However, in my heart, I scolded that bitch Du Yusheng bloody.

It has been almost two months since Dumu participated in the clinical trial of a specific drug for liver cancer, and the results have been obtained no matter what.

If it was cured, why would you hide it from Du Xiaoying?

If you want to hide it from her, just keep it from her, and be more strict with your mouth.

You are a person who travels on business all the year round. Every time you come home, you still report to Du Xiaoying. Isn’t this a debt of gratitude?

"Well, it can't be..."

An unpleasant thought arose in Su Wei's mind.

Why does he go back to Huan City every three days? Is it possible that there is something wrong with the clinical trial for liver cancer?


Su Wei stood up, patted the chair behind him, and said: "Chair, Chair, you are already a mature chair, you should learn to live broadcast by yourself. I'm sorry everyone, I suddenly remembered something, I'll excuse you for a moment."

After going out, Su Wei called Du Yusheng, but the sound on the phone made him feel even worse.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

178. Chapter 178 Mutation can increase the upper limit

Chapter 178 Only mutations can increase the upper limit

Du Yusheng's mother didn't have to ask him about her participation in clinical trials of new cancer drugs.

Shen Haoyu also knew it.

A phone call was made and it rang for a long time before there was a response from the other end.

As soon as the connection was connected, noisy music came from the other end, as well as Shen Haoyu's dissolute tune:

"Eunuch Wei came here today. What do you want to teach me?"

Su Wei paused and listened carefully to the background music on the phone, only to find that the melody was a bit familiar.

"Are you drinking flower wine?"

"Pfft--" The drink in Shen Haoyu's mouth spurted out immediately: "You can't read what I ordered. I'm attending Yu Xiaoxue's concert in She'an. If anything happens, just tell me."

Su Wei's video information in the base is still top secret. Shen Haoyu only knows that he did earth-shattering things inside, but he is not curious about what he did.

It's nothing more than showing off in front of others.

He had already figured out Su Wei's temperament.

I went to the Three Treasures Hall today for nothing, and I was probably calling him to ask for his help.


Su Wei originally wanted to say, Brother Xiao Jian doesn't sleep more than five hours a day in a busy day, so why do you have the nerve to go to the concert?

But if you think about it carefully, Shen Haoyu was once a showy rich second generation.

However, such a rich second generation who eats, drinks and has fun every day has been busy for almost a whole year because of Su Wei's affairs, and has given up his hobby of talking about life ideals with young ladies. If Su Wei wants to give him more strength, how much Somewhat inhumane.

If you really say this, it feels like an employee on vacation who was called to work overtime by a death call from his boss, which is really a bit painful.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you don't say it, I'll die."

Su Wei scratched his head and felt that these words sounded familiar.

"I have something to ask you. How is the patient who you asked you to come to Huake Academy for clinical practice last time? How is he doing now?"

Hearing that Su Wei had been struggling for a long time over this matter, Shen Haoyu was so angry that his liver ached.

"Brother, you don't want me to keep an eye on you even if it's a big deal, do you? Ask your friend about the damn situation. Is there anyone who knows better than him?"

Although Su Wei introduced Du Yusheng and Shen Haoyu to each other, they did not have any business contacts.

Shen Haoyu only knew that Du Yusheng was the head of the supervision department of Long Chao Charity and was responsible to Su Wei, but the specific information was forgotten by him after exchanging mobile phone numbers.

Su Wei also knew that this question was indeed inappropriate.

But there was nothing he could do. He couldn't really hack into the system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and look at the clinical trial records, right?

Not to mention that he may not have this ability. Even if he does, breaking into other people's systems every three days will not have a good impact.

"Hey, it's not like I couldn't get through to him, so I came to ask you. You're so angry, you're probably sick. I suggest you find an old Chinese doctor to check your pulse."

After being stabbed secretly by Su Wei, Shen Haoyu was no longer annoyed:

"You're quite comfortable being the hands-off shopkeeper. You don't even think about where your charity team goes. It's not normal to be unable to make calls in ravines. Besides, it's not your mother. You're so anxious. "Oh, I understand."

Su Wei was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red: "You understand what you know? You little boy, just wait, I will let you stay up all night soon."

After that, Su Wei hung up the phone.

Shen Haoyu's words of "hands off to the shopkeeper" deeply hurt Su Wei's self-esteem.

Why did I just let go of the shopkeeper? I'm also very busy, okay? Although I can go to bed early and get up early every day without staying up late...

Well, it seems that everyone is still quite busy.

But so what? Have you never heard of the old saying: Everyone is for me, I... How do you say the last sentence?

After being awakened by Shen Haoyu, Su Wei finally reacted.

No matter what good news is needed, wouldn't no news be the best news?

If there were clinical problems, Du Yusheng would probably be unable to hold back and contact him.

In fact, Su Wei was very peaceful during this period, and no one bothered him at all.

After talking to Shen Haoyu on the phone, Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still felt that Shen Haoyu was too jumpy. Originally, I was ready to let him rest, but now, I have to find something for him to do no matter what.

Although Wang Weijian and Shen Haoyu are both from Su Wei's department, Wang Weijian is in charge of overall planning. He not only has to take care of the base, but also has to pay attention to the situation of the practice study room and the ancient martial arts research group. It is normal for him to be busy all the time.

However, the burden on Shen Haoyu's shoulders is not heavy.

Regarding the adjustment of the production line in Jingmen, he is already familiar with it.

The demand for Liuhe Explosive Pill is not large, and it is no big problem to meet the market demand in the short term.

And the Dihong Research Institute is also on the right track.

If Su Wei does not make an effort, Shen Haoyu only needs to prepare for the upcoming clinical trials.

"Sure enough, we still can't let him idle. Once he is idle, he likes to jump up and down."

Su Wei touched his nose, a little melancholy.

That's what he said, but Su Wei really can't do anything with Shen Haoyu now.

The word spirit relies on the recognition and trust of others to produce effects and change reality.

It sounds very strong, and it is indeed very strong.

In just one year, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes in Su Wei's hands.

However, human greed is endless, and Su Wei is still in the human category, so he is naturally not immune to it.

The more you have, the more you want.

When the golden finger took effect, Su Wei was most worried that his influence was not wide enough and that not enough people trusted him.

But now, the number of people who trust him has become a secondary issue.

The main problem has become "how to make others believe in more outrageous things."

People's self-confidence comes from strength, and it is precisely because of strength that Su Wei is so calm.

Even if the second word spirit has not been realized, with fifty years of internal strength as a foundation, it will take only a few minutes to make everyone believe that he has eighty years of internal strength.

But it is far from enough to just let people "see" it, they have to let them touch it.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Wei's interest tendency has gradually deviated from Wang Weijian's track.

For Wang Weijian, he hopes that Guwu can slowly, within the acceptable range of negative impact, and quietly integrate the things that Su Wei has brought out into this society.

The ban on the powerful diamond pills, the price increase of the black jade Liangyi paste, the restrictions on offensive martial arts, etc., are all serving this purpose.

The sudden surge in power will make people lost, and there is nothing wrong with taking out things that surpass the current era bit by bit.

However, while these operations reduce the negative impact, they also effectively limit Su Wei's growth rate.

If the extraordinary cannot spread, then Su Wei's operating space will always be limited within the framework.

For a moment, Su Wei suddenly felt that, in fact, it might not be a good thing to have all the variables in his own hands.

From a genetic point of view, uncontrollable mutations are the possibility of producing powerful genes, and hybridization and directional breeding can only go around in circles within the existing framework...

Du Xiaoying walked out of the room holding a few bites of ice cream, and when passing by the living room, she saw Su Wei sitting on the sofa with his chin in thought.

Knowing that he was thinking about something important again, he didn't dare to disturb him, so he went back to the live broadcast room quietly.

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