this, she was satisfied, obediently, and didn't move to cause trouble.

Although she is more willing to have some "trouble", Xiao Bai will find it very troublesome...

That's enough.

"You don't like Lan Ye, this time I return to Jiangchuan, I will tell my eldest brother. Next time you like it, say you like it, and if you don't like it, say you don't like it, don't be arrogant."

"Oh!" She grinned and agreed with a grin, "I like Xiao Bai."


He always taught her this seriously.

"Where did you want to go? That kind of niece's love for uncles!"


Deliberately misled his thoughts, but said he thought too much?

This night is very long, for them who can't find the two of them, it should be even longer.

Nianxin was also very tired tonight, leaning against Bai Yujing's arms and soon fell asleep.

She didn't know how long it had passed. When she woke up again, the oil lamp hadn't burned out, which showed that how long hadn't passed.

She dazedly raised her hand to wipe her eyes, trying to see if Xiaobai was asleep.

He closed his eyes, his lips were a little purple, and his face was even paler, so he was so scared.

"Uncle! How are you, uncle? What's uncomfortable? Why are your hands so cold..."

She touched the rest of his body in a panic, it was so cold that it frightened her.

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