For something that is too outrageous, it is definitely not as good as being "discovered" if you admit it actively.

For some things, the more you hide them, the more people will treasure them.

If Wang Weijian had not discovered the consecration technique "accidentally" himself, but Su Wei had actively promoted it, the effect would definitely not be as perfect as it is now.

Although this is ridiculous, it is true.

When you take the initiative to promote something, conspiracy theorists will always think about it one more layer, you work so hard, what on earth do you want to do...

Su Wei burst out laughing: "Puchi - I think you are a fool? Have you never thought that it might be a special effect? ​​It takes at least tens of thousands of volts to break through the air. If the electric eel potion can produce tens of thousands of volts, I might as well open a power plant directly, don't have to go to work for a lifetime, and sit and collect money."

This laughter is full of sarcasm, and Shen Haoyu's face is immediately lost.

"Special effects? Special effects, you bastard! I've never heard of special effects in live broadcasts."

"Really? Then explain to me, what are beauty, face-slimming, skin-smoothing, and big eyes?"


Su Wei shut up Shen Haoyu with just one sentence.

Although he still felt something was wrong, Shen Haoyu couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"No, I mean, you're showing off in live broadcasts and playing with special effects? What if you get exposed? Shaker really spoils you, and even made a set of special effects for you."

"Exposed? Who will expose? I said that I have eighty years of internal strength, and I've been waiting for someone to expose it. My hair is almost white, but no one has exposed me. Boring."

Shen Haoyu was completely speechless. In fact, he wanted to ask Su Wei what he was after, but when he thought of his temper, he was too lazy to ask.

The discharge of electricity from both hands is fake, but the electric eel potion is always real. As for the extent to which this potion can achieve, it should not be worse than the electric eel.

Electric eels can make people faint, so the danger of this thing needs to be evaluated. It is really not something that can be included in the sales list casually.

Starting with the electric eel potion, Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room seemed to have opened Pandora's box, and animal genetically modified potions were constantly released.

However, compared with the electric eel potion, these new achievements seem to be quite satisfactory.

At first, Shen Haoyu personally went to Xiajing, but as the United Gene outlets were rolled out, he didn't have so much free time, so he simply let it go and made an appointment with Su Wei to collect the goods every half a month.

With the decoration completed and the trained team in place, the United Gene outlets were officially put into use.

In the expectation of everyone, the first batch of potions sold not only included the first-generation gene enhancement potions, but also the research results of the Huake Institute - special medicines that can treat various genetic diseases.

Although a series of regulations that have just been issued are not perfect, such things are always improving in practice.

The guidelines require that before users inject the corresponding gene preparations, the relevant risks must be accurately and completely described to them, and injections are only allowed on the spot. Under no circumstances are the preparations allowed to be taken away from the outlets.

However, it is not known whether these methods can play their due role.

After all, the Honglu Temple has issued an alarm. The number of foreign tourists who have recently come to China for tourism is more than three times higher than expected.

All departments related to invasive gene preparations have begun to be on high alert.

There is a sense of urgency everywhere.

I am a little stuck, so I have sorted out the outline and prepared to speed up the pace.

There is still one chapter today, and I didn’t ask for leave.

243. Chapter 243 Come on! Don’t go!

Chapter 243 Come on! Don’t go!

At the beginning, Wang Weijian and Huake’s wave of operations really confused the foreigners.

What happened to the unofficial anchors who were supposed to brag on the live broadcast? How to explain the joint gene outlets that are now being rolled out in major first-tier cities?

It’s an individual behavior again, and it can’t be elevated to a collective?

They are angry, but they have no way to deal with it.

After all, even if you go to any official channel, you can’t find any news related to invasive gene preparations.

Even the most closely related one is the breakthrough progress in curing the genetic disease of color blindness released by the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

And even this news has been ridiculed by netizens, after all, the results are all based on the black jade Liangyi paste.

They are fighting each other, what else can you do...

Speaking of ancient prescriptions, Wang Weijian is also very upset.

Wasn’t it clearly agreed that the good luck ring has a miraculous effect on "discovery science"? Why are there no movements at all for the dozens of rings transferred to the Ancient Prescription Research Institute?

Wang Weijian didn’t know that this prescription was already an "extra rule" involving the mysterious side. Not to mention Qi Yuhong and his team, even if Su Wei came in person, he couldn't figure it out.

That is, he couldn't think straight. If the medicine could be made by the consecration technique, wouldn't Su Wei have done it long ago? How could he intervene?

As early as after the Olympics, Su Wei's ancient recipe was exposed.

The black jade intermittent ointment is exported, and other ancient recipes can be obtained from the regular market. The control in this regard is not too strict.

If you say that foreign countries have not secretly studied it, even ghosts will not believe it.

However, the bigwigs of Huake Academy who have complete step-by-step formulas and wear good luck rings can't figure it out. It's not that easy to understand the principle just by the product.

No matter whether you admit or not that you are developing invasive gene preparations, now that the outlets have been set up, no one will believe you anymore if you say "bragging".

Even if you can find someone who is qualified and willing to cooperate with the injection, there is no ready-made laboratory in this area. How easy is it to pull the medicine injected into the body back?


In this world, not everyone has the courage to be the first to try something new.

Genetically modified foods have been consumed worldwide for more than 20 years, and there is no reliable evidence that proves that this thing is harmful to the human body.

Logically speaking, it should be popular, right?

But it just doesn't work.

People would rather spend more money to buy non-genetically modified foods than to be greedy for that cheap thing.

For things that are icing on the cake, everyone is generally willing to wait and see the subsequent developments, but people who have no charcoal in winter can't wait.

Along with Su Wei's first-generation gene enhancement medicine, there are also various special medicines for genetic diseases produced by Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

As soon as the outlets in major cities opened, they welcomed a large number of hungry customers.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who come to inject the first-generation gene enhancement drugs among these customers.

Obviously, genetically modified foods lack a strong spiritual support. But the first-generation gene enhancement drugs are like divine help.

With the endorsement of the legendary figure Su Wei, many fans are willing to try them even though they know that such drugs may have side effects.

"United Gene" only needs to sign a notice, and there is no mandatory exemption clause. This means that if there is a problem with the drug, there is no need to worry about not getting help.

I have to say that this style is really "Su Wei".

The cost of invasive gene preparations is mainly in the cultivation value-added and the transportation and storage after leaving the laboratory environment.

Due to Su Wei's influence, the sales principle of gradient price reduction over time was not chosen for this market, but it was done in one step.

Although this cannot make huge profits in a short period of time, the reputation among the public is relatively good.

However, the United Gene outlets are not all smooth. Every outlet has some "lost people" running around with their heads in their hands and "little mice" appearing in the middle of the night.

And the troubles encountered by Su Wei are even greater.

Wang Weijian came to discuss the lucky ring with him on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but he did not tell Du Xiaoying.

The rings in the live broadcast room have not stopped being distributed since she came back from Fantasy City.

Although Wang Weijian is the only buyer at present, this group of people, seeing that there is no worry about sales, actually hoarded goods and speculated on the rings, playing the game of the seller's market.

It sold for 200 yesterday? Not today, you have to give me some extra, 201 is fine, otherwise I won't sell it.

Su Wei's fan group is a circle, even if this circle is large, it can maintain relatively loose connections.

They played like this, making Wang Weijian feel a little nauseous.

There is no way to put the purchase of the consecrated ring in the open. In addition, Wang Weijian's identity BUFF is there, and it is not appropriate to engage in this kind of unknown science.

The results of the Huake Institute are one after another, there is nothing wrong, but why is there no response at all after investing so many resources on the Gufang Research Institute?

I've heard that Qi Yuhong has some complaints about the guidance. This old guy is probably pretending to obey, and he lost the ring worth millions of dollars.

Or are these people so unlucky that even the good luck ring is ineffective for them?

Wang Weijian had no choice but to ask someone to ask.

It would be better if he didn't ask, but once he asked, he would find out the problem.

Qi Yuhong is like a gunpowder that explodes at the first touch.

It's fine if you come up with such an outrageous guidance, but you also come up with this secret investigation?

Who are you disgusting?

It's said that Taishang Laojun closed the alchemy furnace for you, but he would definitely leave a vent for you.

For those who do scientific research, it's difficult to have both IQ and EQ at the same time, and most of them are more straightforward.

"I want to see who disgusts whom!"

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