However, it is precisely because of its "get something for nothing" characteristic that it will lead to other serious consequences.

If it can be used without restrictions, it will inevitably block the warrior's upward ladder and become "the richer, the higher the skill."

However, Su Wei's position in it is very embarrassing. The example of Dali Diamond Pills is still in front of him. Su Wei does not want to engage in these thankless and potentially explosive things.

"I'm not going to lie to you, there really is no such medicine. You don't want the world to be in chaos, right?"

The world is in chaos? Shen Haoyu was stunned and immediately reacted.

A single powerful diamond pill can stir up trouble in the Olympic Games. If others know that Su Wei has the kind of pill that can turn him into a superman if he takes one pill, then what's the point?

This kind of thing cannot really trigger a world war.

In this case, Shen Haoyu had no choice but to give up.

However, he was like a mirror in his mind.

It wasn't that Su Wei didn't really have it, he just didn't dare to take it out.

Su Gou indeed has many trump cards!

185. Chapter 185 If you want to shake people, you have to shake them the hardest.

Chapter 185 If you want to shake someone, you have to shake the hardest one

After driving away Shen Haoyu, who was harboring Xiao Jiujiu, Su Wei thought about it again.

Su Wei would definitely not be able to take out the elixir that Shen Haoyu pointed out to increase his internal strength for eighty years at a time, but if he thought about it differently, what about the elixir that only lasted for three to five years, or even only half a year?

As long as drug resistance is strictly limited so that its effects cannot be superimposed, will it give people who are willing to practice martial arts an opportunity to experience martial arts in advance?

At the beginning, because of concerns about rationality and the upper limit of cultivation, Su Wei did not choose the elixir to directly enhance the skill through the manifestation of the spirit spirit.

It's not that this kind of pill is unaffordable, but the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill is more cost-effective.

But these two paths are not black and white choices.

Since the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill has penetrated everyone's cultivation process, it seems reasonable to launch a pre-requisite elixir that can quickly meet the conditions for the use of the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill.

However, there is a problem that will be difficult to deal with:

There is such a good thing, why didn’t you take it out earlier?

When there is a basic logic bug in a word spirit meeting, Su Wei usually takes a long-term approach.

Doing things like planning is also a creative job, and most of the time it depends on inspiration.

Inspiration strikes, and as soon as you hit the head, you have an excuse.

Bragging also depends on the timing, that's the truth.

After adding the elixir to directly enhance internal strength to his to-do list, Su Wei began to plan the goals for the next stage.

With the realization of the martial arts in the family martial arts summary table and the acquisition of the power within eighty years, Su Wei's pursuit of ancient martial arts has come to an end.

This guy's current fighting ability is a bit abnormal. Even if you find ten masters with eighty years of internal strength to attack Su Wei, he will definitely be pinned in a corner by him.

A pair of fleshy palms can destroy metal and iron with the strength of his body alone, and the Dacheng-level Perfection Bupojue and Luo Chen's Moon Steps directly transformed him into a hexagonal all-round warrior with high attack power, thick blood, and high agility.

Ancient martial arts is not simply about whoever has strong internal strength. There is no crushing advantage. Martial arts attainments are still more important.

Su Wei believed that even if the people in the base practiced for ten years, they would not be his opponents.

What's more, he is not standing still. No one really thinks that struggle and involution can outdo Yanling who can become stronger just by opening his mouth, right?

Putting aside ancient martial arts, the next step is to put the matter of supernatural potions on the agenda.

The first season of "The Legend Continues" directed by Zong Dejun has been recorded for more than half and will soon enter the final stage.

This particularly novel form of expression (referring to throwing money) really attracted a lot of people's attention.

And this is exactly the meaning of the existence of "Qi Ji".

Anyone who has watched this show has a high deception value.

Everyone knows that Su Wei spent so much money on this program just for a new experiment.

There is the genetic laboratory established by Shen Haoyu, and the cancer therapy has been disclosed first.

The hardware and software are complete, and genetic medicine is ready to come out in Su Wei's plan.

What is missing now is just an opportunity to show off.

The pencil was writing and drawing randomly on the white paper. Su Wei was integrating the known information about genetic weight loss pills, but unexpectedly, a phone call came in.

"Brother Wei, something happened with Long Chao Charity. Brother Sheng has been detained."

The caller was Fang Yuan, known as the "Pao Sister". Su Wei asked him not to worry about the supermarket a few days ago and went to help Du Yusheng.

"What do you mean by being detained? Is it possible that it is illegal to do charity these days?"

Fang Yuan's call reminded Su Wei of some unpleasant things.

Hearing the anger in Su Wei's words, Fang Yuan quickly explained:

"I was not arrested, but locked up by the local touban king. He and I are not in the same project. It was a volunteer under him who called me. I am still learning about the specific situation. This is to give you in advance Let me know."

Fang Yuan Yuan Lang, like Du Yusheng, is one of the supervisors of Long Dynasty Charity. He is known internally, so Du Yusheng's volunteers can find him.

And he knew that Su Wei was very powerful in terms of energy and background, so he notified Su Wei as soon as he received the news - he didn't even hang up the call from the volunteer.

The speaker of the other phone on the other end of the phone was clear enough, although there was a slight interference from the sound of electricity. During the questions and answers between Fang Yuan and the volunteer, Su Wei was able to roughly sort out the cause and effect.

The project Du Yusheng went to check and accept this time was to build a base station for a remote mountainous village to provide electricity and network.

This guy always goes to places where there is no electricity or internet. No wonder Su Wei called him to tell him that his phone was not turned on.

Logically speaking, the completion of the base station construction should be something worth celebrating.

But not everyone in this world is normal.

There was a local bully in the village. He did not show up at all during the construction period of the base station. Instead, after the construction was completed, when Du Yusheng went to inspect the site, he gathered a group of villagers, carrying hoes and rakes, and surrounded them.

These people demanded huge medical compensation from him on the grounds that the base station contained radiation and harmed the health of the villagers.

How could Du Yusheng and his gang stand this arrogance?

This group of people demolished but refused to allow them to be demolished, and left but refused to let them go. After several unsuccessful negotiations, Du Yusheng, who did not agree with his words, directly chose to lead people to fight out.

These days, I always go to places with no electricity or internet, and I don’t have a girlfriend with me. I have nothing to do at night, so my martial arts skills naturally fail.

However, after injuring several people, the other side took out a few short dogs.

Although it is a hunting gun, even Su Wei, who is a perfect weapon, has to weigh it carefully when encountering this thing, let alone Du Yusheng, who is half-assed.

Having injured someone, Du Yusheng naturally did not dare to bet on whether the other party dared to shoot, so he was naturally detained.

After hearing this, Su Wei was quite speechless.

"What's this all about? In the past two years, the crackdown on gangs and evil has been so vigorous, does anyone dare to commit crimes? They even took out short-haired dogs, several at a time. Is this because they don't want to die fast enough? Brother Sheng It’s true. If people want money, just give it to them first. At worst, you can deal with them slowly when you get back.”

Fang Yuan hadn't replied yet, but the volunteer on the other end responded first after they were on the phone.

"Su Shen, you don't know, the situation here is a bit complicated. The project proposal was proposed by an executive, and that executive is a local. His family used to have trouble with the local bully, and he was bullied a bit miserably.

He didn't say anything at first, but after Brother Sheng was detained, he admitted that he knew that our Long Dynasty had a strong charity background, so he took us there specifically. The local bully was very arrogant. In the past, there were often contractors on the hills around the village. He always took advantage of the harvest to find trouble with the contractors. The final result was basically nothing, and the contractors suffered huge losses.

The executive knew that he couldn't help it, so he deliberately led him to provoke us. However, that place was really poor. "

Su Wei can probably understand what the volunteers mean.

Su Wei personally participated in customizing the rules of Long Dynasty Charity.

The meaning of the word "Zhenqiong" in his mouth roughly means that although the executive has selfish motives, it does not violate the rules of Long Dynasty Charity.

"Well, let's put the executive's matter aside for now. Give me the specific address and I'll find someone to handle it."

After receiving the specific location of Du Yusheng's project, Su Wei did not dare to delay for a moment and directly called Wang Weijian.

If you want to shake people, you have to shake them the most.

Propulsion from top to bottom is definitely much more efficient than requests from bottom to top.

It's just a handful of short dogs, are you trying to shake things up?

186. Chapter 186 He still has to thank us

Chapter 186 He still has to thank us

When others think you have a strong background and energy, you'd better have it.

Otherwise, it is easy to be deceived and even the underpants will not be left.

Su Wei didn't know how serious the so-called "detainment" was.

Su Wei knew nothing about the current situation at the scene, whether Du Yusheng was injured or not.

If someone were a bit more impulsive, they might kill him after getting the address and fuck him without leaving a trace.

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