You From The Game

Chapter 61: A gentle little silver dragon

    Harry was placed under house arrest at Su's house.

    Even the teleportation circle is banned.

    Li Rou watched as Harry threw everything that could fall, then pressed down on the table, gasping for breath.

    Hali's state has been very strange these days, seems to be stimulated by Su Yin, and after venting madly, she always mutters Su Liu's name.

    “Su Liu…Su Liu…”

    Li Rou knows who Su Liu is, her husband's sister, the deceased queen.

    "Su Liu—is that you?!"

    Suddenly, Li Rou's collar was tightly grasped, "You're back, right?!"

    Li Rou shook her head: "I'm Li Rou."

    "No, you are Su Liu—"

    Harry pulled her collar fiercely: "You are Su Liu! Say, say you are Su Liu—"

    Li Rou looked into Harry's eyes.

    I don't know if it's an illusion.

    In the depths of those extremely hated eyes, Li Rou seemed to see a bit of painful expectation.

    She was silent for a while, then replied meekly, "I'm Su Liu."

    Sure enough, the more I look at this face, the more similar I feel.

    Su Liu…

    Harry stared at her for a while, "Sister, you lied to me..."


    Li Rou was stunned for a while, and her pupils shrank when she realized the meaning of the word.

    She finally remembered, this face…

    Harry suddenly pinched her neck: "You said you would always protect me! You lied to me—"

    Li Rou: "...Su Li!?"

    This face is that of the Su family. After running away from home more than ten years ago, the child I have never seen grows up!

    Because the two were so close, Li Rou even saw a tiny birthmark behind her ear.

    Harry was dazed for a moment when she heard the title, and then said sharply, "Shut up!"

    "Don't call me that!"

    "Sully is dead!! She's dead-"

    Su Liu lied to her!

    Snatched the position that belonged to her, took the things that belonged to her, and in the name of protecting her, she trampled her into the mud—

    She is dead and her children are demons, she must reunite them in hell!

    Silver Dragon Cult, Silver Dragon Cult—

    "Ugh..." Because of her emotions, she became extremely strong, and Li Rou was pinched so hard that she could hardly breathe. She was cruel and slapped her!


    Harry suddenly widened her eyes, looking at Li Rou for a while, "Ah..."

    "You're not..."

    She covered her eyes and looked a little helpless, "You are not."

    Her voice gradually became vicious and sober: "Yes...she died...I want to take revenge on her child...I want the Silver Dragon Cult to disappear!"


    Harry looked at Li Rou and said softly, "You will die for me, right?"

    Li Rou complied, but because of what Harley said just now, her heart was numb, that right?

    It looks like she's going to check it out.


    Xia Qiu always felt that Su Yin had become nervous recently.

    She looked at the peeled mangoes on the table and felt that she needed to relax her.


    Su Yin: “…”

    She took down the covered mango and looked at the juice on the book she had read halfway through, "Summer-autumn!"

    "It's here." Xia Qiu flicked her tail and said slyly: "Is it sweet?"

    Su Yin washed the mango off her face and pulled her tail: "I think you are going to heaven Xia Xiaoqiu!"

    "I'm bored!" Xia Qiu swayed in her hands, she pulled her hair to fix her body: "I'm going out!"

     "Go out if you want, I didn't stop you."

    Xia Qiu tugged at her hair badly: "I'm so boring, of course I want to go out with you."

    Su Yin's heart suddenly warmed, but she still puffed up her face: "Don't pull, it hurts."

    "Yo, does this hurt?"

    What did you do when you self-harmed?

    Su Yin avoided the heavy and lightly said, "I will feel sorry for me for you."


    Although I haven't been out of the house much since I was recovering, Xia Qiu didn't want to go too far.

    Su Yin took Xia Qiu, avoided the courtyard where Harry was, and strolled around the Su mansion.

    "There is a big begonia plant in that yard." Xia Qiu pointed to the past with interest.

    Su Yin looked at it casually, and said after a while: "That seems to be...the Queen's yard."

    Xia Qiu was taken aback: "Huh?"

    "But it's not the one where my mother lived." Su Yin said, "The Su family used to be in Wangcheng, this yard was built by my uncle imitating the yard before my mother, and everything she had before her death was inside."

    "Since you're here... let's go and have a look."

    Who knew that as soon as one person and one dragon walked to the door, they saw someone coming out of the yard.

    Xia Qiu: "Li Rou?"

    Li Rou was startled and looked up, "...Lord Yinlong? Her Royal Highness."

    "What are you doing here?" Su Yin frowned slightly.

    Li Rou seemed to have been hit by something, and her face was not very good, "This yard has not been here for a long time, I will clean it up."

    She has to go to Halle now...she has to...

    Suddenly a servant came over and said respectfully: "Madam, the master is back and said he wants to invite you over."

    Li Rou's expression froze slightly, and after a while, "Okay."

    She glanced at Su Yin, struggled a little, and finally said, "It will probably be tomorrow night, Her Royal Highness."

    Su Yin's pupils shrank, then fell silent.

    Looking at the back of Li Rou leaving, Xia Qiu asked, "What is tomorrow night?"

    "Li Rou can do divination, I asked her when the second rain will come." Su Yin blinked, "She said it will be tomorrow night."

    Xiaqiu: “…”

    There is always something wrong.

    The two entered the yard, Su Yin told her about her mother, "My mother passed away when I was about six years old... Not long after, my father accepted Harry."


    Su Yin: "I hate her very much."

    "Ah, it's really not good for you."

    The leaves fell from the branches, and Xia Qiu slipped to the top of the begonia tree, "If she was nice to you, would you like her?"

    Su Yin went up to the second floor, leaning against the railing, and frowned upon hearing this: "That's not possible."

    The little silver dragon suddenly rushed in front of her eyes, the dragon whiskers fluttered, and she kissed her face: "That's right."

    "If you like me."

    Su Yin's ear tip was dyed a layer of pink, she said seriously, "Don't compare with her... You are different from her."

    Xia Qiu: "Why is it different."

    She said, "I'm so afraid, you like whoever treats you well."

    Su Yin glared at her: "I'm not that superficial."

    After a while, he said, "You are not good to me, and I will like you too."

    Xia Qiu cheeky: "This assumption is not true, how could I be bad to you?"

    Su Yin snorted twice and snapped her fingers: "You call me ugly, and you murder me, let me be a coolie..."

    She remembers it all.

    Xiaqiu frowned: "Why I'm not good to you, you remember so clearly, I even bought you a skirt to wear! Raising you is about to ruin your family!"

    Su Yin suddenly caught the floating little silver dragon and pecked her forehead.

    "You are so good to me, I have to remember the bad."


    Su Yin said solemnly, "This will give you a reason to bully you."

    Xia Qiu: "..." Do you hear that this is human? !

    However, one person and one dragon didn't play for a long time, and soon someone came over and said that Su Luan wanted to invite Her Royal Highness to come.

    "You go." Xia Qiu lay on the begonia tree, "I'll play here for a while, and I'll be back soon."

    Seeing Su Yin gone, the dog left to speak: "Is your inverse scale good? Why don't you use a humanoid card?"

    Xia Qiu: "It will be troublesome to do things after becoming a person."

    Dog left: "What are you going to do?"

    Xia Qiu sighed and said, "The little princess doesn't want to sign with me, there must be something tricky, and I'm unwilling to find out."

    Dog left: "…"

    Xia Qiu said sadly: "Did she raise her face behind my back for fear of being known by me..."

    Dog left: "You're thinking too much. Hey."

    Xia Qiu ignored it: "I don't know what she's been busy with recently..."


    Harry had a vicious anger in her heart.

    However, halfway through the formation, she suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice: "What are you doing?"

    Harry suddenly panicked, the curse formation in her hand suddenly twisted, she raised her head, and saw a muddy lizard squatting at the closed window staring at her .

    "Go away! Lizard spirit." Harry looked away in disgust and continued to draw his own ghosts.

    Xia·lizard·qiu who rolled in the mud: "…"

    I'm used to it anyway.


    "I think she looks familiar." Xia Qiu looked down for a long time, but couldn't remember where she had seen it.

    Xia Qiu felt wrong: "She..."

    The tail was suddenly lifted from the window, and in a flash, she had been taken to the garden.

    Xiaqiu: “…”

    Su Yin: "Where did you go and throw yourself in the mud?"

    She looked a little disgusted: "It's dirty."

    Xia Qiu's expressionless paw slapped Su Yin's face.

    There was a paw print on the white and tender cheek of the girl.

    Xia Qiu was happy: "Okay, you are dirty too."

    Su Yin: “…”

    Su Yin put Xia Qiu in a gold basin and washed it carefully. The cool water made Xia Qiu roll comfortable. Su Yin looked at the little silver dragon rolling in the muddy water and worked hard. For a long time, she didn't connect with the earthworm.

    It took two buckets of water to wash the little dirty dragon. Before Su Yin could speak, she heard Xia Qiu ask fiercely, "Who was inside just now?"

    Su Yin was slightly startled: "Hali."

    Xia Qiu had an epiphany: "Ah! So she is Harley... I thought..."

    Su Yin: "What do you think?"

    Xia Qiu: "...Nothing."

    Su Yin pulled her dragon horn: "Speak."

    Xia Qiu: "What is there to say, did you start bullying me because you were better than me? You wanted to bully me for a long time, didn't you..."

    The slippery little silver dragon is really unwilling to eat at the slightest loss,

    Su Yin stared at her for a while, and she said, "Are you jealous?"

    Xia Qiu suddenly frowned: "Who is jealous! I am not jealous! Who will eat your jealousy - stop talking nonsense!"

    Su Yin's heart was full of joy, but her face did not change: "Oh, I'm not jealous, I see."

    Xia Qiu: "...Humph."

    After the joke, Xia Qiu said, "Oh yes, I just saw that she seemed to be drawing something."

    Xia Qiu described what she saw.

    Draw something? Is it a curse?

    Su Yin narrowed her eyes slightly.

    Isn't Li Rou ready tomorrow night?

    Su Yin, who knew what the curse constituted, understood that once those formations were drawn, they had to be activated within five hours, otherwise the Silver Dragon Blood would lose its effectiveness.


    Either Li Rou was deceived, or Li Rou was lying to her.

    My mind was changing, but Su Yin complained a little: "She's been crazy recently, who knows what she's painting."

    Xia Qiu didn't think too much, "Oh..."

    Seeing the little silver dragon fluttering in the water, Su Yin's brows softened slightly.

    She will take care of these things.

    It's like she doesn't know how much wind, frost, rain and snow the silver dragon endured to protect the princess in the cave.


    After washing, Xia Qiu and Su Yin walked to the Huxin Pavilion built by the Su family. It is not summer now, and the lotus leaves are glowing with new green.

    Xia Qiu asked, "Why did Su Luan call you just now?"

    Su Yin said: "I talked about the mother."


    "He said that the mother died because of the Holy See." Seeing Xia Qiu's interest, Su Yin did not hide it from her: "The Su family who absolutely supports the king's power has long been a thorn in the eyes of the Holy See."

     "Because the Su family and the royal family have always maintained a relationship by marriage, it is customary to choose a daughter of the Su family to enter the palace as queen."

    Xia Qiu was speechless, "Is marriage so unfree?"

    "No way." Su Yin lowered her eyelashes: "If it hadn't happened like that, I'd probably..."

    Xia Qiu threw the water and threw herself into Su Yin's arms, "You are different from them, you are free."

    The corner of Su Yin's mouth twitched into a smile, her dark eyes filled with tenderness.

    "The Holy See wants to provoke the relationship between the Su family and the royal family, and in the name of Shen Yue, wants to choose the little aunt who was not very important at that time to enter the palace."

    "The little aunt didn't want to enter the palace, she ran away from home, and has never been seen again." Su Yin said, "The queen mother entered the palace for the little aunt, and the assistant was still the boy's father. , I have been fighting wits and courage with the people of the Holy See in the palace, and I don’t know how many poisons secreted by the Holy See…”

    "In the end, she died under the assassination of the Holy See."

    Xia Qiu looked at Su Yin.


    Xia Qiu tilted his head, "What about your father?"

    "My father has always been aware of the conspiracy of the Holy See, but he has no spare energy to resist." Su Yin said, "He is a mediocre monarch without the assistance of his mother. Although he harbors hatred, he also It can only be played between the hands of the Holy See."

    "My father died... I'm probably a little regretful. In this world, there is one less person who truly loves me."

    Su Yin's words stopped abruptly.

    She felt the slightly cold body, hugged her from behind, and the silver hair was gently curved by the wind.

    "Don't be sad."

    Slightly hoarse female voice, with a little tenderness.

    Su Yin's pupils shrank slightly.

    The ear tip was bitten, "I dote on you, Your Royal Highness."

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