Opening his eyes, Tang Hao was immediately surrounded by the feeling of reality. There was no magic, no followers, no Holy Grail. Everything around him was so ordinary... No!

The warm feeling came from his hands, making Tang Hao realize that there was something extraordinary.

Turning his head, he saw the girl's gem-like eyes.

Sure enough... was it successful?

For some reason, Tang Hao didn't have much surprise when looking at Matou Sakura standing next to him. Is it because of his trust in Yakumo Murasaki?

Because of Yakumo Purple's attitude, because Yakumo Purple is the only person who has been in the chat room twice and knows more about the chat room than all of them, so when Yakumo Purple made such a suggestion, even if he said it I don’t believe it, but I am already sure in my heart that sometimes, miracles are so easy.

Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter anymore.

At this moment, he only knew that the three-dimensional and two-dimensional worlds had truly merged.


Perhaps there is no distinction between the third dimension and the second dimension at all. Just like Kaguya said at the beginning, every two-dimensional world is real. Although these worlds are distributed in different planes, they are bound by the same "orbit". "Connected, but ordinary means cannot cross this "track", the only way is through the chat room...


Suddenly, Tang Hao had a flash of inspiration, and an idea appeared in his mind. But when he thought about it seriously, he found that he had forgotten what he had just thought of.

This feeling was familiar to Tang Hao. It was like going to the supermarket to buy something. Before going out, he still remembered what he wanted to buy, but when he turned two streets and arrived at the supermarket, he had forgotten why he came to the supermarket... I believe it. Many people have similar experiences.

I hope I can remember it later.

Tang Hao sighed in his heart, looking at the confused and curious look in the little girl's eyes, he didn't know how to deal with her for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said, "If you are tired, go to bed for a while and take a rest. We’ll talk about what happens next.”

Matou Sakura was very obedient. At Tang Hao's signal, she obediently took off her shoes and lay down on the bed. The continuous changes may have really put a lot of psychological burden on her, and she fell asleep soon after.

At this time, Tang Hao had already sat back in front of the computer excitedly.

Da Ben Dan: It’s about to begin!

After completing the tasks announced by the chat room, every member is looking forward to what kind of functions the chat room will open. Except for Yadou Shen and Ichihika who are temporarily offline due to their own affairs, everyone else is eager to see it. 's waiting.

Dangtang didn't keep everyone waiting for a long time and quickly submitted the task.

[The Lost Legacy Holy Grail piece has been submitted and is being absorbed...]

[Members who complete the task each receive ten points of prestige and one point of bond]

[The Piece of the Holy Grail is absorbed]

[The chat room officially opens the world chain function: as long as the interference value allows, group members with a shuttle value of 100 can travel to the world of any group member in the current group at will, and the time ratio is one to one]

[Shuttle value: The energy value required to travel through the world, initial value is 100, limit value is 100, cannot be upgraded, cannot be improved, the shuttle value is cleared after each time traveling, and will recover slowly after a certain period of time]

[Remark 1: Returning to the world where you are, no shuttle value is required]

[Note 2: When any group member travels through the world, the administrator will be prompted and can forcibly repatriate the group member]

[Official recruitment function is open: When going to an unknown world, any group member authorized by the administrator is eligible to recruit group members. Before recruiting group members, they need to complete the corresponding tasks]

[Chat room exclusive tasks are open: When traveling to other worlds, there is a certain chance to receive exclusive tasks released by the chat room. Complete the exclusive tasks to obtain exclusive invitation cards]

[Exclusive invitation card: You can send a group invitation to any person, and as long as the other person accepts, they can join the chat room]

[Private chat mode is open]

[The prestige system is open: Each group member who recruits a new group member and its authorized administrator will receive five points of prestige. The prestige value contributes to the recovery speed of the shuttle value, the redemption rights in the mall, and the ability to achieve tasks. Unlock]

[The lv1 mall is open: Group members with a prestige value of more than 30 can redeem any prop or skill in the mall. After the exchange, the prestige value will not be consumed, but it cannot be redeemed again]

[The rest of the functions will be opened after the chat room reaches lv2 and more lost legacies are collected]

Looking at the messages on this side, it took the members of the group a long time to come to their senses.

Seventeen-year-old girl: There seem to be a lot of features available this time, and some of them I don’t even know about.

Patchouli go: Previous chat rooms didn’t have this function?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Yes, many of them were discovered by our group members themselves. For example, shopping malls and prestige do not exist at all.

Her Royal Highness: Why is this happening?

Seventeen-year-old girl: It must be the reason for the lost inheritance. I have told you before that I and some of the group members who were close to me at the time have been to many worlds to search for lost heritage, but we have never found it. But now the chat room is actively publishing information about the lost heritage. I always feel that …

Patchouli go: Because Lost Legacy complements the chat room, these functions are opened.

After all, she is a scholar, but Patchouli is still smart.

Da Ben Dan: So, the previous chat rooms were also incomplete? Now we are truly on the right track.

Seventeen-year-old girl: You are not stupid if you think of this.

Da Bendan: But didn’t the group leader at the time say anything?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Group leader? What can it say.

Dabendan: It?

There was a series of question marks below, and obviously others were also confused.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Didn’t I say that? The previous group leader did nothing except attract people and occasionally post a few tasks. He didn't even say a word in the group. It felt more like a chat room than a living thing... A built-in smart system.

Da Bendan: Suddenly I feel like the former group leader is a big ball of light...

Sage Hui: What big ball of light?

Da Ben Dan: The main god of Infinite Style.

Da Bendan: It sounds really similar. It involves traveling through the world, releasing missions, and recruiting new members. Now even the exchange system is out, giving it a complete sense of déjà vu in the main god space. However, compared to the cruel Main God Space, our place is obviously more relaxed, at least we don’t have to worry about being wiped out.

Her Royal Highness: In this case, we don’t need to think too much and just enjoy the new features.

Kaguya can be more relaxed, but that's true. The current chat room has only been upgraded to lv1. Compared with the large group of 100 people mentioned by Yakumo Murasaki before the reset, it is much worse. Now she wants to reveal the truth about the chat room. and secrets are obviously too much, so it is better to ignore them to avoid wasting brain cells.

Among the functions currently available in chat rooms, the most useful one is of course the world chain.

There is no need to consider randomness, and you can freely go to the world where other group members are. Tang Hao immediately thought of Gensokyo!

It’s time to find a way to improve your own strength.

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