[Ding! Word Spirit Three: "I am the master of Tai Chi" Trust level reached. Word Spirit is activated, acquiring martial arts memory... adjusting physical quality...]

Su Wei thought he was ready, but he didn't expect that this time the movement was much more fierce than the last time he played chess.

Chess has only 32 pieces, and no matter how it evolves, it can't escape the established framework. The horse moves on the sun, the elephant moves on the field, and the knowledge and experience contained in the exhaustion of one is very limited.

But martial arts is not the same, and Tai Chi is the saint among them.

In a two-person battle, every posture of both sides, every force, whether it is real or fake, and subsequent changes, require extremely strong timely processing and reaction capabilities.

Fighting is not a simple matter. Whether it is Sanda or boxing, there are various rules for safety reasons, and players are strictly prohibited from attacking certain extremely vulnerable parts of the human body.

But martial arts do not have them. The martial arts in the public's cognition exist in the environment where "knights break the ban with martial arts", and it is about "meeting and a sword to end grudges".

Without the restrictions of rules, the variables in the battle are more than a thousand times more!

A large amount of knowledge poured into his mind in a short period of time. Su Wei felt dizzy and dizzy, as if his brain was almost shaken.

And this is not the most terrifying thing.

At the moment when the Word Spirit was triggered, Su Wei's body gradually began to transform into the physical qualities required of a martial arts master.

How can a body fight twenty professionally trained fighting masters alone? No one knows how the Word Spirit will define this body, but it will never be a weak college student.

The Word Spirit's transformation of the body is a continuous process. In a short period of time, it drives Su Wei's body to accelerate its evolution from weak to strong.

With a dizzy head, Su Wei felt as if his spine had been suddenly taken away, and his whole body was sore.

That feeling was like running a 42-kilometer full marathon with a tired body after not eating for three days. Every muscle and even every cell in the body is emitting a cry of hunger.

Facing the physical and mental attacks brought by the Word Spirit System, Su Wei decisively lay down.

His legs softened, his eyes went dark, and he fell towards Du Xiaoying.

"I haven't finished pretending yet, why did I wither?"

Although he had lost control of his body, Su Wei's consciousness was still clear, but he was a little overwhelmed by the massive amount of knowledge.

Du Xiaoying was a girl who weighed less than 100 pounds and had weak strength. How could she support Su Wei, a big man? What's more, the body's self-protection mechanism made Su Wei subconsciously grab Du Xiaoying's shoulders when he fell.

Accompanied by a cry of surprise, the scene suddenly became a mess.

[Fuck, a master attacked a female anchor in the street. ]

[Won't this be on the headlines tomorrow? ]

[What's going on? Is this something I, a minor, should watch? ]

"Su... Brother Su Wei, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

[? ? ? ]

[Wake up? What's going on? Heatstroke or stroke? 】

【Could it be that the hidden injury caused by Wu Yong suddenly broke out? I often see this in novels...】

【Could it be a terminal illness? God is jealous of talent! 】

【You know how to write novels...】

"Stop filming, ring the demon bell."

The cameraman put down the camera as he was told and went to help.

The live broadcast room screen showed irrelevant street scenes, but the enthusiasm of the barrage was not reduced at all.

The most talented warrior in thousands of years, the Tai Chi master who beat the Sanda champion, fainted in the street for no reason. The topic of this matter is no less than Su Wei's violent beating of Wu Yong.

"Hey? Brother, come here quickly, Brother Su Wei fainted."

Du Xiaoying went off the air, and the live broadcast room went black, but the storm brought by this accident was brewing.


Su Wei never thought that one day he would be carried around by three or five big men.

After touring the city hospital and doing countless tests, he returned to the attending doctor.

After flipping through the report, the attending doctor looked at Su Wei with a strange look.

"Young man, be careful!"

Du Xiaoying's face flushed instantly after hearing this, and she turned to one side, while several friends cast surprised eyes at Su Wei.

Yuan Lang: "Good boy, I always thought you were an honest man, but I didn't expect you to play so much behind the scenes!"

Xu Jie: "Brother Su, is this the world of rich people? Can you take me with you next time, J-10 J-10!"

Du Yusheng: "Little Su, you have so much money, don't you earn it by doing that part-time job?"

It has to be said that Du Yusheng's brain circuit is quite strange.

Su Wei had a bitter face and was speechless. I don't know how many times he cursed the Word Spirit System in his heart.

"Ahem!" The attending doctor cleared his throat: "The report shows that you are very healthy. It's just that you have anemia caused by excessive exercise. It's good to keep exercising, but long-term excessive exercise can also hurt your body. Young people should pay attention to moderation."

While everyone was stunned, the doctor grabbed a pen and paper and started to write a prescription.

"Your blood sugar is a bit too low. I will prescribe two bottles of glucose for you first. I will ask your friend to go out and buy some high-sugar food later. Eat some first. If you are really worried, you can be hospitalized for two days."

Su Wei took a deep breath: "Doctor, you are not afraid of doctor-patient conflicts when you say this?"

"Can you kill me with a set of Tai Chi? Go get the medicine, and then find a nurse to arrange a temporary bed for you, or go directly to the hospitalization procedures."

Are you still a fan?

Chapter 29 Playing with fire

Although the physical examination results showed that Su Wei had no other abnormalities except for some anemia due to excessive exercise, he still chose to stay for observation for two days.

Looking back, Su Wei was also somewhat relieved and afraid. The Word Spirit raised the upper limit of Su Wei's body, but did not change his current physical condition.

Even with such a body between the reasonable and unreasonable boundaries, the energy required for evolution can make him exhausted. Su Wei dared not imagine that if he boasted too much, he would starve to death directly due to insufficient nutrient supply.

Su Wei was fortunate that he had been following the plan step by step from the beginning, and did not greedily want to eat fat all at once.

Su Wei, who had become a Tai Chi master, was lying on the hospital bed, and every day besides eating and sleeping, he was thinking about the next plan. He did not realize that at this time, a storm had already been set off on the Internet.

Before, because of Zhou Yulong's channels and Su Wei's money for publicity, the short video of the Tai Chi master beating the triple crown champion was popular all over the Internet.

Martial arts master Zhu Baoguo came forward to confirm Su Wei's martial arts talent, and the action design by Wen Xiaofeng formed a logical closed loop that made ordinary people dare not come up to make trouble.

But all this changed instantly after Su Wei fainted on the street.

A rich second-generation who fainted due to hypoglycemia while walking on the street, you tell me that he is a martial arts master and can beat the Sanda champion? Compared with hard power, netizens are more willing to believe that this is "money ability"!

# Shocking! Tai Chi master's identity was exposed, and he was actually a rich second-generation! #

# Fainted on the street! Is he a master or a liar? #

# Wu Yong! Please come out and give an explanation! #

The former triple crown winner now dares not even turn on his mobile phone, and even dares not go home.

There are not only questions from friends in the circle, but also constant greetings from director Zhou Yulong: "Xiao Wu! You must withstand the pressure! Today's popularity is tomorrow's box office! I have talked to Boss Su and will give you a share of the box office!"

In this era of developed Internet, traffic can be monetized. Some people spend money to buy traffic, and some people try their best to get traffic. And riding on the popularity is undoubtedly the most basic operation.

The Tai Chi master's incident is so popular that it naturally attracts a large group of blood-sucking leeches.

Jia Quan is an anchor who works as a professional counterfeiter on weekdays. While suing bad merchants for compensation, he exposes videos to the Internet and obtains fans' rewards to survive.

"Brothers, it's time to live! That video on the Internet has been very popular recently. I believe most people have seen it. Today, we will not bother those unscrupulous vendors. The host has invited a master to weigh the weight of these martial arts masters for everyone."

In the live broadcast room, Jia Quan patted the shoulder of the strong man next to him and introduced everyone: "This is my good brother, Shao Bo. Although Comrade Lao Shao is not a professional Sanda boxer, he has also won the title of national amateur Sanda champion. Brothers who are interested can check it out online."

Shao Bo alternated his hands, pinched his joints, made a crackling sound, stared at the camera, with a ferocious face, but then couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Lao Jia, your fans want me to beat Wu Yong. I'm a little panicked, hahaha!"

"Ahem! Brothers, Wu Yong's strength is all fought out. Everyone in the circle knows that we dare not touch porcelain. I've said it, let's weigh the weight of the martial arts master, don't make a fuss!"

The barrage is full of people who like to have fun, saying all kinds of things, but the majority of them are conspiracy theorists.

[Old Jia, you don't want to make money in a shady way, do you? Even if you want to bring someone to fight with that rich second generation, to improve your reputation, right? Then at least hire someone who is good! Find an amateur, be careful not to flatter the horse's leg. ]

[Yes, Old Jia, if there is a problem, the boss won't pay. ]

[You don't understand, most professional boxers are very careful about their reputation, not everyone is like Wu Yong. ]

Seeing the comments getting more and more outrageous, Jia Quan was secretly happy. However, in front of the camera, he still showed an angry face:

"Bah! Brothers, although my name is Jia Quan, I only fight fakes, not fake boxing. To be honest, I originally wanted to find that rich second generation directly, but after asking, I heard that thing has not been discharged from the hospital yet. We have to give him some time. We can't let people say that we bully the old, weak and disabled, right?"

"But it doesn't matter, we have a way. Master Zhu Baoguo claims to be the head of Hunyuan Xingyi Tai Chi, and said that the strength of the rich second generation is comparable to his. But my brother watched Master Zhu's video and felt that his strength was just so-so. Since they said that their strength is comparable, it's the same for us to find Master Zhu to exchange skills."

The camera raised up, and the audience found that Jia Quan and Shao Bo were actually standing under the sign of Zhu's martial arts hall.

"Brothers, according to the rules of the martial arts world, let's hand in a challenge letter first."


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