The cost is very low? How low is very low? Shen Haoyu understood that the cost of this batch of gold was definitely much lower than the market price. As for the legality, since Su Wei dared to let this batch of gold appear in the live broadcast room in front of tens of thousands of people, it means that the legality of the source is absolutely no problem.

Thinking of this, Shen Haoyu felt that he seemed to have suffered a loss.

Good guy, this Su Wei looks so young, how can he be so sophisticated? He seems to be giving gifts to himself today, but in fact he is advertising, telling the world, and looking for buyers.

In fact, this method is very effective. The two hundred million gold bars sold on Taotao seem to have lost tens of millions for Su Wei, but if the cost of this batch of gold is lower than its selling price, then for Su Wei, it is just a little less profit. His purpose has been achieved.

After going around in a circle and returning to the starting point, it turns out that he, Shen Haoyu, is the only one who suffered a loss today?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shen Haoyu decided to take this batch of gold. Since the source of the gold is fine, there is no need to be timid about this business that is sure to make money.

"Emperor Su wants to help his brothers make a fortune, so I naturally can't be ungrateful. But 1.5 billion is not a small amount, I have to discuss it with the old man. Brother Su, are you in Xiajing? How about we make an appointment to talk in person?"

"I'm in Xiajing now, but I probably have a travel plan in the near future. If you have a decision, you can notify me in advance so that I can make arrangements."

Su Wei is very busy. In addition to the gold shop, he has already put the plan of visiting Qigong and national martial arts masters on the agenda. Thinking of Shen Haoyu's identity, Su Wei added:

"If calculated at a price of 400, the 999 gold in my hand is currently worth more than 3 billion. If you can afford it, it's okay to take it all."

The gold nugget cannot be eaten or drunk, and it can't even have any favorable impact on his plan. The main thing is that as long as the gold shop is still open, it is not difficult to follow today's model.

So, if there is a chance to cash it out, Su Wei doesn't mind letting others make more money.

This rich man is too generous, he is either giving money or on the way to give money.

Could it be that there are really fools in this world?

Thank you for the huge reward from Jun Yeyehhan, and I will give you tea.

In addition, thank you for your monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and follow-up reading!

Thank you for your support!!!

Chapter 21 How about coming to my house?

Su Wei's phone call not only scared Shen Haoyu, but also scared his group of old friends.

"You said, Su Wei said on the phone that the cost of this batch of gold is very low?"

"Well, brother Su Wei also said that he could sell all this batch of gold to the Crazy Emperor at a price of 400."

"That makes sense!" Du Yusheng nodded, as if he had realized something: "I have always wondered why that kid spent so much money on live broadcast. Now the case is solved."

"Brother, how low is the cost of brother Su Wei's gold?"

"Your brother is not a god, how can I know such things? Don't ask nonsense, curiosity kills the cat, these are all commercial secrets."

"Oh!" Du Xiaoying stuck out her tongue, looking naughty.

Touching the thin chain around her neck, Du Xiaoying suddenly felt that the "social man" seemed not bad.


After the National Day, the rain in Xiajing has never stopped. Su Wei was originally a person with high execution ability, but now he is also lazy.

According to the original plan, he should have embarked on the journey to visit the martial arts master. However, it is still the same old problem. It is much more difficult to make others believe that you know martial arts than to make them believe that you are a rich man.

After all, there are many rich people, but martial arts masters are not common.

Most of the viewers watching the live broadcast are young people, who have their own mature values ​​and are not as easily fooled as the older generation. Because they have not seen the inner strength with their own eyes, their subconscious mind will reject this possibility.

And Su Wei's subconscious mind is also rejecting this matter: "Don't do this! No one will believe that you know martial arts! If the words are locked at 30,000, you can only live with your 3 billion!"

"Damn it! I have 3 billion, and I am still a coward!" Su Wei punched his palm, and his chest was suddenly full of heroic spirit.

Compared with qigong, the reputation of national martial arts is much better. At least there are still some people who believe that national martial arts is a "killing skill" rather than a "performance skill", so it is not well-known.

In fact, among those who believe that martial arts really exist, few have actually seen the power of national martial arts "killing skills". To put it bluntly: that's all exaggerated!

Yes, that's right, it's all exaggerated! The key is that some people believe it! Some people are willing to hypnotize themselves and believe it. For Su Wei, this is the most favorable direction.

Using Chinese martial arts as a starting point, gradually enhance the fans' trust in Chinese martial arts, wait for the right time, introduce qigong to everyone's attention, and then extend it to internal strength. After everyone accepts the theory of internal strength, they will gradually improve their internal strength and reach the realm of eighty years of internal strength.

It sounds simple, but in actual operation, Su Wei doesn't know if it will be as smooth as he imagined.

He is a little scared.

Turning on the computer, Su Wei plans to check the information of the Chinese martial arts master first, and then make a plan.

Compared with Chinese martial arts, Sanda, which has been turned into a competition, is actually easier to be accepted by the audience, but whether it is Sanda or Jeet Kune Do, which is derived from free fighting, its essence is to train people's reaction ability and punching speed.

It's not that Su Wei looks down on this kind of practical skills, but it is too scientific. What Su Wei wants is martial arts, extraordinary, fantasy, not science.

Tiyunzong, which uses the left foot to step on the right foot in the air, Iron Palm Water Floating, which uses a reed to cross the river, Tai Chi, which uses a little force to move a thousand pounds, and the Eight Desolations and Six Combinations, which uses the power to rejuvenate.

Science is rooted in reality, while metaphysics is rooted in fantasy. So science has boundaries, while metaphysics does not.

Because of this, Su Wei's first choice is not fighting skills, but the less popular Chinese martial arts. If you want to get involved with internal energy and true qi, Chinese martial arts have a natural advantage over Sanda.

Just as he was planning to meet a Chinese martial arts master to exchange advanced experience, his cell phone rang first.

He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the rich second generation who wanted to buy gold, Shen Haoyu.

"Hello? Su Di, are you still in Xiajing?" Shen Haoyu's distinctive smoky voice came from the phone.

Shen Haoyu was very entangled about how to address Su Wei. Call him Su Wei? Too distant! Boss Su? Too mercenary! Brother Su? Su Xiong sounds weird! Brother Wei? Ahem, it seems a bit offensive! After a round of hesitation, Shen Haoyu decided to ask Su Di to come.

Su Di, Su Di, did not seem to be unfamiliar.

"I am still here, and I may go on a business trip in two days."

After checking the information for a long time, Su Wei already had a few candidates to visit in his mind, but the final candidate has not been determined.

"You kid, why do I always feel that you are like a different person online and offline. I am afraid it is too late today. Are you free tomorrow? Let's have a meal?"

"Sure! How much do you want? I want to have a bottom line."

Knowing that Shen Haoyu must have come for that batch of gold, Su Wei answered without any hesitation.

Shen Haoyu paused and asked tentatively: "What if I say I want to eat it all?"


"Your gold shop is not open?"


Su Wei did not answer. After a few seconds, Shen Haoyu took a breath.

How many low-priced sources do you have? Is it so easy to sell 3 billion gold?

At this moment, Shen Haoyu really suspected that Su Wei had a gold mine at home!

But even if there is a gold mine, it can't withstand such a trick. Shen Haoyu knows many mine owners, but none of them is as...

What adjective should I use? Generous? Heroic? Weird? In short, this transaction is full of weirdness.

"Okay, I understand. I'll drive over early tomorrow morning, and we'll talk in detail then."

Hanging up the phone, throwing the phone aside, Su Wei threw himself on the bed, hugging the pillow and feeling a little worried.

It is a good thing for Su Wei that Shen Haoyu can eat all this batch of gold. But problems also come with it.

The recruitment of the gold shop has begun, but the appraisal certificates required for 999 gold jewelry have not been completed, so it has not opened yet. Some of the staff have already joined the company, but the gold shop has not yet opened for business, and they are just clocking in and out on time and responsible for handling the hygiene of the store.

If this batch of gold is given to Shen Haoyu, Su Wei will have to find a way to import a batch of goods in the short term.

Su Wei had never contacted other sources of goods before. If he opened a gold shop and sold out the goods, wouldn't that be a joke?

The head office is about to get on track, and Su Wei certainly can't send all the employees back home. If he doesn't connect with the real source of goods, he will have to open another branch in a short time and use the previous routine to "purchase" a batch of low-priced gold.

It doesn't have to be a branch. In fact, it's okay to find a warehouse, but it's difficult to find a reason to enter the warehouse for live broadcast.

Could it be said: "Family, today's broadcast is just to show off my wealth and show you my entire warehouse of gold."

Although it's not impossible, it's too utilitarian!

Compared with this abrupt method, Su Wei prefers to plan some more reasonable and non-annoying scenes to realize his words silently.

In addition to the source of goods in the gold shop, Shen Haoyu's arrival is also a big problem.

If it's just a simple business meeting, it's enough to find a high-end place for the two to meet and chat.

But Su Wei felt that his relationship with Shen Haoyu would not stop at this transaction.

If they were business partners or friends, Shen Haoyu could hardly imagine what would happen at that time.

"Come to my house?"


Then the two walked into the rental house of less than ten square meters, sat face to face and stared at each other...

Hiss, this scene is a bit exciting.

Chapter 22 Yo, you want a little star?

After thinking for a long time, Su Wei suddenly realized that these two problems can actually become one problem.

As long as you buy a villa, take the audience to visit the new house under the name of "accidentally" strolling into the storage room, the problem is actually solved.

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