Usually, I could still fool around, but it was always a little inconvenient to face each other.

After returning the live broadcast room to Du Xiaoying, Su Wei went downstairs.

Downstairs, Shen Haoyu leaned against the sofa, his feet hanging on the coffee table, one hand holding a cigarette, the other holding nuts, his mobile phone opened Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room, placed on his groin, and a home theater in front of him was playing an action movie.

This guy was dressed quite formally in a suit and tie, and looked like he had just attended a social event.

However, you can see that he looked carefree, just like he should be on vacation, and there was no guilt that should be skipping work and making a fuss.

"What movie did you watch?"

"Wu Xian, Zhou Yulong's new TV series."

"Oh? Director Zhou is now shooting a fairy-tale drama? His acting range has widened again."

There was a snack plate prepared by Aunt Lan on the coffee table. Although they didn't often have guests at home, they still had these things.

Su Wei peeled an orange for Shen Haoyu, but the guy stared at Su Wei with a strange look on his face, and didn't show any intention of reaching out.

"This drama is about a martial arts master who enters the Tao through martial arts and enters the world of cultivation to seek immortality after the revival of spiritual energy. Do you dare to say that you didn't ask him to shoot it?"


Su Wei was stunned for a moment, but did not refute immediately.

Everyone's living environment and hobbies are different, and the focus of attention is different, so the information they grasp is naturally different.

As an expert in information asymmetry, Su Wei naturally knows that misunderstandings in any relationship are inevitable.

Sometimes, as long as other people's opinions do not affect you too much, there is no need to spend too much energy to explain.

However, what he cares about is the other information in Shen Haoyu's words.

Strictly speaking, Zhou Yulong was not promoted by Su Wei, let alone made popular by Su Wei.

Before he cooperated with Su Wei, he was already a very famous martial arts film director.

However, after Su Wei opened a call for articles on the End Novel Network, he turned to specializing in filming online scripts.

As the most popular capital in the entertainment industry, Su Wei has always implemented the "three no" policy of not being short of money, not interfering, and not asking about profits and losses.

In Tianjin, the second phase of the film and television base has an area that is almost five times that of the first phase.

These were all built by Zhou Yulong specifically for filming movies. As a tyrant on the set, he has always had high requirements for scene props. He didn't have these conditions before, but now...

Although it is located in a remote area, the second phase of the film and television base has become a tourist destination for many people.

Su Wei is a nostalgic person. He gave all the copyrights of the novels on the terminal website to Zhou Yulong.

The scripts are all written by people.

The advantage of novel adaptation scripts is that, first, in terms of script selection, the scripts that have been screened by the audience once, the probability of failure after release will naturally be greatly reduced.

Second, the fans of the novels can naturally provide a large part of the guaranteed income for the film.

Therefore, Zhou Yulong has been making money in the past two years and has almost never lost money.

Su Wei's original essay solicitation was never limited to the martial arts channel.

He just required that a certain main character in the book must use the martial arts he wrote in the list.

How much does it cost to shoot a martial arts film?

Adequate funds mean that Zhou Yulong can show his strength in special effects, Su Wei's indifference and the improvement of his status in the entertainment industry mean that he can arrange actors according to his own ideas, and Su Wei's side does not even care about the profit and loss, which provides Zhou Yulong with a good environment for trying to explore new fields.

In this case, it is not uncommon for him to turn to shoot the script of Xianxia.

However, what makes Su Wei entangled is that after the Wanhua Jue came true and the live broadcast room got better, he almost forgot about the position of online literature.

There is no way. For an online novel, even if it is updated 30,000 times a day, the cycle from scratch to film and television is too long.

In comparison, the live broadcast room that can convert bragging into influence in real time is obviously more powerful.

Audiences have a preconceived notion about online articles or movies. I am watching artistic creations. Except for ignorant children, no one would think that the cultivation methods on it are real.

Before this, Su Wei only regarded Zhou Yulong's movies as a tool to gather public cognition.

However, when the public's cognition of the extraordinary began to be outrageous, the influence of online articles and movies began to show its power.

Stuffing the orange into Shen Haoyu's hand, Su Wei knocked on his head and asked:

"Why do you think Zhou Yulong filmed the fairy tale at my instruction? Could it be that this guy has recently filmed a movie related to the theme of spiritual energy recovery?"

Shen Haoyu's expression became more and more strange:

"Yes. "The Immortal Demon Tribulation" tells the story of the revival of spiritual energy, the opening of the gate of heaven, and the influencing of thousands of demons into the mortal world, committing countless murders. Soon after the gate of immortality opens, a great battle between immortals and demons will be set off in the mortal world. By the way, didn't you buy all these scripts? You really don't know?"

Su Wei was dumbfounded.

"I have already given Director Zhou the connection channel for End Point. Why should I care about it when I have nothing to do?"

It was not until now that Su Wei realized how big a mistake he had made.

The theme of novels about spiritual revival has long been written to death.

But the bad ones often mean classics. New wine in old bottles, whoever can come up with new ideas will become popular.

Su Wei has always only given standards and never cared about the process, and this was also the case when he was soliciting articles for End Point.

What the novel needs is contradiction, hatred, and dilemma, so that the protagonist can have the feeling of overturning the situation and saving the world.

But this type of novel is undoubtedly a disaster among disasters for ordinary people in the world where the protagonist lives.

Excellent authors can often refresh the public's understanding of a certain entry. Under the influence of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it does not matter what the historical facts are.

Su Wei didn't know how the "The Tribulation of Immortals and Demons" mentioned by Shen Haoyu changed the definition of spiritual energy recovery.

Secretly complaining in his heart, but not knowing who to complain to, Su Wei could only curse secretly: "Damn it. I'm going to die if I do this!!!"

Chapter 272 The world is awake

The term "Xianxia" has actually only been popular for a few years. Before the rise of Xianxia novels, this stuff was called myths and legends.

However, there is never a clear definition of the combat power classification in myths and legends.

Since the rise of fairy tales online, the level of myths and legends in public perception has been constantly refreshed. Among these online articles, there are low-level martial arts and high-level martial arts.

There are people with low martial arts levels, powerful golden elixirs and headshots from enchanted sniper rifles.

At a high level of martial arts, one can pick up stars and destroy the sun during the foundation building stage, and can physically cross the void.

According to Su Wei's original plan, the lower limit of this immortal system that was about to be realized should be low enough, so low that a newbie cultivator would not be able to defeat the masters in the martial arts world.

Of course, the upper limit must be high enough, otherwise it will not be able to support Su Wei's long-cherished wish for eternal life.

If it weren't for the purpose of customizing a Xianxia system, Su Wei wouldn't be planning his own entries.

He only said that day on September 6th, the Heavenly Gate opened, and a large amount of spiritual energy filled the heaven and earth. However, he never expected that the term "Heavenly Gate Opened" had already been banned in the public consciousness because of a novel written by a certain author. This led to the formation of public awareness of spiritual energy recovery.

This matter is just like how Su Wei was tricked by Yan Ling when he said he "somewhat understood".

The amount of information everyone has is different. It is very common for information gaps to cause deviations between one's own cognition and that of "most people". This trap is really difficult to avoid.

"My whole life, I have been walking on thin ice." These words to Su Wei couldn't be more appropriate.

I often walk by the river, and my shoes won’t get wet. With the spirit of words and deeds around me, there’s actually nothing to panic about.

If your shoes get wet, use a dryer to dry them.

Compared to the planned spiritual energy recovery, Su Wei was more concerned about Shen Haoyu's attitude.

"By the way, since you think that the movie Director Zhou made was my instruction, aren't you worried that a lot of weird stuff will come out on the Ghost Festival? Why do I feel like you're not panicking at all? ?”

"What do I have to panic about? If the sky falls, your surname is Su, and the pressure from above is supported by his surname Wang. I am just a playboy. When I am needed, I will act according to the rules. Use When I’m not with you, I raise fish and walk birds, don’t be too carefree.”

Shen Haoyu glanced at the orange that Su Wei stuffed over him. He was a little speechless, but he still broke off a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Su Wei rolled his eyes and said, "I'd like to thank you for your recognition. Dandies like you are rare. You obviously have better training opportunities than others, but you just don't want to work harder on your own."

It has been almost two years since the release of the Shenzhi Rejuvenating Qi Pill, and with the existence of the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill, someone like Du Xiaoying who practices two hours a day will almost reach the threshold of Ten Thousand Transformations Jue.

It is said that Su Wei has provided enough fairness when it comes to cultivation, but in fact, when cultivation needs to be started and accelerated based on materials, the distribution authority of materials will still affect everyone's cultivation progress.

Of course, this kind of problem is almost unavoidable. Su Wei cannot directly affect other people's perceptions. The Shenzhi Huanqi Pill is essentially just a method he uses to modify other people's perceptions of whether he can cultivate.

However, with this method, it is limited by the innate resource allocation, which is almost an unchangeable problem.

Of course, what I say here is "almost". To solve this problem, we only need to announce the formula and refining steps of the elixir...

As the largest source of business besides Su Wei, it would be easy for Shen Haoyu to surpass Du Xiaoying in strength if he wanted to. However, this person is really too lazy.

For Su Wei, source businessmen like Shen Haoyu are not interested in strength, which obviously helps alleviate the unfairness in cultivation.

In this regard, Wang Weijian can see some subtle insights.

Wang Weijian was also an enthusiast of ancient martial arts, but this guy was relatively sophisticated, so even in the "big martial arts competition", he did not choose to show off his skills.

It's hard to say whether Su Wei would be as worry-free as he is now if Shen Haoyu is replaced by Wang Weijian.

The person in front of him was a strange person who dared to poke fun at Su Wei even when Wang Weijian's information was supposed to be kept secret.

Shen Haoyu obviously didn't agree with Su Wei's argument.

"I don't like hearing what you are saying. Then let me ask you, why are some people unwilling to change careers even though they know that they will not make a lot of money in their lifetime?"

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