(Kim Kyung-ja, how will I get out?)

Lily stepped up her nervousness before staring at Zhu Huiyue and Kim Chingjia.

As the crowd pays attention, her husband is smiling like nothing.

"How about that? If you have a heart as rich as a chick in a chick, a goddess of abundance, you don't say anything (...) and we hope you can put it away."

On the contrary, Lily pulled her face apart when she saw her smile and push it around.

(Yeah, I mean, if you're going to show your weight as a husband, accept the return of the intimidating material "Say Nothing")

Even though the atmosphere is only slight, Lily's cold sweat will not stop at Zhu Huiyue, who is stepping into cancer.

No, this is still pretty good, and as a solution, we should have settled into something moderate.

Initially, the woman in Zhu Huiyue's face stared worryingly at the aphid crawling into the pear garden grass.

"Hey, Lily. Do you think Mr. Abrams, who roughs up my precious pear garden, is a good water man? Or an oil attack? Should I go again with my hands clean and bare? Which method does Lily prefer?

Because I've been asking.

"Yes... no, you know, that's just an aphid, isn't it...?


She was laughed at in the tone of rolling the bell, but Lily learned a great deal of impatience.

Take three days from there, 'cause you don't want to take care of it,' cause you know the word "over-defense"? "" No, you've had good thoughts because of 'harassment' too!?, "he continued to persuade," and at the end of the day, in a damned mood,

"I mean, I haven't caught a cold!?

I shouted - I wonder why we have to shelter our enemies so much - but as soon as I heard it, the other person blinked "alas".

"It was. You've been so angry that what I did didn't even happen."

Apparently, I've touched on what matters to her values.

In the end, he returned it and received it without saying anything, so he settled down and welcomed it today.

(Well, from there, it was a lot of trouble...)

Lily thinks just a little faraway.

For the past three days, Zhu Huiyue's woman in the face received fierce special training in her outfit and makeup, which was absurd.

Thanks to you, I think I turned into a lot of beauty while I was there, but still, I'm no match for this woman smiling in front of me.

On admission and now, so much attention has been drawn from the surroundings that I am impressed not to be often tarnished.

(No, more than that... where is Master Yarong?)

Switching his oblique consciousness, Lily sneaked a look at the women holding back behind Kim Ching Jia.

Yarong always hid his face with a circular fan, so he doesn't know his face.

Even junior and senior women originally had few contacts, and Lily had no fellow officers to talk to.

(At least, if I could hear your voice again, you might understand.)

I was just distracted by the content, so I'm not sure I can identify it, but I think it was a pretty classy way of talking.

Then, as if she had heard Lily's thoughts, the ladies with Qingjia began to open their mouths one after the other.

"Oh well. It's a brilliant product, but I don't know how you could have had one of those if you were supposed to be cautious."

"So, it's just a name for prudence, not having a day to bore you with your wealth and abuse the women? Just like before!

Apparently, for the silent Qingjia, it means shooting cover.

I was frowning at the content, but Lily was annoyed because Zhu Huiyue gave me a glimpse here.

"This way?"

That's what the gaze was asking.

No, it shouldn't have been such a quick talk.

Lily only moved her gaze and sent a signal 'No'.

"Good night. It would be an insult to Lady Zhu. I have heard that Zhu Huiyue was indeed cautious by himself."

"But Master Kiyoka. Then why did you get such a fine item?"

"This way?"


Normally, Lily only calmly continued to send signals to her husband before rumbling that she must have been letting herself shrink.

"Hello, didn't you steal it? I've heard someone mourn the loss of a pigeon before."

"This one's different, too."


"Well, that's a possible story! Because, humans, I don't know what I'd do if I was cornered. It must have been a pretty serious life to have only one woman on the sidelines."

"This one's different, too."


Lily is no longer frightened, even in front of the White Rehearsals, who pretend to be a whisperer and continue to attack with disgust.

"And the woman, if you look closely, is not the daughter of a dancer. Look, there was a kid in Zhu Pawn Palace whose face was rumored to be seen there, wasn't there? He looks like he likes colours and has a nice personality. You must have let her steal it."

"This one's different, too."

I didn't even move slightly on the insult, Lily sending the signal, but I frowned when I saw my husband stop moving perfectly.

………… Dear chick... "

"You there"

Zhu Huiyue blocks this call and then turns to the woman of the Golden Family.

Seeing the expression floating there, Lily put her shoulder down.

(He's smiling in front of an aphid!

Apparently, she was still angry with the woman who insulted Lily.

"I think there's been some derogatory remarks about my woman right now."

Until then, Zhu Huiyue, who stood loosely, was suddenly surprised to protest.

He looked like he was in a panic for a moment, but immediately lifted his jaw and leaned back to clear his chin.

"Dear Kiyoka, I just shared my thoughts."

"The way you describe those thoughts is that they may think it's the Golden Family Stream."

However, Zhu Huiyue seals it with a tightness.

She then took a strong look at Kiyoka.

"Dear Kiyoka, I apologize for the intrusion. In the chick palace, chicks and women should also be bonded together in strong bonds so that each queen and daughter-in-law are close to their parents and children. If there was something wrong with the woman, wouldn't you, the chick, have said something?"

The perimeter turns to a clear claim.

To date, Zhu Huiyue has never claimed anything so prestigious.

That, too, is clearly morally correct.

With a Rin glance, she has the style of a chick in a chick.

Everyone looked at her unknowingly overwhelmed and breathlessly.

"Would you withdraw my unfair assessment of my woman? If you can't..."

"Stop, Huiyue"

But there, the voice of restraint hung.

And behold, that is Lady Zhu, who was withholding behind the chamber.

She dyed her tender face red and raised her voice rarely.

"Shame on you. He was ordered to be cautious, but also to take part in the ritual on his thick face, not to mention selling fights to other houses by obstructing the progress of that ritual. How much mud do you care if you put on my face?

"But Lady Zhu, the prudence ordered is already over, and I did not sell the quarrel, I just said that I wanted to discuss it"

"Don't be rational! Anyway, you should step back to the palace already. Before you get any more out of shape...... good, this is advice!

So loud was the voice of the queen, which was daylight and daylight.

Perhaps there is also a calculation to protect Zhu Huiyue's physical appearance as a Zhu family by letting him exactly strangle Zhu Huiyue.

But when he was cried out, he did not let loose, but stared back at Lady Zhu, and eventually opened his mouth.


Exactly, she was Lily, who stroked her chest down relieved that she would pull back too, but to the words that followed, she had wings that opened her eyes a little.

"So if you don't interfere with the ritual, and you don't expose yourself to shame, you can continue talking to Kiyoka."


"Me, I'm going to dance."


Say it quickly, or get up.

Everyone watched her head onto the stage with a surprised look on her face.

Zhu Huiyue was bad at art, shrinking her large body every ritual and floating a humble color in her eyes.

How the hell can she perform a dance that doesn't "expose her shame" after Kim Kyung-ja, who is said to be a famous dancer?

"Dear Kiyoka, It's a promise. If my dance does not tarnish your eyes and you can successfully complete the ritual, we will continue our conversation."


Ching Jia stares seriously at Zhu Huiyue, who does not want to go up to the stage and quietly tells him.

She seemed to put a lot of thought into her cat-like eyes, but eventually lifted the edge of her mouth.

"I get it. If you could perform a dance that would satisfy the Goddess of Abundance,"

"We will try."

At the end of the exchange, the two chicks switch places.

On Zhu Huiyue, kneeling in the center of the stage, a woman from the Golden Family handed her a bell cane.

This special cane of prayer for abundance is commonly used by all chicks in the family.

However, the moment Zhu Huiyue received the wand, the anomaly occurred.

- Shirala!

A bell attached to the cane came off simultaneously.

The bells that were tied loosened one after the other, scattered all over the stage making a shitty noise.

Apparently, the golden lady cut a thread on her stomach.

"Jin Qing Jia Palace"

"No, Chief Eagle. I didn't tell you anything."

Kiyoka quickly insists on Tatsuyu, who narrowed her eyes to blame.

But his eyes, like a forged metal blade, floated in a cool colour, staring at the woman.

"I am the daughter of the Golden House, who honors beauty and knows what pride can be. Everyone on this occasion must know that my dance satisfies the goddess more than anyone else in the chicks, even without this kind of small work. Those who cannot speak of it will not be in the Golden House."

This means that the woman who tries to pollute the stage and drive her enemies into distress is "no longer a Golden Family person".

Throwing a stone at an ugly dancer is unforgivable, not to hinder the dance itself - however clean, but on a scale not readily apparent to others, the woman apparently touched it.

"Oh, um... uh, Dear Kiyoka..."

The female officer, aware of the faintness, fades away.

The room was filled with tension in Russia, but there, accidentally, a soft voice sounded.

"Thank you very much."

Quietly smiling and undertaking so, what a Zhu Huiyue person ruined the bell cane.

"Master Kiyoka is a clean woman who doesn't like small work. I'm sure this was an accident."

"But," she stood up when she gently rolled the stick, which had been cut off, onto the edge of the stage.

"Unexpected is ominous. There must be no disturbing elements in the ritual dedicated to the goddess. So let's turn it into a disturbing dance."

Thus, he pulled out the scarf, Hiraki, which was wrapped from shoulder to hip, and made it flicker and crawl into his arms.

"Zhu Huiyue Palace...?

"What the hell?"

"Pray that the goddess of abundance smiles on the autumn day to come"

The surprised Qing Jias, when she bows her eyes in arch, will she state the mouth that signals the beginning of the performance?

The next moment, when the tone of "Shige" began to sound,


Those who were there breathed in unison.

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