"-... n"

Ling Lin slowly woke up to the sunlight she felt behind her eyelids.

(Is this...?

As she is accustomed to passing out, she explores, very unconsciously, her surroundings and her own physical condition and handily grasps the current situation.

(Oh...... Yes, I did, I did, you fell on the range. It's already morning...... no, is it near noon)

Apparently, the sun had already climbed quite high and I was now lying on a bunk made of knitted grass by Zhu Pawn Palace Zuo.

Right next door, Lily is stretching out onto the floor in a neat shape.

Lin was surprised and hung up with only her neck rounded.

"Um... Lily? Are you all right, sir?

".................. uhh"

Lily then lifts her lid to resentment.

When you get up in a relaxed motion, you stay blue-faced and say, "You're awake. Good," he muttered.

It was supposed to feature a tiny adorable eye, but now, underneath it, the neighborhood floats snugly.

"Duh, what's wrong?

"Hi there..."

When she was worried, Lily looked away and buried her face in both hands at the next moment.

"You know, it's okay to be good, but just stop being impotent and worrying people. Especially winter snow!

"And what's the winter snow?

This is what Lily said to Lin Lin, who asks at any moment.

After Lin Lin passed out, Lily and Winter Snow both decided not to call a pharmacist, but to bring her to a place where she could calm down immediately, she said.

Because Lily insisted that she didn't know what the detachment would expose the replacement, and it wouldn't be Lin Lin's intention to make things bigger.

But here, between Lili trying to return to Zao and the winter snow trying to take her back to Huang Qi Palace, the odds erupted.

Lily pointed out that if you take him to the Huang Qi Palace or something, it will definitely matter, but Winter Snow is a cool face saying, "I was told not to kill him, but the fact that there was a pest is in itself not important or anything".

Lily cut off the power of the lead woman relentlessly, trying to push things forward, and said, "You look like you're gonna obey me and get rid of the beetles! Look, you, you'll definitely hate Master Lin later!" And when they cried out, the winter snow eventually broke, and the two of them carried Ling Lin into their holdings.

"That's a big inconvenience..."

"No, this is where annoyance comes from"

The winter snow, distracted by the midnight darkness and reached Hidden Zo, ceased to be so blurred.

And when Zhu Huiyue and himself, who drove him to this situation, could once again roar hatred and penance, he turned back to Huang Qi Palace with tremendous momentum, and continuously brought in superior condiments.

"... alone?

"Yeah, I think it's just the bottom of my heart, but I brought it all in by myself so the other ladies wouldn't know."

Lily then sighed, pointing to the cuckoos and appearances placed in the corner of the zodiac, desks, chairs and mirror benches, etc.

"It's just that I just got attached to the pattern change."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm the only one sleeping."

"No, further annoyance is after this"

To Lin Lin, who apologizes, Lili continued with a set eye.

Fitted with an overnight patterning and exhausted, Lily chased away the winter snow on the grounds of banning other houses from entering.

So it was peaceful for a moment or so, so I was able to get some sleep, but around dawn, it was very noisy outside.

When I left the store, there was a winter snow that was finished loading the earthen sac and stirring the paint of lead dan on the side.

"What are you doing!?

"I heard that, me too. Then Winter Snow said that he missed the walls."


"The premises of each palace up to the walls where the precious colors of each house were painted. Next to this collection, the original fence - the border with the Blue Family, but since the lead dan there has already been stripped off, this cannot be called a boundary. Therefore, now that this wall painted with lead dan is the edge of Zhu Pawn Palace, and this collection does not belong to Zhu family or Blue family, it is the same public space as the chick palace, that's what Winter Snow says."

To unscrupulous logic, Ling Lin roared.

Apparently, winter snow moved one of the walls just to claim that if it was a public space, it was free to come and go.

"What a lot of strength and guts… that's winter snow"

"No, I'm impressed!?

Anyway, so winter snow hasn't hesitated to enter this collection, which became a "public space" since.

She came to see how things were going in less than four and a half minutes, and said, "How's Ling Lin feeling?", "I need a cloth to change her hand wounds." "I need this fresh water for the water bath when she wakes up." "It's my favorite seasoning." "It's a treat." "It's a hair decoration." And every time she wakes up, she slaps Lily asleep.

Because of her work as a female officer, winter snow stopped coming from the time of the morning, but now she got the courage to see Lady Zhu Gui without her permission, and even Chief Eagle, Qingjia of the Kim family came to see how things were going.

"Each, 'Bezu, I'm not worried about Zhu Huiyue, and I just wanted to show him the bad girl that she fell down because she didn't look good, but it's not in her physical shape to come with her bare hands,' is what I was brought over there with the excuse,"

Fluffing with lack of sleep, Ling Lin couldn't help but voice Lili pointing to the corner of Zuo.

"Lily, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. And then I will sort it out, and I will write a thank-you note, so Lily lay down. Shall we prepare even steamed hand tufted?

"Nah, the injured man is trying to get medical attention!? I'll tell you what, your hand, from the standpoint of Winter Snow, is two weeks of full treatment, right? Because you are my job today to sleep without anything!

but instantly, I'm embarrassed by Lily herself with her amazing shape.

(... I can't solve it)

I wondered why people end up worrying about me, just like before, when I thought I'd gotten an identity and body that wouldn't worry me from anyone.

Ling Lin bit the ruthlessness of the world.

"In the meantime, I understand that thanks to Lily for preventing the winter snow storm, we don't have to take care of it. Thank you so much."

Even though she has complicated thoughts, Lily distorts her mouth like a bump when she corrects her residence with a proper thank-you.

"No, that's because I can't be safe as a member of the Zhu family when things become public. It's for protection."

"That's not..."

There won't be, it's hard to say.

It was the killing that kept me in mind, but Winter Snow seemed to hate Zhu Huiyue quite strongly for carrying out the replacement.

If she, for example, told the Empress or Ming the truth, things would matter immediately, and if she hit badly, the Zhu family would be cut off.

"Honestly, ladies and gentlemen, love is so heavy... I never thought of you as loving people. It's my fault."

Ling Lin dropped her sigh with a distant eye.

"At first, I thought that even if things were revealed, the Huang family would be able to finish with one bitter laugh of" Ha ha, you're in trouble "..."

"How gutsy are the perceptions, the Huang family?

Lily no longer passes through a sigh and has a dry laugh.

and then there was the sound of a knock on Zao's door, and the two looked at each other all the time.

"Is it winter snow?

"No, that beating isn't the same way"

"... what are you so untrained in a short time, Lily?

Reluctantly Ling Lin pointed out that when Lili opened the door carefully, what an eagle chief Chen Woo was there for.

"Are you awake?"

He walks into the zoo like he knows perfectly well.

The ointment kettle was gripped because it was a sympathetic product in the hand.

"It's an ointment that samurai love to use to relax their muscles. The effect is Xuanjia Ink, so you should use it safely."

"That's the... thank you"

Ling Lin receives it as a favor.

The past few days have been a little strange about the approaching eagle chief.

(Master Eagle has heard rumors of a ruthless worker... and if so, have you come to detect the circumstances of this replacement)

If it was the beginning of the replacement, I might have sued the circumstances and hoped to resolve the matter, but now that I am convinced that it will be important as it is, I want to avoid being informed of the replacement by Chenyu.

Lily beside him also perceived herself stiffened by nervousness, and Lin strained her mind.

"... how are you feeling after that"

"Thanks to you, we are well on our way to recovery. Anyway, I've been very, very sturdy since I was born. Yeah."

Subtle, I try to make an appeal that I am not a sick Huang Linglin.

"Right," Chenyu nodded, squeaking pompously.

"... worried"


"I doubted the sanity of a woman who would carry on her elusive bow until night, even a man"

(... what if it means you're worried about your head)

Ling Lin held her breath and watched Chenyu's trends.



"It was a beautiful shot. It was nasty, but the dance was brilliant."

To her abrupt praise, Ling Lin blinked her eyes with her pussy.

"... it is, in the extreme of pleasure, you know...?

What if this is an advanced bargaining technique that tells you to flatter your opponent and step into the truth at once?

But when Tatsuyu frowned in its shaped form, he covered his mouth with one hand, "What?"

"When I get in front of you, I'm struck by the feeling that I don't know what to talk about. What is this?"

………… What is it? Is it a form of mental disorder… "

I don't know what to do as Ling Lin to discuss my physical condition without context.

As a person bright to herbal knowledge, Linglin withdrew her thoughts for a moment, worried that she should consult in detail, but Lily, the first to do a glimpse, was attracting her face with an indescribable look.

Not much right now, you shouldn't talk to Chief Eagle.

I don't know what makes me blurry.

Often an awkward silence fell into the vault, but eventually, Chenyu opened his mouth again.

"Zhu Huiyue"


"Recently, I've been worried about you."

(Is it still a flash of temper here!?

Ling Lin sneaked a cold sweat into a statement that came to the core at once.

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