If this really stopped suddenly, there would be people who would think he was guilty.

The art of opening the eyes is very mysterious. As long as Su Wei doesn't admit his mistake and insists that it's just luck, no one can do anything to him.

What's more, the pioneers of ancient martial arts have begun to establish their own schools, and the gene enhancement potion will be completed in a few days. At this time, if the news of opening the eyes is revealed, Su Wei will not be afraid at all.

The time is roughly ripe, and more outrageous things will happen, so that Su Wei can make further supernatural potions.

Because of this, Su Wei doesn't care whether anyone accepts the ring.

Except Su Wei, everyone here has a family. So even Fang Yuan stayed here for one night.

The next day, except Du Yusheng and Du Xiaoying, everyone left early.

The Du brothers and sisters were also packing their things.

This year they don't plan to stay back for long, so there are not many things to bring.

It's a bit strange to say, Du Yusheng is on business trips all year round, and Du Xiaoying is a freelancer.

In fact, if Du Yusheng had not bought a house in Xiajing after graduation, the two could have gone back long ago.

However, perhaps because they were not free enough to stay with their parents, or for some other reason, the two had never had such an idea.

After Su Wei posted that crooked butt dynamic, although the combat effectiveness of black fans was not as strong as Su Wei's fans, there were still some people who would reveal deep hostility to him under the circumstances of being separated by the network cable.

The case of foreign teachers did not come out so quickly. According to the previous rules, such influential cases would be delayed for at least half a year.

And Su Wei attracted most of the firepower, which made the officials relieved.

After a few days of rottenness, after sending away the Du family brothers and sisters and two aunts, Su Wei was the only one left in the villa.

Su Wei thought that if there were audiences to accompany him, it would not seem too deserted.

So, he fiddled with the equipment and started the live broadcast by himself.

As the live broadcast notification spread, a large number of viewers instantly flooded into the live broadcast room.

[Hey, didn't you ask for leave? Why are you still broadcasting? ]

[Oh my god, today is another Su Shen solo, I guess there will be big news. ]

[The missing person returns. ]

[It seems that Su Shen can't stand Huazhong University of Science and Technology taking off his pants to fart this time. ]

Du Xiaoying asked for leave for the audience in the live broadcast room, and did not bring the live broadcast equipment when she returned to her hometown, so the audience seemed a little surprised by the sudden start of the broadcast.

After many days, Su Wei had already given everyone enough time to welcome the arrival of the new gene drug.

However, this sudden sentence "Huazhong University of Science and Technology taking off his pants to fart" directly made Su Wei confused.

"I haven't been out for a few days. Am I out of date? What's going on with Huazhong University of Science and Technology?"

Speaking, Su Wei opened the news page without waiting for everyone to answer.

# Another breakthrough in invasive gene preparations, Huazhong University of Science and Technology announced that it has conquered genetic diseases #

Seeing this title, Su Wei's head was buzzing, and he subconsciously looked at the date.

What's going on? I just gave out the information on AIDS treatment a few days ago, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology has already produced new results?

Doesn’t Shen Haoyu have a bad relationship with Huazhong University of Science and Technology? How could he give out the stuff so easily?

The key is, it’s only been a few days? Do you really think everyone has the Word Spirit System? In a few days, you can’t even start a new project, right?

With a head full of question marks, Su Wei clicked in to see the details, and then he had a look of discomfort on his face.

“Damn, it’s really like taking off your pants to fart.”

Su Wei couldn’t stand it anymore, and cursed on the spot: “What are these people doing? What’s the point of doing this?”

The chromosomes in the human body are in pairs, and each pair of chromosomes will jointly determine the characteristics of the person.

There are two types of genetic diseases, one is dominant inheritance and the other is recessive inheritance.

The so-called dominant inheritance means that as long as any chromosome carries this gene, the trait will be expressed.

And recessive inheritance means that two chromosomes carry this gene at the same time, and the trait will be expressed.

Think about it from another angle. From the perspective of genetic diseases, recessive inherited diseases such as color blindness are generally caused by the inability of both chromosomes to provide certain genetic materials to human cells, which will lead to the symptom of color blindness in the human body.

And family inherited liver disease like Du Xiaoying is caused by a gene in the body synthesizing pathogenic substances, which will cause liver problems.

From this perspective, the existence of invasive gene preparations can almost make recessive genetic diseases a thing of the past.

Using a shell that can deceive the immune system to wrap the DNA and integrase that modify the patient's genes, transport it to the human body, and then integrate it into the genome, it can reduce the impact of recessive genetic diseases to a certain extent, or even eliminate them directly.

Everyone understands the principle, but it is not that simple.

The human immune system can identify foreign DNA. Even if it can deceive the immune system at the beginning, when the gene fragment begins to take effect, it is possible to cause allergies caused by rejection reactions.

And this situation is the theoretical basis of the specific AIDS drug.

Huake Institute obviously knows this, but their operation is a bit tricky.

Su Wei's black jade Liangyi ointment can treat color blindness.

Although everyone does not understand the effectiveness mechanism of the Black Jade Liang Yi Paste, it does not prevent everyone from taking advantage of the benefits brought by the Black Jade Liang Yi Paste.

The Huazhong University of Science and Technology analyzed the cell genes before and after the application of the Black Jade Two-Yin Cream, extracted the gene fragments that would not be attacked by the immune system of the clinical subjects, and then used the invasive gene preparation method to prepare a special medicine and injected it into the clinical subjects.

Then it was found that the patient's color blindness was indeed cured.

So they happily announced that the invasive gene preparation therapy can indeed treat recessive genetic diseases.

This operation not only confused Su Wei, but also netizens began to sneer.

Using Su Wei's ointment to obtain genes that are not rejected, and then using the technology provided by Su Wei to conduct experiments, this operation is simply a bit of a joke Su Wei's waist.

"Alas, it seems that there are not many researchers as honest as me these days. I have been busy for so many days to figure out the strengthening medicine that can enhance physical fitness. But others can say that they have achieved a milestone achievement just by moving their fingers. Roar, I don't understand this world a little bit."

[Ding! ……】

228. Chapter 228 No one is more professional than me in this area

Chapter 228 No one is more professional than me in this area


If we really want to talk about significance, it is not as bad as Su Wei said.

Although the path taken by Huake Institute is a bit wild, it at least proves the possibility of invasive gene therapy to treat genetic diseases.

After all, the black jade Liangyi paste has not been studied clearly until now, but the research direction of invasive gene therapy is real.

Transforming the unknown field into a researchable field, this is the significance of Huake Institute's operation.

Of course, it is because everyone does not know the cost of the black jade Liangyi paste that Huake Institute can be so free.

The price of Liangyi paste is currently tens of thousands of yuan. Although it was sold for two thousand before, based on everyone's understanding of Su Wei, the price of two thousand is estimated to be about the same.

At least no one knows that this thing costs only a few cents...

For Su Wei, this wave of operations by Huake Institute has also brought him a lot of convenience.

Invasive gene therapy is no longer a one-man show for Su Wei...

Three people make a tiger. At any time, it is not easy for one person to convince others. This is also the reason why some fraudulent institutions look for "shills".

Huake Institute's wave of operations has become a shill for Su Wei.

Originally, Su Wei was worried that his body-strengthening potion would not be trusted enough. In this way, there is no need to lay the groundwork, just serve the main course directly.

Don't believe it? Why don't you believe it?

The information that Su Wei gave out has been produced by others. I, Su Shen, have worked hard for so many days. Is it reasonable not to contribute something?

[Ding! Word Spirit 2 "I have understood the body-strengthening potion" was generated successfully. Current trust: 100%]

[Ding! Word Spirit 2: "I have understood the body-strengthening potion" has reached the trust standard. Word Spirit is activated, and relevant knowledge is obtained! 】

With the character of a genetics expert as a foundation, and Su Wei studying the relevant information about the AIDS special medicine that he had given to Shen Haoyu before, the incremental knowledge of the strengthening medicine did not cause Su Wei too much trouble.

After Su Wei finished speaking, netizens also went crazy.

[I was wondering why I hadn't seen him for a few days, and he didn't even post updates on Jie Xun. It turned out that he was in seclusion. ]

[Su Shen has been a bit aggressive these days. First, he scolded netizens on Jie Xun, and then he was weird about Huake University on Dousha...]

[This is considered restraint, right? If you were to encounter such a thing, would you not be angry? ]

[Hey, hey, hey, pay attention to the key points! The Fat Fighter Medicine has been developed! Am I the only one who wants to ask when this thing will be sold? ]

[Don't ask, just wait. Dihong's weight loss medicine is still in the clinical stage, and there is also an AIDS special medicine. How can this thing be available so quickly? ]

In fact, it is not possible to solve the invasive genetic preparation by solving the immune system attack.

From gene location to mass cultivation, and then to integrating the corresponding gene into chromosomes without rejection, there are countless problems waiting for researchers throughout the process.

However, everyone really doesn't know, and Su Wei pretends not to know and deliberately ignores it.

A large-scale project in a new direction cannot produce results overnight, and it is tantamount to a fool's dream to complete a project in a few days.

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