The more you put a lid on something, the easier it is to be criticized.

Su Wei finally felt the indescribable feeling of frustration.

Originally, this kind of thing should focus on "whoever claims it, who gives evidence."

But once it becomes a public opinion incident, it will become "dog capital, quickly prove your innocence."

The root of the problem is that Su Wei cannot prove his innocence.

You say your product does not cause cancer, show us the evidence.

But what evidence can there be for this thing? If it doesn’t cause cancer, it means it doesn’t cause cancer!

Now Su Wei is not the only one who is disgusted by this incident. Shen Haoyu is one, Wang Weijian is one, and relevant interest groups are all eager to catch the instigator behind it and cut them into pieces.

Shen Haoyu sighed and wanted to say some words of comfort, but found that he didn't know where to start:

"Oh, forget it, let's leave it at that. We'll wait until the results of the investigation come out."

After hanging up the phone, Su Wei had time to pay attention to the news that Shen Haoyu said.

Not surprisingly, they are all soft-text posts and very subjective.

It’s commonly known as telling stories.

Just find a patient who developed cancer after using Black Jade Liangyi Cream, use his personal experience as a template, make up a short story, and then use words to point the finger of cancer at Black Jade Liangyi Cream.

After a cursory scan of the most popular posts, Su Wei discovered that the prototypes of these posters were from people from all over the world.

This group of people seems to be in a hurry to bring down Gu Fang.

However, the larger the sample size, the more clues will be left. It will not take long for Wang Weijian's investigation results to be released.

After rubbing his head, Su Wei called Li Guangli again and asked about the situation.

However, although Li Guangli was eating this bowl of rice, he did not have the kind of dominant influence. He was confused when asked, and an angry Su Wei shouted, "What do you want from you?"

Although the public relations skills he had learned reminded Su Wei that it was best not to show up until everything came to light to avoid becoming the target of conflicts, Su Wei glanced at the dark green pills in his hand and knocked on the door of the studio.

In order to prevent physical bugs in ancient prescriptions, Su Wei's prescriptions were recorded step by step based on his own pharmaceutical steps.

Since the formula for the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill can appear in the live broadcast room, Su Wei naturally has the finished product in his hands.

It's not Su Wei's character to avoid the limelight.

I have no problem, why should I hide?

"Brother Su Wei, you are here."

In the live broadcast room, Du Xiaoying was also a little haggard.

Su Wei glanced at the live broadcast screen. The popularity was not much higher than that of the Olympic Games, and the free barrage was really a "disturbance".

The live broadcast room that used to be the "No. 1 Harmony among Shark Shakers" has long since ceased to exist.

A live broadcast room with millions of real viewers cannot be blocked even if dozens of room managers are found.

The only consolation is that at least the words of those colorful barrages about large purchases are quite heart-warming.

Most of these comments are from Su Wei's loyal fans, and in Guo Heizi's group, I haven't heard of any group members suffering from cancer. In fact, this in itself can explain part of the problem.

Most rich people cherish their feathers. Even if they wanted to criticize Su Wei, they couldn't do it in person, especially on Su Wei's territory and start a fight with the hordes of colorful barrages.

Su Wei smiled and teased Du Xiaoying: "What, do you think it's getting more and more difficult to go to work?"

Du Xiaoying has been attacked all the time recently, and Du Xiaoying is so aggrieved that she doesn't know who to talk to.

She wanted to talk to Su Wei, but these barrages were all about scolding Su Wei. She was just implicated, so she went to complain to Su Wei, which seemed like she was complaining.

This is my sister's fault...

Du Xiaoying could not bear Su Wei's teasing.

"Yes, these first-level accounts are so outrageous that Xiaoying even wants to limit the level of speaking."

Level speech is like the fan value speech of You have to spend a certain amount in the live broadcast room before you can speak.

Being able to force Du Xiaoying to want to play with permissions shows how chaotic the current live broadcast environment is.

146. Chapter 146 Call me Su Shen!

Chapter 146 Call me Su Shen!

Regarding whether strangers are more kind or malicious, several brave ladies in foreign countries have tried.

The final conclusion, without exception, is the overwhelming victory of malice.

This is still in real life offline.

And online, with the protection of a mask, this kind of malice will be amplified countless times.

After the soft article that Black Jade Liangyi Cream caused cancer spread, it instantly aroused the fear of a large number of users.

Since these soft articles did not provide concrete evidence to prove that those cancer patients were caused by Black Jade Intermittent Cream, out of trust in Su Wei, Wang Weijian did not arrange for anyone to suppress public opinion. He simply asked Shen Haoyu to issue an "under investigation" "instruction of.

Of course, this is also to worry about the backlash caused by suppressing public opinion, and also to avoid damaging credibility.

After chatting with Su Wei, Shen Haoyu felt confident and didn't even close the comment area of ​​Black Jade Liangyi Cream.

I don’t know how much moisture there is in the one-sided abuse in this comment area.

Even those who were willing to have a rational discussion were so criticized that they were too lazy to reply.

The protection of the Internet allows "idiots" to avoid direct threats of force, so they naturally don't need to think twice about what they say. It is a complete waste of time to defend against these people.

Seeing that Du Xiaoying was a little angry, Su Wei smiled and handed over an iron box:

"Here, take one pill a day before practicing. There is about three months' supply here. I will give it to you after you finish it."

【Fuck! Question bank! 】

【I want it too, I want it too! Give me a whole portion too. 】

[Su Shen won’t stop selling medicine because of the pace of the Internet, right? 】

[Where’s Guo Heizi, come out and do some personnel work and straighten out the Internet atmosphere! 】

[How could Guo Heizi have that kind of ability? He set up an anti-cyber violence group and was scolded and disbanded within two hours. 】

As soon as Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill was released, colorful floating screen barrages instantly filled the screen.

The red envelopes Su Wei sent out in the live broadcast room, leaving aside the elixirs, have exceeded ten figures, and the average amount is at least several thousand per person.

Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room has a tradition of giving gifts to fulfill wishes after receiving red envelopes. These colorful floating screen barrages are all supported by Su Wei's attention. The trend of barrages is obviously different from free barrages.

This wave is called a "dimensionality reduction attack."

Su Wei sat down, adjusted the camera happily, cleared his throat, and put on a posture of "I'm going to start showing off."

Many loyal fans also knew that Su Wei was preparing to respond to the cancer-causing rhythm on the Internet, so they all entered the "watch the show" mode.

"Ahem! I found that there are many new viewers in the live broadcast room, and everyone is quite angry. Today, I will respond to the cancer-causing issue of Black Jade Liangyi Cream that everyone is more concerned about."

"Of course, although everyone is scolding me, not everyone may know me. Let me introduce myself first, so that you can also know what the hell I am scolding."

Hearing Su Wei's self-deprecation, the floating screen barrages were all happy, but for this kind of clever behavior, the free barrages obviously didn't buy it.

Su Wei ignored them and just introduced himself:

"I, Su Wei, you can call me Su Shen, or you can respectfully address me as the Godfather of Ancient Martial Arts. Many of the first-level accountants who spit shit in the live broadcast room must have just practiced martial arts recently, right? There is no doubt that you are using The Shenzhi Huanqi Pill that you can use to feel your inner strength was created by me. The martial arts tutorial video you watched in the training room was also shared by me. Did you see that Su Wei? ”

After Su Wei finished speaking this paragraph, the rhythm of the barrage suddenly stopped.

Those who surf the Internet are young people who have a strong ability to accept new things, and those who come to the live broadcast room to curse people are even more idle young people.

It is impossible to say that these people have not been exposed to Gu Wu's information.

"I see that many people are being led by the latest hot topics, and the one who scolds me the most is calling me a black-hearted capitalist. I just want to advise you not to be led by those public accounts that write soft articles."

"Is my heart black or not? But as a martial arts practitioner, you should have a strong balance in your heart. A few months ago, when the Shenzhi Huanqi Pill sold for 130,000 pills, I didn't make a penny from this thing. , do I need to sell cancer-causing drugs to make money?”

"If all of you here have practiced martial arts, then feel your conscience and ask yourself, are you being used as a weapon, or are you taking advantage of certain people and deliberately fanning the flames to cause destruction?"

【What a curse! 】

[Guo Heizi is such a loser, he can’t understand even if we quarrel! 】

[Let me praise you: Su Shen, I have never practiced martial arts, so should I follow the process or just start scolding? 】

Martial arts practitioners, as long as they have played in the training study room, everyone knows about the 100-dollar Ginseng Zhihui Qi Dan embryo.

Many people have already made a fortune from this stuff.

It is precisely because this thing is cheap that the grand scene of "everyone can practice" can be realized.

As for the cultivation self-study room, does it have an official background?

Didn’t you see that even the popular science video on the “Ancient Martial Arts Management Act (Trial)” was sponsored by someone else? The master who the official personally expressed special thanks to is also someone you can touch?

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