"No, brothers, I thought, I was just pretending in the live broadcast room. But when this video came out, it seems that I have to prove myself, right? Otherwise, everyone will say that I, Grandmaster Su, am a fraud by relying on technology, and it will not be good for my reputation if I tell others about it."

The comments were all happy.

This kind of plot is like in a novel, where the villain attacks the face and then the protagonist is ready to slap him in the face.

Although the protagonist is not himself, everyone is happy to watch it.

It's fun.

[Slap, must slap hard in the face. ]


The popularity of Wudao Yongchang has already created the necessary conditions for the realization of "Wanhua Jue".

Among Su Wei's family heirlooms, this set of "Wanhua Jue" is the most special.

Wan is an approximate number, Hua is an effect, and one word includes all the Taoist scriptures in the world.

From the design concept point of view, this set of skills has the potential to transcend martial arts. In martial arts novels, those skills that touch the threshold of cultivation can also be "transformed".

This set of skills can be said to be used even at the beginning of Xianxia.

Because of this, Su Wei was worried that the more than one million fans in the live broadcast room could not support its credibility.

Letting Jia Quan expose himself was just a lead arranged by Su Wei. He needed an excuse to let his self-proof go out of the Dousha platform and into the public eye.

If there is no hot spot, create it yourself. If there is no controversy, create controversy yourself.

There is no need for a reason to pretend, but if you want to pretend to be eye-catching, it is still more skillful.

You can't force people to come and watch you pretend, but you have to make them interested before pretending...


Xiajing at the end of May has gradually had a summer atmosphere. The highest temperature of 26 degrees allows tourists on both sides of Qiuyu Lake to feast their eyes occasionally during the intervals of lake tours.

After all, Xiajing can be regarded as a tourist city, but Su Wei has been here for many years, but has never been there properly.

In fact, "travel interest" is generally only there when life pressure is not too great.

In his previous life, Su Wei's biggest wish was to be a landlord, holding 30 house deeds in his hand, and his daily job was to collect rent from one household.

But then he thought, sometimes a month has only 28 days, and sometimes it has 31 days, so it would be better to change it to 365.

It's all dreaming, so it's better to have a big dream.

However, he didn't expect that when that dream was within reach, he had an even more outrageous dream.

"So beautiful."

Du Xiaoying was wearing her junior high school uniform today. After all, it had been five or six years, and it was washed quite old.

Su Wei never understood the girl's brain circuit, but he didn't dare to ask.

Hua Rong followed the two of them with a camera, keeping a suitable distance, absolutely professional.

After hearing Du Xiaoying's subconscious admiration, Su Wei showed a trace of nostalgia on his face:

"I used to think that if I had a computer, I could see the mountains and the world while sitting at home. Until one day I went to the beach by chance, I realized that the magnificence of nature is far from being described by a single lens. Later, I went to many places, stepped on the sea of ​​clouds and watched the sunrise at more than four o'clock, watched the endless grassland under the colorful sky, and drilled through the cave full of stalactites. If there is a chance, I can take you to see it."

Du Xiaoying looked yearning and envious, without thinking much.

But Su Wei's words were broadcast through the live broadcast room without missing a word.

"Didn't he go to college in Xiajing after he came out of the orphanage? When did he become so knowledgeable? Is he bragging?"

Thanks to the huge reward from the big boss of [Fat Cat Story]! Thank you for your support!

126. Chapter 126 Wanhua Jue, start!

Chapter 126 Wanhua Jue, start!

It's not the season for lotus to bloom yet, but it's almost there.

The lotus leaves in Qiuyu Lake reflect a pool of clear spring water, and occasionally you can find a hint of light pink tips hidden in it.

Du Xiaoying's eyes suddenly lit up, and she pointed at the lake and exclaimed:

"Look, a live duck."

Su Wei was feeling about life, but was suddenly interrupted. He had to look in the direction Du Xiaoying pointed with a black line on his forehead.

Xiajing's ducks are famous all over the country. Of course, we are talking about animals here.

Here, you can eat all kinds of duck dishes.

There is a saying that no duck can fly out of Xiajing alive.

There are still many ducks in the pond, but I don't know if these are landscape ducks or meat ducks raised by people.

Su Wei glanced around with a sly look, and there was no one nearby who looked like the owner of the duck.

"Stand here and don't walk around. I'll go catch a duck and ask Aunt Lan to make two hard dishes when I go back."

After saying that, Su Wei glanced at the barrage. Sure enough, the gangsters found new fun.

[Yaya: Who the hell did I offend? ]

[I went to catch a duck. The scenic area management staff never thought that the duck in the water could be stolen. ]

[Do you think Su Shen wants to catch a duck? This is called, the drunkard's intention is not to drink. ]

The old audience in the live broadcast room can see that Su Wei is forcing an excuse to go into the water, but this does not prevent them from doing things.

Su Wei looked up and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so...

Well, the moment he went into the water, he would inevitably become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Someone jumped into the river, jumped... F*ck!"

"What the hell? Filming a movie?"

"Master Su, it's Master Su, I saw the real person! Come on, go and ask for an autograph."

Su Wei crossed one arm across his chest and put one hand behind his back, running towards the duck, leaving a series of shallow ripples behind him.

The sound of the national quintessence like the raging waves suddenly rang out by the Qiuyu Lake.

Many people who are interested have taken out their mobile phones to record the dramatic scene of Master Su stealing the duck.

Su Wei went quickly and came back quickly. Not long after, he appeared by the lake with a fat duck in his right hand.

When the nearby tourists saw it, they gathered here.

"Look, it's caught."

Du Xiaoying looked at Su Wei's smug look and was a little speechless.

"Brother Su Wei, how about we release the duck? People in the live broadcast room say you stole the duck!"

"No, these people are paying attention to the wrong thing. Can't they see my heroic figure floating on the water with my iron palm? Besides, how can I be considered stealing? At most, I just picked up a wild duck that no one wants."

Su Wei glanced at the barrage. These people who were just having fun knew that Su Wei wanted to show off. They deliberately didn't mention the matter of Qinggong. Instead, they were discussing whether picking up a duck in the scenic area was considered stealing.

There are still many tourists in Qiuyu Lake. When Su Wei returned to the shore, there were already many people standing next to Du Xiaoying.

One of the teenagers who looked like a student, after hearing what Su Wei said, immediately said:

"Brother Jing, the great hero, has also picked up chickens from farmers' houses. It is reasonable for Brother Su Wei to pick up a duck. How can we, martial artists, be considered stealing?"

Su Wei was stunned for a moment. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether the teenager was speaking in a positive or negative way.

However, this statement is a big problem.

He linked martial artists with stealing, which is a fundamental denial of ancient martial arts.

This argument sounds like it believes that martial arts is the root of social chaos, which makes Su Wei a little unhappy.

"Forget it, I'll set a good example. Otherwise, others will think that martial artists will definitely break the rules."

Su Wei let go, and the duck regained its freedom, fluttering its wings in a hurry, half flying and half running back to the river.

The boy seemed to hear the unhappiness in Su Wei's words, waved his hands and hurriedly explained:

"Su Shen, I don't mean that, I'm your fan."

After a slightly stumbling explanation, the boy hesitated for a moment and said, "Can you sign an autograph for me?"

I didn't expect that I really misunderstood him.

Su Wei smiled and replied, "There are people who want autographs from me. It seems that I have to wear sunglasses and a cap when I go out in the future. Sorry, little brother, I didn't bring a pen."

The boy showed a trace of disappointment on his face, but it didn't last too long. He turned and said, "Then, Su Shen, can you V me 500 yuan to get a dick?"

This little brother seems to be a real fan, and he even said slang.

Su Wei smiled awkwardly and had to refuse, "It seems that in your heart, my autograph is more valuable than 500 yuan. I'm quite happy, haha! However, I can't invite you to get a dick. There are so many people. If I really V you 500, I'm afraid I can't get away today."

The boy's face brightened, and he didn't dare to say more.

Su Wei stepped forward and patted the young man on the shoulder, put something in his hand, and said:

"Thank you for speaking for me just now. I'm embarrassed to refuse you twice in a row. Before the dick left, he left me a big gift, so I'll borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and give it to you. I'm leaving now. See you again in the future."

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