You For Eternity

Chapter 994: Cut off the love thread (7)

"Since you are in Haicheng, there is a place where men have to go!"


"Why don't you understand anything? Victoria Entertainment City! You didn't go there, you just came here for nothing! Anyway, the second master will give you a vacation, and your brother will take you to open your eyes.

Zhan Yan frowned: "Victoria Entertainment City? Why haven't I heard of it."

"You only know the second stupid son who is loyal to the second master. What do you know? My brother will take you there. Don't worry, can I sell you?"


Nianxin drank the anti-fever medicine and became sleepy, and Bai Yujing asked her to wait a little longer. Soon, the people at the hotel delivered hot white porridge and some light side dishes.

"You have slept for so long and haven't eaten lunch yet. Let's eat something to fill your stomach."

"I want to sleep..."

I was sleepy when I was sick, but now I have taken anti-fever medicine, and my sleepiness has become even stronger.

"It's not that you are not allowed to sleep, but you must eat something first."

"Eat when you wake up—"

"Bai Nianxin, this is an order, who allows you to bargain?" Bai Yujing's face suddenly pulled down.

Is it because he has been too lenient with her lately and has to retort everything?

Seeing that the bargaining failed, Nianxin was also fierce. The expression in her eyes seemed to be flowing, and she lowered silently, moved with difficulty, and smoothed the porridge on the small table in front of her. Shun.

Bai Yujing: "..."

He wondered if he was serious? She is ill now, it is inevitable to be a little squeamish. Besides, isn't this squeamishness what you are used to?

But he didn't say anything, sometimes it was enough to stop, and sometimes to stop.

It is correct to say that, but watching her eating so obediently, the look in her mind a few minutes ago reminded me of the look that made people very concerned.

She must have known that he couldn't bear her appearance, so she often pretended to be pitiful.

Bai Yujing sat aside, doing nothing, just staring at her.

In my mind, the morning scene reappeared, and I wanted to ask clearly, what happened to his loss of temperature last night and why there is no impression at all?

Speaking of hypothermia, he only had a memory of feeling cold, but then it seemed that he had no consciousness. There seemed to be thoughtful voices echoing in his mind, but he didn't know what it was. When he woke up, he saw it for himself. The scene that arrived.

If she really lost her temperature, her behavior is understandable.

But if not...

It was just this question, but he could no longer ask her.

"I'm finished..." Nianxin turned the empty bowl over for him to check, "Can I go to sleep?"

Looking at the side dishes that hadn't moved much, he said helplessly: "Go to sleep."

He can't force her to eat up all the side dishes, right?

Bai Yujing put away the low table, and Nianxin lay down, and soon fell asleep again.

He drew the curtains to make the room darker so that he could sleep well. He went to the living room himself, fearing that sometimes he would make her call.

About three hours later, Nianxin woke up in a daze. She looked around and slowly recovered her memory.

She is sick, in Xiaobai's room...

She had a dream just now.

I dreamed that my father knew about her and Xiaobai and was furious. He didn't hit her, but he broke Xiaobai's leg and locked him in the room.

So cruel, so bad, is to watch Xiaobai suffer and suffer with her own eyes, which is more uncomfortable and painful than she was beaten.

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