He was half kneeling at her feet, slender and beautiful fingers were smeared on the wrist with ointment. He felt a cool feeling in his heart and forgot the pain for a moment.

Liu Hai'er in front of his forehead covers his expression at the bottom of his eyes.

For the first time in history, he was so gentle to her that she even felt like she was living in a dream.

"Anxia, you don't have to care what others say. The past is over. What matters is you, you..." At this point, he suddenly said, "just come back."

He can't expect too much now.

He also forced himself not to care about her past. He had lost her five years and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

Anxia understood what Lu Yunzhou meant, and he didn't believe her.

He also thinks he eloped with Jiang rongbai.

Anxia immediately drew back her feet, took out a pen and paper and wrote the reasons clearly on it. She wanted to explain to him the reason why she had escaped from marriage. She wanted to tell him that she had never had sex with Jiang rongbai.

She wrote very quickly, and the tip of her pen was still shaking. She unconsciously wrote several wrong words and was eager to explain to her. However, in the middle of her writing, Lu Yunzhou drew out her pen.

"Anxia, the past is in the past, there is no need to mention it again."

He guessed that she might be trying to explain.

But he did not have the courage to accept, even to see her write half of the courage.

He was afraid to hear her talk about her love affair with Jiang rongbai.

He held her wrists in his big hands and kneaded them gently. His tone was very light, as if he was describing the past in a plain way: "it doesn't matter. I don't care who you used to be with or who you used to like."

"It used to be my fault. I really didn't know you were pregnant and almost killed you. I was wrong. I really knew it was wrong. When I thought I strangled you, I almost collapsed and wanted to die with you. Later, when you were in a coma, you said let me let you go. You don't know how much determination I made to let go. Later..."

He whispered, and didn't care if she would respond, and she couldn't.

"You can't have children, and I don't want you to have children for me. My heart will be our only child in the future."

Although he was mad with jealousy in his heart, he had already died once. He also knew exactly what he wanted. If he had to show weakness to get her attention, he was willing to be the one who showed weakness.

"Anxia, I just want a home. It was you who told me to be my family. Why did you Why break your promise? "

The hand holding her wrist suddenly did not move: "you even cheat me, why don't you cheat me to the end?"

His words are very light, but like a small stone hit the water, set off countless circles of waves.

Anxia's heart speeds up violently, and suddenly there is an illusion that Lu Yunzhou likes her.

Even more than five years ago.

But is it possible?

Anxia has many questions in mind.

If you like me, what's the matter with Xu Yuanyuan?

Why say you like Xu Yuanyuan?

Why were you with her five years ago?

Have you cooperated with Xu Yuanyuan to sell me as goods?

Do you love me or just want to vent my physical desire?

But now she is a mute, can only cling to the sheets, nothing asked.

He held her little white foot and gently kissed her instep: "Ansha, can you give me another chance to start again?"

His voice and action is so gentle, gentle let her sink in at once, how can't think of a refusal.

Lu Yunzhou, do you like me or not?

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