But this thing can't be taught. As the saying goes, a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure. Su Wei doesn't want to openly admit that he knows the art of opening the eyes.

It's very contradictory.

He wants others to believe that the art of opening the eyes is real, but he also wants others to believe that he, Su Wei, doesn't know the existence of the art of opening the eyes.

This idea is no different from hoping that everyone else will become a fool.

The door of the public toilet next to the hall quietly opened, and a sneaky head poked out from inside.

"Brother Su Wei, are you done with the call?"

Looking in the direction of the voice, who else could it be except Du Xiaoying.

Su Wei was stunned for a moment and said, "You're not live streaming? Good guy, eavesdropping on my phone call, right?"

Du Xiaoying wrinkled her nose and yelled, "You made a phone call in the living room by yourself, and you didn't think about being secretive. How can this be considered eavesdropping?"

"Okay, okay, you're right, okay!"

Considering the influence caused by the public opening of the art of opening the eyes, Su Wei was having a headache, so he was too lazy to argue with Du Xiaoying.

Du Xiaoying closed the bathroom door and walked out slowly, as if thinking about the wording.

Slowly moving to Su Wei, she finally couldn't help asking:

"Brother Su Wei, you really know how to bless, right?"

Du Xiaoying swore that this was definitely the last time she would ask this question.

If she didn't know how to bless, Su Wei could have just let her send out the silver rings. Why did she have to stay with him for a night?

Du Xiaoying wanted to see if Su Wei would still choose to avoid answering.

"You want to ask your mother if I was the one who made that phone call, right? I'll tell you one last time, that phone call has nothing to do with me. Can you stop asking such childish questions and stop thinking about weird things all day long? If you have this time, you might as well practice more."

As Du Xiaoying guessed, Su Wei still chose to avoid talking about it.

However, she still had a trump card in her hand.

"If not, Xiaoying has to use the remaining silver rings to give out gift packages, okay?"


Compared to the troubles on Du Xiaoying's side, Shen Haoyu is nothing!

When Su Wei thought of the remaining 9,000 rings in Du Xiaoying's hand, he wanted to slap himself twice.

He wanted to take these rings back and destroy them, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.

But if he didn't want to take them back, this thing would be very tricky.

This batch of silver rings that have been blessed is as powerful as a pot of TNT for Su Wei.

The fact that he can bless is based on the small number of samples and large statistical deviations.

If thousands of rings are scattered, if anyone reproduces Liang Hanbao's operation, the fact that he can bless will be confirmed.


No, that's not right, not entirely.

Can these rings really not be leaked?

Su Wei originally wanted to increase the public's acceptance of outrageousness.

In fact, after leaving certain special scenes, the spiritual energy attached to the ring is indeed just that.

Otherwise, Su Wei would not have been so confident to make 10,000 of them.

People die and birds fly to the sky, and if they don't die, they will live forever. Who cares? Just do it.

If you really can't avoid the serious party, the worst thing is to deny it and be a stubborn cuckold.

"Well, if you want to give it away, just give it away, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, don't use gimmicks like Master Su's rings. Don't I know whether I can bless it or not? Although Dousha doesn't care, don't always use these idealistic things, pay attention to the impact."


Du Xiaoying narrowed her eyes, her heart was full of joy, and she even jumped when she walked.

First, there are new local specialties in the live broadcast room.


[Brother Su Wei knows that he can bless. He hasn't admitted it until now, maybe there is some unavoidable hardship. However, even though his situation is so difficult, he still didn't lie to Xiaoying. Brother Su Wei is really a good person. 】

Perhaps it was the illusion brought by survivor bias that made Du Xiaoying think that Su Wei would never lie to her.

However, this was definitely her wishful thinking.

If there was a new word spirit to be realized, Su Wei would definitely be the first to attack Du Xiaoying.

Such a gullible girl who could even believe that she could fly was too rare, and Su Wei was reluctant to give up this trust that was within his reach.

Du Xiaoying knew the importance of the matter.

Unlike Shen Haoyu, she was sure that these rings had been blessed by Su Wei, so naturally she would not be too "spendthrifty". She would only draw three or five rings a day during the live broadcast.

At this rate, it would take a long time for these 10,000 rings to be distributed.

However, at this time, Su Wei, Shen Haoyu and others were no longer thinking about the blessing technique.

A piece of news in the scientific community successfully broke the circle and went viral on the Internet.

A Korean research institute announced that it had discovered three gene sequences that could make people "lose weight quickly".

However, due to difficulties in stem cell gene modification and in vitro cultivation technology, they chose to publish the results of their "hard work" research, hoping that scientists from all over the world can work together to help beauty lovers shape their bodies.

Good guy, where can you find such a generous person who publishes his scientific research results for free, except for Master Su?

It's really shameless!

202. Chapter 202 The guest becomes the host, fuck!

Chapter 202 The guest becomes the host, fuck!

Korean country has discovered three gene sequences that can help people lose weight quickly, and chose to publish them for free because of technical difficulties?

This sounds outrageous.

Su Wei's first reaction after hearing the news was: Shen Haoyu is too unreliable, and there can be a traitor in the research institute.

But thinking about the ancient prescription industrial park, Su Wei can only say that this guy is a dog that can't change its eating habits, and it won't increase its intelligence after eating.

Su Wei was going to call and scold Shen Haoyu, but he couldn't press the call button while holding the phone.

Others didn't know that Su Wei's technical information was generated out of thin air through the words, and they just thought that Su Wei got it from other places.

This is equivalent to endorsing the official statement of the Korean country.

Now that the "real owner" has jumped out, it is normal for Shen Haoyu to suffer a loss and dare not say a word.

The cosmetic surgery industry in the Korean country is very developed. It is reasonable for the research institute there to study some genes related to weight loss, right?

It is reasonable, but not in line with reality.

There is a saying that only those who wrong you know how wronged you are. Su Wei is really dumb this time, and he can't say anything about his bitterness.

What can he do? Could he point at Shen Haoyu's nose and say: In fact, I discovered these three weight loss genes. What the hell, can you leak them out?

First, Su Wei has almost never been to a laboratory and does not have the necessary hardware conditions for genetic research. Second, he has not invested any time in this area.

The excuse of "genius" can indeed solve many problems, but not all troubles can be covered up by this personality.

However, if it is left alone, the results of the institute will inevitably continue to leak out, and then Su Wei's results will all be used as wedding clothes for others.

"No, I can't stand this bird's anger. I have to find out this guy who eats and crawls outside."

After thinking for a long time, Su Wei finally found a good excuse and called Shen Haoyu.

"Oh, Grandpa Wei, what a coincidence? I was just about to call you. We are so in sync, right?"

Shen Haoyu was like nothing happened, and he was still in the mood to joke with Su Wei, which made Su Wei have high blood pressure.

"Didn't you read the news? Why don't you go and read the post first? If you are still in the mood to joke after reading the news, that's really admirable."

The two of them were just like when Shen Haoyu called Su Wei, except that the roles were reversed.

Shen Haoyu's research base has invested billions, but it hasn't made any waves yet.

Although it hasn't experienced much ups and downs so far, Shen Haoyu has always given Su Wei a green light, relying on Su Wei's weight loss drug to make him recover.

The Korean country stole the gene sequence provided by Su Wei and chose to publish it. By then, there will definitely be many research institutes capable of making gene drugs.

Although the cost of in vitro cell-directed modification therapy has not been reduced so far, and it has not reached the stage of price competition, but without the monopoly position, the profit will definitely be greatly affected.

If Shen Haoyu knew this news, would he not curse? Su Wei really didn't believe it.

"Haha, are you talking about the Korean country's announcement of the discovery of the weight loss gene sequence?"

The matter was really beyond Su Wei's expectations. Shen Haoyu is a big boss after all. There are some things that even if he doesn't pay attention to, there are people watching for him.

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