"A big reaction? A big reaction means that the pharmaceutical process is done correctly and the medicine is effective. Don't panic, just operate normally."

"Don't fool me. After I took your pill, I started to have a high fever and sweat. My clothes were all covered in sweat. I couldn't even take a shower. My legs were so weak. I am now I feel like I’m like those salt-baked shrimps, jumping up and down.”

While he was talking, some unbearable blasting sounds came from the phone.

Su Wei subconsciously covered his nose and then remembered that radio waves cannot transmit smell.

This is an interesting phone call.

Hearing that Shen Haoyu was in such a miserable condition, Su Wei wanted to explain it, but the goods were not available now, and he did not know whether Shen Haoyu's current state was caused by the effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill or the most basic detoxification effect of this drug.

"Well, look at you. You usually smoke, drink, and don't exercise. You stay up late every day for three days. Why don't you take some time to recuperate? It's probably because you have too many impurities in your body that you have such a big reaction. How can a normal person react like that? just like you."

"Damn it, I stayed up all night every day, and it wasn't because of you. If I hadn't known you, I wouldn't have been a carefree playboy today!"

Although Shen Haoyu also knew that his body had been tortured enough, he was unwilling to suffer the consequences.

After cursing and complaining for a few times, Shen Haoyu thought of Su Wei's words and realized that he hadn't smoked today!

There is a saying that goes like this, if an old smoker can even quit smoking, then you have to be careful, this person can do anything.

Although this is just an excuse for smokers not to quit smoking, it also makes sense.

For smokers, this stuff is addictive, and they feel unsatisfied if they don't smoke for a while.

This is normal, but after most of the day, I still have a second box, which is really strange.

Taking out a paper shell from his pocket, Shen Haoyu took a cigarette, brought it close to his nose and took a sniff. Only then did he realize that indeed, the temptation brought by the scent of tobacco in the past was gone. At this time, he was completely gone. Put it in your mouth to ignite desire.

"Damn it, when you mentioned cigarettes, I just realized that I haven't smoked all day. You can't be addicted to smoking, can you? Isn't this going to cost me my life?"

For Shen Haoyu, smoking has become a daily habit. Although it often causes discomfort in his throat, he has never thought about quitting smoking.

Quit smoking? Even if I quit, I still have to smoke!

Concerned, Shen Haoyu directly picked up the filter tip, took out the lighter, lit it with a click, and then took a beautiful sip.

"Cough cough cough cough cough! I'm going to die. Now when I see cigarettes, I feel like a eunuch visiting a brothel. I can't get excited at all."

Su Wei was originally thinking about Shen Haoyu quitting smoking, so he didn't talk to her. However, Shen Haoyu was eating salt-baked prawns and eunuchs visiting brothels, which made him laugh.

"You understand metaphors."

The so-called body conditioning in traditional Chinese medicine generally refers to adjusting the body's qi, blood, and organ storage functions to achieve the purpose of improving physical fitness. Then fight against the disease through the immunity brought by the physical enhancement.

The essence of conditioning the body is not to cure the disease, and naturally one cannot quit smoking.

The only explanation is that Yan Ling treats the neurological dependence caused by nicotine as a neurotoxin.

Thinking of this, Su Wei was also a little speechless. I sell beauty medicines. Why do you always give me some sexy work?

When Shen Haoyu saw that Su Wei was patronizing and making sarcastic remarks, while he was experiencing multiple tortures caused by this bad pill, he immediately became angry: "Why do you think you are so unreliable? My medicine can help you quit smoking. have no idea?"

"Correction, it can detoxify. I don't smoke, where can I go?"

It was this sentence pattern again. As soon as Su Wei opened his mouth, Shen Haoyu guessed what he wanted to say. However, Shen Haoyu couldn't refute what this guy said.

Having had a fever for most of the day, Shen Haoyu was already feeling a little dizzy, but when Su Wei retorted like this, he couldn't help but explode:

"My surname is Su, I've been putting up with you for a long time! You don't smoke or drink, you're good at both civil and military affairs, why can you pretend like this? Can't you have some shortcomings to leave a way for us ordinary people to survive?"

"Well, I do have my shortcomings. I like to show off."


Galen whispered, and silence broke the defense. Su Wei's eighty-year-old skill, Shen Haoyu couldn't stop it at all...

Overtime work is not going well. I went to work at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and have not slept for 25 hours. Depending on the progress, I am still unsure whether I can get off work today.

The god of death is already waving at me. I will take a day off tomorrow. I hope you can forgive me...

252. Chapter 252 What a dark heart!

Chapter 252 What a dark heart!

The high fever made Shen Haoyu's mind a little confused, and he was silent for a few seconds. He really couldn't think of anything sexy to say in response to Su Wei, so he had to sigh and change the topic to the main topic.

"Oh, let's stop talking and let's get down to business. Your dust-cleansing and marrow-cleansing pill is too powerful. I just took one pill, and I immediately had a high fever and sweating. If you are older and have a poor constitution, take this pill. Yes, if you’re not sure, just eat.”

If Shen Haoyu hadn't said anything, Su Wei would never have thought of this.

The older the person is, the more impatient they are.

For older people, every winter is a hellish experience for them, not to mention such intense torment.

However, after half a foot has entered the gate of hell, do you really still care about your appearance?

"What you said does make sense. How about we stop selling this medicine?"

"Not selling? We have spent so much effort to renovate the beauty industry, and we finally grabbed the cake. We have come to this point, and you are giving up? You have already taken off your pants, why are you telling me this?"

Shen Haoyu looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. This medicine is now the beginning of a whole plan. How can you say it won't be sold if it doesn't sell it?

His original intention was to ask Su Wei if he had a solution, but he didn't expect Su Wei to be so thorough.

Hearing that Shen Haoyu said that he snatched the cake, Su Wei felt a little unhappy:

"What do you mean by grabbing the cake? Don't say it in such a bad way. This medicine is not a magical medicine that can rejuvenate youth and maintain youth forever. It just makes the skin quality better, and it won't have that big an impact on the market. The price is fixed If you need plastic surgery, you need plastic surgery, and if you need maintenance, you need maintenance. I just don’t want them to get in the way of those unscrupulous businessmen. How come I want to get here? Like killing all beauty shops?”

"Yes, yes, you don't want to kill the beauty industry, you just want to kill all the tobacco companies."

Shen Haoyu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Judging from the results of his own personal trial of the drug, it is very likely that this drug will have a smoking cessation effect. Doesn't he just want to kill all tobacco companies?

"Oh, what a shame! The ancient prescriptions are obviously your own, so why do you act like you just picked them up after a long time without knowing the effect at all?"

Su Wei was completely unable to refute Shen Haoyu's complaints.

Black Jade Intermittent Cream can cure high paraplegia, Black Jade Liangyi Cream can cure blindness, Dust Cleansing Marrow Pill can cure addiction to smoking, these were all discovered by Shen Haoyu...

Where do you ask him to reason with you?

After scratching his head, Su Wei had no choice but to change the topic:

"Since my medicine can cure smoking addiction, maybe it can also cure burning grass jelly addiction? Why don't you find someone to try it? If it works, will there be any explanation?"

Due to historical factors, Chinese people deeply hate burning fairy grass. Su Wei meant to let Shen Haoyu and Wang Weijian discuss whether it was possible to do something in this area.

Shen Haoyu understood what Su Wei meant, but in his opinion, Su Wei was obviously not sensitive enough in this regard.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he is not satisfied yet.

"I understand, you have never smoked burning jelly grass, so you don't know if this medicine has any effect, right?"

"Little Mouse, if you keep talking to the heavens, I'll hang up the phone. You can figure it out on your own."

Seeing that Su Wei was furious at the rebuke, Shen Haoyu was finally willing to restrain himself and speak calmly:

"I understand what you mean, but this thing really doesn't mean you can move it if you want. Children all know that smoking is harmful to health. If you can move it, isn't it too early?"

Shen Haoyu fiddled with the cigarette in his hand. There were bright red lines hidden in the blue-gray tobacco at the top. The white smoke kept drifting away, leaving a pungent smell in the air.

Yes, pungent.

In the past, Shen Haoyu would not react to this smell at all, but now, he actually had the urge to put out the cigarette butt.

This shows how terrifying the dust-cleansing marrow pill is.

However, the more outrageous the effect of this thing, the more helpless Shen Haoyu becomes:

"Do you know how much tax revenue this thing provides every year? What I smoke is relatively expensive, so there is no reference value. If a pack of cigarettes costs 20 yuan for an ordinary person, an experienced smoker will spend at least 7,000 to 8,000 yuan a year on smoking. . If you take this pill, you will have to pay nearly 1,000 taxes per person every year based on the tax rate of the tobacco industry!"

How many old smokers are there in China?

With its size, the beauty industry is just a hair in front of it!

Does Shen Haoyu dare to move? Shen Haoyu didn't dare to move!

Hearing this number, even Su Wei smiled helplessly.

"Made, I'm a real estate and tobacco guy. I'm a bastard, so why bother with you? You can figure it out yourself. I'm too lazy to talk to you. If you ask me, I really can't help it. Sell ​​one pill and pay 20,000 yuan. No one will have any objections if you take inflation into account."

Su Wei's method made everyone dumbfounded by Shen Haoyu.

It sounds like a bad idea at first, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be slightly feasible.

The greatest value of these ancient prescriptions in Su Wei's hands is that the material cost is almost negligible, but the effect of the finished product is extremely valuable.

At the market price in the beauty industry, a pill with the effect of Cleansing Dust and Cleansing Marrow Pill, selling for 30,000 yuan is not considered a rip-off.

The profit margin thing seems to be a joke in front of ancient times.

But... this is too stupid!

"You are amazing! You are noble! You might as well just turn this thing into a national brand."

"This recipe is just for making money. The price must be bad. I'm not even prepared to mess with the font size. Why, isn't this amazing and noble enough?"

"Well...it's really amazing and noble."

When other rich people say they don't care about money, everyone just takes it for fun.

But Su Wei said that he doesn't care about money. Anyone who knows him a little bit knows that this is an irrefutable fact.

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