You For Eternity

Chapter 991: Cut off the love thread (4)

"Nianxin?" Bai Yujing called Nianxin's name and kept walking in.

The light in the bathroom was on and the door was hidden. I didn't know if she was inside or not. She stood at the door and shouted a few times. After no response, she put her hand on the door and pushed in slowly.

The Adam's apple rolled.

It is true that the events of the morning are still vivid, making him a little nervous.

Who said that as long as the mind has no distracting thoughts and treats Nianxin as a niece, it will be fine? .

The bathroom door was pushed open, and he was relieved to see that there was no thought in it. There was no one in the living room, so he turned and went to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was also open. As soon as Bai Yujing passed by, he saw the person lying on the bed, relieved.

It turned out to be sleeping.

It seems that I experienced too much last night and I was tired.

Nianxin was lying on the quilt, the quilt covered her whole body, showing only one head.

After turning on the heating, the room is actually warm. She is covered tightly and the room is closed again. Are you afraid of being stuffy?

Originally, Bai Yujing saw that she was okay, and wanted her to continue to sleep and return to his room, but he couldn't help but walked over to the bed.

He sat on the edge of the bed, watching Nianxin's blush flushing, just like it was in the morning.

The next second, he shook his head.

Why is he thinking about it!

There was a bunch of hair on Nianxin's face. When he reached out to lift it away, he accidentally touched her cheek and paused.

Bai Yujing immediately put her entire hand on Nianxin's face, only then did she feel that her face was so hot!

After touching his forehead, it was as hot as an omelet.

"Nianxin?" He yelled a few times before pushing her.

Nianxin was woken up by him after a while, opened her eyes, as if she thought she had hallucinations: "Xiao Bai...Did you come to see me in my dream..."

She smiled and stretched out her hand to touch his face.

"How are you feeling? Is it uncomfortable anywhere? Your face is so hot."

He had to make sure first, whether she was hot or sick after sleeping here for a long time.

"Uncomfortable..." Nianxin repeated his words, holding her face in her hands, blinking, feeling it for a while, and said, "No...not hot..."

"..." Of course you are not hot! Your hands are as hot as your face, can you feel it?

Seeing her confused look, he was not sure if he was really sick.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortable..." She slumped. "My head is dizzy... Am I sleeping too much... How long have I slept?"

"It's twelve o'clock." He looked at the time next to him.

Because I didn't want to see her, I locked myself in the room and didn't let her bother, and used official duties to numb myself. They had been separated for four hours, but they didn't know when she went to bed.

"It's noon... I slept for so long?" Nianxin's eyes also showed a little surprise, "But what should I do if I still want to sleep..."

"Don't sleep."

Bai Yujing lifted the quilt and lifted her up from the bed.

Nianxin was too light for him, and he was immediately held in his arms.

Nianxin looked at the face that was very close to her, and smiled hehe: "I'm really dreaming..."

Xiaobai actually hugged her.

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