Isheng came up to Lijia, pinched her chin, and then said with a smile:

"Dear, do you want to discuss the birth process of life?"

"Very interesting."

When Lijia heard Isheng's words, the corners of her mouth twitched.

"let me go lsp"


"Don’t use the power of the world if you can."

"If you have the ability, let me go and have a good fight."

Li Jia condemned Isheng's behavior.

What kind of man is it to force others?

If you have the ability to fight

, Isheng immediately smiled when he heard her say this.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Lijia frowned, and she suddenly fell silent. Want to fight with Isheng?

It seems not bad?

Thinking of the oath she made when she was young.

Lijia slapped Isheng away, and her eyes suddenly became serious

"Let's have a fight"

"If I lose, I can be your woman"

"You can't even win against me, you have no right to be my man."

This time, Yi Cheng suddenly became happy.

"Yo, is there still such a condition?"

"you sure?"

Li Jia nodded.

She stood up directly, then stared at I Cheng extremely seriously and said:

"That's right"

"I'm serious"

"Although I know you are strong, even stronger than me"

"But, I still have to try it"

"If you lose, I can give you the chance to pursue me"

"If you win, then I'm yours."

Although she was speechless about Isheng, a guy with no moral integrity.


, Rika was still very serious. She wanted to have a fight with Isheng.

Moreover, she might not have no chance of winning.

When fighting in the dimensional world, who would lose? There is still a chance of winning.

Moreover, if Isumi really wins her, then what if she becomes his woman?

After so many years, there is no one who is worthy of her, right?

Other single digits?

Not death Otakus are scumbags, old men, and ugly men.

And Yi Cheng barely fits her taste.

He is probably the only one.

After Yi Cheng heard this, he immediately laughed.

"If you think so"

"Then let’s go"

"Go to the dimensional world."

After saying this, Isheng dodged and disappeared from the place.

Seeing this, Liga also disappeared from the place not to be outdone.

They followed them to the outside of the dimensional world.

When Isheng came here, he directly took out A bracelet was thrown into his own world.

The next moment, a golden barrier unfolded. In an instant, his world was enveloped.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lijia's eyes when she saw this scene.

"Props from other worlds"

"Do you have any skills?"

"Have you found a way to other dimensional worlds?"

Yicheng shrugged.

"you guess?"

When Lijia heard this, veins popped up on her forehead.

"Guess your sister"


"let's start."

After calming down her emotions, Lijia directly raised the staff in her hand and launched an attack on Isheng. Densely packed magic arrays appeared directly behind her.

Then one by one the planets began to appear. Taking shape.

It was like complete worlds were half created in an instant.

Yi Cheng raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

This woman is a bit ruthless.

Such an attack is equivalent to directly summoning countless worlds to hit people.

Magic If you can play to this level, you can only say that you are the origin of Lijia's magic!!

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and tips.)

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