245. Chapter 245 Can this be called a problem?

Chapter 245 Can this be called a problem?

Early in the morning, Su Wei was a little helpless when he was eating melons.

But after carefully reading the story line speculated by netizens, the room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Although he and Wang Weijian can be regarded as in the same camp, this does not prevent Su Wei from gloating.

This old Biden has calculated himself again and again, and he really deserves his bad luck.

Humming a little song, Su Wei even has an impulse to call over to "comfort".

However, if he waits until the limelight is over and then makes a few jokes, it would be fine. At this time point, if he really calls over to mock him, it would be too bad.

This joy has to be talked to someone, and Su Wei really wants to know Wang Weijian's mental state at this time. After hesitating for a while, Su Wei still dialed Shen Haoyu's number.

"Hey, little mouse, what are you busy with?"

"You called at the right time. I was just looking for you. I have a lot of troubles here and I can't get away."

"The outlets are all on track. What else do you have to do? It's not the ancient prescription research institute, right?"

When the genetic medicine came out, Shen Haoyu was most afraid that someone would suddenly come out and say that after taking your injection, a certain adverse reaction occurred.

But in fact, animal genetically modified preparations have not been put on the market like the first generation of genetic enhancement medicines, and are still in the testing stage.

And in Zhao Gang's area, there are very few people who get sick in the whole village. The first generation of genetic enhancement medicines only have positive effects and almost no side effects.

Before each injection of the medicine, the user will be strictly examined and investigated. If you want to get some strange disease in a short period of time, the method is too poor and too easy to be caught.

And the special medicines for genetic diseases of Huazhong University of Science and Technology are originally used to treat diseases. Even if there are some problems, they cannot arouse the empathy of bystanders.

Medicines are poisonous. Knowing that cancer chemotherapy will cause hair loss, why don't you do it?

"Damn, it's a long story. By the way, what did you ask me for?"

Su Wei also saw that maybe Shen Haoyu really encountered some troubles that he didn't know about.

I still remember when I was a project manager in my previous life, I didn't have enough time to do the work, so I asked the leader to apply for resources, commonly known as asking for people.

The leader always asked: What are you busy with? What's so busy about your project?

Sometimes it's difficult to put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand their situation when you are not in their position.

"It's not an important matter. I just want to know, does Wang Weijian have any influence on the consecration of the ring?"

Under normal circumstances, if a friend is hit by a car and the injury is serious, he must be rushed to the hospital. But if it just splashes dirty water on the pants of an unscrupulous car owner passing by, of course he can still gloat over his misfortune.

When Wang Weijian was mentioned, Shen Haoyu laughed at this moment even if he had many troubles.

"Hahaha, what can happen to him? It's already started. I don't care. Wait for the public opinion to end by itself."

"Oh? He is so single?"

"What else? Can he admit it or deny it? With such explosive content, if he wants to change the topic, he will have to catch a few super-first-line stars to offer sacrifices."

Indeed, Wang Weijian had no better way than to start the debate when he was questioned whether the consecration technique really existed.

Directly admit it? Anyone who is not thinking about defense knows that this is impossible.

Then can he come out to deny it?

Netizens are not idiots. They usually don't look at what you say, but what you do.

Now that the ring has been acquired and the guidance opinions have been issued, wouldn't it be a little late for you to say that all monsters and demons will be overthrown?

Let Su Wei come out to deny it? Su Wei had denied it a long time ago, and let Du Xiaoying play the back of his hand stab. Now the trust is in arrears and needs to be recharged. On the issue of the ring, no one will believe what he says.

What's more, if he really said "I don't know the consecration technique", it is possible that a word spirit entry would be generated.

Without waiting for Su Wei to reply, Shen Haoyu, perhaps because he was afraid that Su Wei would worry, continued to explain:

"Don't worry too much, this matter can be big or small. If your ring is useless, it will definitely be a big accident that makes a joke. However, the front-line experts in genetics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology have all stood up to speak for Wang Weijian. They all recognize the role of this thing in scientific research, so the negative impact is not that great. At most, it is a small mistake that the work is not detailed enough and leads to the outbreak of public opinion."

The matter of the consecration ring will be known to the public sooner or later, but the timing is not right this time, which will lead to such consequences.

"I am worried about nothing, the law of heaven will turn around, and no one will be spared by heaven. That kid always uses me as a gun, and now this kind of thing has happened, I am just about to open champagne to celebrate. By the way, what's the problem with you? Do you need my help?"

Shen Haoyu can also understand Su Wei's mood, otherwise he would not laugh when he mentioned Wang Weijian just now.

However, when the topic is about himself, he is not happy anymore.

"Do you still remember the new supervision system that Wang Weijian wanted to set up? Damn, I'm on fire!"

"Hey, how are you on fire?"

Shen Haoyu didn't have the time to joke with Su Wei at the moment. He had a lot of complaints to make, and by the way, he really wanted to see if Su Wei had any good solution.

"It's not the United Gene Network that caused the trouble. Instead of waiting to throw dirty water, a guy came to ask for help. An old man bought a pre-sale house, but it turned out to be bad. Now he can't get the house to rent, and he still has to pay back the bank loan. I have to pay it back. The old man was really helpless and said that if Dihong didn't care, he would solve the problem in his own way. "

"I understand the truth, but what does this matter have to do with you? What does it have to do with the new regulatory system?"

Shen Haoyu's words did not match his words, and Su Wei really couldn't understand the situation.

"Yes, I also want to ask, what does this matter have to do with me? Dihong doesn't engage in real estate, so isn't he just trying to make fun of me? The key is that this old man practices martial arts and is quite capable. But this How can I solve this problem for him? It happened that Lao Wang wanted to supervise Lao Shizi's martial arts, so I left this man to him."

Dihong was formerly a venture capital company, but now the majority of its investments are in pharmaceuticals. In order to build joint genetic outlets, Shen Haoyu trapped a lot of working capital in it.

This kind of nonsense is not his business, and he can't do it.


"If you leave the person to Wang Weijian, the matter will be solved?"

"Solve it? He can't even handle the matter about your ring, so how can he solve it? Originally, the construction of the new supervision system has begun to take shape. As soon as this matter comes up, well, it will be returned to its original shape. He went to a meeting with me a few days ago and talked a lot. The central idea was just one: if you want to build a new system, you must first deal with this man’s problem.”

Su Wei couldn't understand what was said in the scene, but no matter how slow he was, he understood this sentence.

How is this dealing with one person's problem? This is for Wang Weijian to solve this phenomenon-level problem.

Compared with this matter, are the hot spots caused by the consecration really a big deal?

Su Wei touched his chin and asked tentatively: "You mean, as long as this matter is resolved, the new supervision system will be established?"

246. Chapter 246 Take it easy, I can’t bear it

Chapter 246 Take it easy, I can’t handle it

"Oh? Do you have any idea?"

"I have no idea."

Su Wei was very single and answered without any hesitation.

Family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are all matters of money.

Although Su Wei wanted to say something very pretentious: As long as it's about money, it doesn't matter.

But it really can’t be done.

There are so many problems that even big shots can't deal with. How can you, a little Karami, be so excited about it?

It is actually easy to understand why this kind of question was asked to Wang Weijian.

Because essentially, real estate issues are regulatory issues.

The group represented by this man asked that the money loaned out by the bank should have been placed in the bank's supervision account to provide guarantee for the subsequent construction of the house.

But now, this money has disappeared somehow and has been misappropriated for other purposes.

When it comes to supervising accounts, it stands to reason that banks should bear the corresponding supervisory responsibilities, but since this is already a phenomenal problem and everyone is doing it, who can you turn to?

Everyone likes to settle the accounts, but the debts involved in real estate are in the trillions, and the annual interest would require thirteen figures to write down clearly.

Forget about the numbers, these numbers sound scary. Even if the Immortal who settles the accounts really comes, the accounts will not be settled.

Okay, isn’t Wang Weijian going to create a new regulatory system? Let’s resolve the issues left over from history. I will remember you as a great contributor and ensure a smooth journey for you.

Can Wang Weijian handle it?


It is true that Su Wei is a rooster that lays golden eggs, but even if he pulls his butt out of his anus, he still won't be able to fill the hole.

Originally, when Su Wei asked if the system could solve this problem, Shen Haoyu thought he had a way. Unexpectedly, he was full of expectations but was poured cold water on his head, and he was immediately speechless.

"There's nothing you can do about it!"

In fact, in Su Wei's view, whether Wang Weijian's system can succeed or not has little impact on him.

Su Wei's foundation is Yan Ling, and Yan Ling's trust requires the help of the masses.

As long as these people at the top of the pyramid don't let them influence their pretense, they can do whatever they like.

"Hehe, there is no other way. If you are short of money, I can help you find a way. But I don't think I can solve this problem even if I have money."

"Oh, I've been waiting for your words. Now it's really just about money."


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