You know, I'm not a regular bad girl.

9. Lin Lin, get a woman official (2)

"Why don't you do something about that boring face, Chen-woo?"

Called in a voice containing a sigh, Chenyu looked up all the time.

At the end of his gaze, in the center of the corridor, there is a noble man who flaunts his shoulders, for Christ's sake - Ming.

Unlike when he was in government, he put together his robe and turned this one around in a relaxed manner.

Instead of words, the fierce beauty had an amusing look on its face, but Chen Yu kneels quickly on the spot.

"I'm sorry. I was accompanied by a daily visit to the Huang Qi Palace, and I was sick and tired of feeling it on my face."

"Don't sell fights in an apologetic tone. I'll buy it."

Speaking of shabby, Ming says it back as if it was frightened.

For the relationship between the Crown Prince and Chief Eagle - and his half-brothers - it could be said that their exchanges were inconceivable.

If you can believe the words of Ming, because Chen Woo is the opponent of whom he was "inwardly".

The crown prince of Wing Guo, Wing Ming, excelled in Wenwu and was open and just.

He is a prince among the princes, blessed with his masculine beauty and broad character.

At the moment of his birth, he was told that the dragon's qi had struck all over the capital, and to the seeping of kingship, all around him were affections for love if they were women, and many of them admired if they were men, but such an environment took away from him an interest in people.

They say it's boring.

Because everything is too easy to get.

If this was what other humans had said, Chenyu would have frowned as "arrogant," but having lived nearby for several years as a half-brother, neither he nor Mingqi could understand.

As a matter of fact, the surroundings are drowning too much.

For example, a woman of her age sees herself in Ming, or even leaks a sneaky sigh to a junior woman officer.

Scholars wrap their tongues around their brilliance, and the military teacher glances at the superior martial arts, and at the end of the day, even the magistrates are tempted to distract themselves.

When his mother, Empress Silk Soo, had the Taoist examine him, Ming says that the bleeding of all five houses is a result of which the protection of the original ancestors resides strongly.

Exactly what the king wanted, whatever he did, would be accomplished, and his surroundings were boiling with joy, but the person at the heart, he said, had completely whitened when he heard it.

What the fuck.

Then what doesn't have to be the same -.

Ming's father, Emperor Luzong, is a cold figure, reflecting the thick blood of the Xuan family and its nature in conducting war and water.

On the other hand, Ming's mother, Silk Soo, seemed to be a Woman of the Yellow Family who pioneered the earth and so loved hard work and challenges.

Together, Ming said that his soul wanted a place to show off his abilities, but from the beginning everything was available, and he became depressed as a result and turned a cold eye to the surroundings that crept in.

For him, a woman who raises a sweet voice or a minister who eagerly breaks her knees is the same as a puppet with no personality.

That is why they are not flushed by emotion and can make a fair decision.

However, he was also a strong attachment to the person he had once put into his nostalgia.

Chen Yu left early to his mother, and if he were a minister, he would be sent to the battlefield, because he was exposed to a rather harsh situation, or because he had been a man who had just reached an agreement since childhood, but when he saw it Ming,

"I like those dead fish eyes"

And that's why I liked it.

Later, according to what he said, the blood of his favorite Huang family flowing in the Ming inspired him to want to.

Nonetheless, despite his status as a hereafter, a half-brother who tends to be eliminated, Chenyu has been ensured a safe position and without losing his male function, even if he was adored by Ming and driven to the rear palace by an ill-founded superior officer in the battlefield.

Speaking of the chief eagle, the lower queen is of such a status that the gift is forgiven.

(Though it is also very much used)

Ming adores Chenyu, but the guidelines are good, so of course I won't forget to use him to identify women.

That's how you treasure Tatsuyu, a considerable user, every time you stretch your leg out to the rear palace, you use him as an escort.

I was summoned today to accompany Huang Linglin in his visit, who still lays low to the disease.

Because there were so many items to visit, the point was to carry luggage.

"I don't think I have to go to see anything day after day."

"Say what. She's a precious chick who's been gathered for me. What if I don't see you?"

It is given back as a matter of course, but if this were some other chick, for example, he would have neglected the visit and not even put out a sentence of labor.

Not so long ago, Ming openly prefers Huang Linglin.

"Your Highness didn't seem to like the fluffy poor woman very much, but Lord Huang Linglin is so special."

"Wow. You think Lin Lin is just a poor woman?

If you squeal all blurry, Ming responds with an eyebrow raised. It was fun somewhere.

"She's a woman of the Huang family, with a strong core. It was five years ago, or the first time you hooked me up, you were the first woman who didn't dye her cheeks. I don't want you to insult me."

Speaking of five years ago, will she still be ten?

I also want to argue that just because I hadn't woken up to sex yet, no, indeed, in the case of Ming Ming, it is so rare that even young girls don't send autumn waves.

Even if it was just one act, I didn't know that Ming had "put Huang Linglin inside".

"It's sick and weak, but it's also bullying to try to make it as enlightening as possible around you. I feel like the blood of the Yellow Family wanting to be merciful and spoiled boiling in front of him."

"How are you?"

but Chenyu's gavel is cluttered.

Huang Linglin, who is well-behaved, basically has a thin relationship with eagle officials.

Seeing it is about the time of the ceremony at best, but when it did, Chenyu had no reason to know what he was talking about, such as "the essence of Ling Lin", because Ming is sticking up perfectly.

Then again, in Chen Yu's eyes, Huang Linglin can only be seen as a gentle and delicate woman, as she looks.

(Is such a woman usually the preferred one)

Even then, Chenyu listens lightly to the words of Ming, who speaks in an upbeat and hard mood.

These past few days, she said, are rarely sweet because of how scared she felt at Beggar Festival and how hard the fever is again.

That doesn't make me happy, Ming laughed.

"I can't even get into dragon chi, and the innocence that doesn't bother me is Ling Lin's charm, but I still want to touch the woman I like. Until now, a sweet whisper didn't work at all, and she moistened her eyes. I can't wait."

That's how he sees Huang Qi Palace in love, just the man he falls in love with.

I didn't know what a gavel to hammer, and when Chen Woo was vaguely clouding his words, Ming breathed in jealousy.

"It's about no tension. Are you missing one or two of the women you care about?

"Unfortunately. Perhaps cold blood and the blood of the famous Xuan family are thick."

Tatsuyu's mother is an exotic woman.

The blood of the five houses, of Luzong, the father, all that belonged to the Xuan family, appeared strong.

But when he heard it, Ming shook his shoulder delightfully.

"Say what. Even more exciting, then."


"The water, though it is, is rough at times, and the weir is also pushed away. The Xuan people are cold on a daily basis, but if only they were blessed, they would love and hate them more harshly than the Zhu people. I'm not looking forward to the moment when you always seem bored, scratching your heart and panicking."

He laughed and couldn't believe what he was told, and Chen-woo clapped his shoulders.

Except for Ming, Chenyu has so far known only humans who are frightened or wary of this one, and who use color eyes again.

I couldn't think of anything that would move my mind to such an opponent.

(Oh, but)

Second, it depends on what one woman looks like in the back of her brain.

In a cage, a woman who let her face the beast in a tattoo.

I thought so, she panicked for the rat, and on the other hand she was muddy and grassy, innocently salty.

Arrogant and tyrannical, it should have been all about Tatsuyu's opponents, Zhu Huiyue -.

"In fact, even though I am diluted by the blood of the Huang family" Ha Ye ", when I am hurt by a precious human being, the blood of the Xuan family" Of which "really makes a scene. Seeing Ling Ling like that makes her want to grab Zhu Huiyue's chest, albeit her opponent."

Just as I thought, Ming uttered her name, so I was neat.

"Linglin even in the hospital bed said she cares enough about Zhu Huiyue saying, 'I want you to refrain from excessive sanctions,' but rumors are that that woman is spending time swallowing in Zhu Pawn Palace. Caution is just a name. Oddly enough, I guess I'm using my female officers with good money cuts and intimidation to live the way I've always lived."

It means that even if you behave only softly in front of the powerful, it won't work.

He was, of course, discerning Zhu Huiyue's proud character.

"No -"

On the other hand, Tatsuyu, who actually saw "prudent ahead," argues aggressively.

That was rather a tragic situation, arguably excessive, and I couldn't find one of the female officers on my side.

She did not even deal with the eunuchs in a high-pressure manner, and when she saw Chief Eagle Chen-woo, she did not even try to hold him back.

(... so to put it into words, you're not too credible)

But what a hard story to believe while I was at it, Chen-woo held his mouth.

The change is too dramatic to smell like you, and now I 've made it clear that it would be the mountain of Sekiyama that would be taken if you were acting in a moist manner.

He even says, "Next time you imitate Huang Linglin's monkey, drop his neck."

Bad hearsay is just oil his anger fire.

(Would it be quicker for His Royal Highness to actually see it)

facial expressions, tricks, and a little way to get in time.

It seemed like the only way to share the indescribable discomfort I would have had because I had just dealt with him was to take Ming out to Zhu Pawn Palace.

Nevertheless, whether he intends to fulfill and visit Zhu Pawn Palace, which is so burned with Huiyue hatred.

"Chief Eagle!

At that time, a voice hung from behind him, and Chenyu turned around.

" My apologies, Your Highness. May I present the report to Chief Eagle?"

The Lord of the Voice is a rare and hasty sentence.

When Ming allowed, he quickly rose from his flat face and told Tatsuyu with a lurking voice.

"This is a report from an eagle official with a chick palace. A Baptist Zhu woman saw him head to Zhu Pawn Palace with a short knife in his hand. He said it was a sign of danger, without any constraint."

"Dangerous, what?

"Well... do you still think I'm going to stab someone? I mean, I think I'm gonna go for revenge."

Chen Yu frowned and looked back at Wen Xiao.

"Why not stop on the spot"

"It may come as a surprise to the Secretary, who immediately wields the eagle crest, but hey, many of our eunuchs are in a lower position than junior women! For vague reasons that may be misseen, entering Zhu Pawn Palace is foolish and difficult to question a female official!

"To it," he added, a little hesitant, explaining quickly as frustratingly.

"The Lady of Baptism Zhu turned to the main room where your Lady lives, not the outside of the palace - because it was in a certain direction."

"The eunuch thought that if it was Zhu Huiyue who would be harmed, he could have seen it,?

If Chen Yu lowered his voice, Wen Xiao pressed for silence. That's the answer.

"Already with the beast hunting ritual, Zhu Huiyue is no longer a sinner. The only reason I can't even talk about it..."

"No, Tatsuyu. There is no sin in the eunuch in front of you. I raised the report, and so did the eunuchs."

Chen Yu tried to pack it into Wen Xiao with a chilling voice, but a clear voice blocked it.

23597; clear.

Tatsuyu accidentally irrationalized his discourse.

"Why. What can I do if it's Zhu Huiyue?

"No. If a person in the rear palace thought it was okay to add a private sentence to Zhu Huiyue, that's because my attitude made him do so. Because I, the Crown Prince, hated Zhu Huiyue too much. It's not my fault. It's my fault."

He flatters his shoulders.

Yes, he was, on the other hand, such a callous person of judgment, even driven by hatred.

"... I'm sorry. Too much mouth."

"Fine. It's precious that you cringe and scream."

"No, not that far."

Quickly deny it, but sooner than that, the opponent is turning back on his heel.

"Show me the eagle crest, Chenyu. Don't say hello to Lady Zhu. We'll go straight to Zao and Yao."

Oh, my God, he was about to head to Zhu Pawn Palace.

"Will Your Highness be on his way?

"Sort of."

Ming responds while distorting the edge of his mouth.

"Lin Lin just asked me to stop imposing excessive sanctions, too. If you get caught up in a rub, you should arbitrate as many women as you want, and - if it makes sense to a woman officer, I'll dispose of that woman myself before you get a private sentence or something."

I think the latter is more likely.

He laughed low, adding that he would not love anyone but those who put him within.

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