It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes. Su Wei never expected that these fans would not be on guard against him at all.

His cautious little Jiujiu all turned into a battle of wits and courage with the air.

The only thing that gave him a headache was Du Xiaoying.

"Ah? Then why do you say this potion is useless? Is it because vampires can't sunbathe or because werewolves will go crazy when they see the moon?"

"There are no vampires or werewolves in my ancestors. How do I know if vampires sunbathe and if werewolves go crazy? The reason why they are classified as useless is because both werewolves and vampires have special energy similar to internal force. This energy and internal force The spiritual powers are not compatible.

Moreover, the upper limit of this thing is just that. As long as there is fifty or sixty years of internal power in the body, the werewolf is a stake to measure damage, and the vampire is a target to practice marksmanship. "

The question Du Xiaoying asked already involved Su Wei's knowledge blind spot.

The spirit potion only defines the conversion method between vampires and werewolves. As for whether these two things can sunbathe and whether they will go crazy, it all depends on which part of the public supports the life characteristics of vampires and werewolves. A little more.

However, considering that the main purpose of these two bottles of "Origin Blood" was to dig holes, Su Wei was still cautious.

I wanted to use the word spirit to lock the upper limit of the combat power of these two races, but unexpectedly, no word spirit entry was generated at all.

In this way, Su Wei can more confidently and boldly deceive people.

Compared with immortals and martial arts, werewolves and vampires in the West are obviously much more "scientific".

Although it has extremely extraordinary resilience, the price it needs to pay is undoubtedly greater.

Vampires need fresh blood, and werewolves also need adequate nutritional supplements. An injured werewolf will become more violent, probably for this reason.

However, extraordinary resilience is like a joke in this era.

No matter they are werewolves, vampires, or ancient warriors, they have no capital to be arrogant in the face of the heavy firearms of the established system.

It's impossible for everyone to be Su Wei and still be alive and kicking after being shot in the head.

Two years ago, this thing would have been something that people would flock to, but now...

If there were no side effects, as a prop in the "Get something for nothing" series, it would still have some value.

However, since it is not compatible with internal spiritual power, it is truly useless.

What's more, this thing is likely to have side effects like those in werewolf and vampire legends.

There is no doubt that since the shortcomings of these two groups are widely known to everyone, they must have been ingrained in the public consciousness.

Based on Su Wei's understanding of Yanling, it is absolutely impossible for it to eliminate these well-known negative effects.

Having said that, Du Xiaoying still felt that this thing might be of some use:

"Can't vampires and werewolves practice internal skills? That's really a bit useless. But according to legend, vampires can live for hundreds of years, and Mr. Shen might like it."

After all, Su Wei is only one person, so his planning cannot be perfect.

Few people can resist the temptation of immortality.

However, cultivating immortality is the road to immortality. Unless there are really no conditions, why should vampire blood be used to replace it?

What's more, in the world where Su Wei is present, a small change occurs in three days, and a big change occurs in five days.

Immortality? In a few decades, who knows what the world will look like.

Even if he had to worry, it wasn't Su Wei's turn to worry.

Thinking about it this way, longevity has become another gimmick, just waiting for others to bite you.

"If you think this thing is useful, then vote for it."

Du Xiaoying pursed her lips and smiled, naturally she would not be fooled by Su Wei: "That won't work, Xiaoying will vote for the Beast Taming Pill."

Doing this is tantamount to cutting off your own future. Su Wei's fans are all young and their aura is about to recover. Who can think of such an evil method of immortality?

However, Du Xiaoying once again mentioned the Beast Taming Pill, which opened the door to a new world for everyone.

[Let’s just say, are vampires and werewolves considered humans or beasts? 】

[Count the orcs. 】

[I announce that Taming Beast Pill will win the MVP seat at today’s tasteless product seminar. 】

[You have agreed to vote, there is no reason to go back on your word halfway, Su Shen, I don’t want you to become a villain who goes back on your word! 】

[There is no such thing as a beast control pill. I don’t believe it. They are all just bragging, unless I see the real thing. 】

This group of people were all looking for fun, and they didn't necessarily intend to get some beast control pills to find a partner, but it was true that the things Su Wei took out from behind were "not fun."

They are all useless stuff, but aren’t they just “fun” stuff, so how many votes will they get?

"It seems that everyone doesn't like being 'unhuman'. Indeed, vampires and werewolves are not in line with the aesthetics of our country. If it doesn't work, these things should be returned to their original owners and given to the foreigners. Just don't I don’t know if they want it.”

Fans in the live broadcast room thought Su Wei was joking. No one knew that the experienced hunter had already dug a hole and was waiting for his prey to take the bait.

Su Wei's identity is no longer a secret internationally.

Su Wei would never believe it if no foreigners were watching the Dousha live broadcast room.

Wang Weijian set limits on elixirs and techniques. Although they were not particularly strict restrictions, it was not that easy to mass-produce ancient warriors.

As long as the source of the Liuhe Explosive Qi Pill is blocked, the outside world will never be able to catch up.

Su Wei seemed to be joking, but he gave others an excuse to "request" two tubes of source blood from him.

In addition to power, there is also immortality as bait.

If you think about it from another perspective, no matter how low the probability of success is, these people will still give it a try.

As long as they dare to ask for it, Su Wei will dare to give it, not only to give it, but to give it in a big way.

Next, you just need to wait quietly for the fish to bite the hook.

Chapter 278: Trapping people to death will not pay for their lives

Su Wei said that he wanted to send out two tubes of source blood, but the fans in the live broadcast room did not react at all.

Everyone thought Su Wei was joking.

What's more, even if Su Wei really wants to give this thing away, it's not a big problem.

This kind of prop, which doesn't sound very smart, does go well with outsiders.

However, don't worry, the audience will always get angry.

Before the live broadcast here ended, Shen Haoyu's call came in.

Su Wei glanced at the caller ID and immediately knew that today's live broadcast could not continue.

After greeting the audience, Su Wei put away the black box and left the studio.

"Oh, are you so impatient? I thought you would wait until my 'tasteless product launch' is over before looking for me again."

Shen Haoyu thought, when you finish, who knows what big job you will do.

"When did I say that I'm so idle? In your words, we are familiar with each other. If you talk nonsense, I will still sue you for defamation."

"Are you not free? If you are not free, will you come to my place for vacation?"

Su Wei's appearance in the live broadcast room is now a big event for many people.

This guy put the blame on himself as soon as the show started, which made Shen Haoyu feel that this guy just wanted to show off and just found any excuse.

However, the things he took out were indeed almost useless.

Having said that, even if the scope of application of Su Wei's things is very narrow, the production line must be opened.

"Bullshit, what I call skipping work is not considered a vacation? To be honest, what is in your test tube is real or fake?"

"I don't like hearing what you are asking. When did you ever make a joke about the things I took out?"

After answering, Su Wei suddenly realized that something was wrong with Shen Haoyu's tone:

"Hey, you don't want to use this thing, do you? I told you this thing is useless. It's really unnecessary."

"You have promised to give me lazy pills, what use do I need them for?"

Shen Haoyu was afraid that Su Wei would forget what he had promised two days ago, so he nodded at him and continued: "However, no matter how useless this thing is, it can have some effect, such as extending the life of the elderly..."

"Don't be kidding."

Su Wei frowned: "Werewolves need to eat raw meat, and vampires need to drink raw blood. Haven't you heard those Western legends? Powerful vampires raise blood servants and let them drink animal blood. If this thing spreads, can you Guaranteed there won’t be any problems?”

According to vampires in Western legends, drinking animal blood is survival, and drinking raw blood is life.

As for werewolves, that's even more ridiculous.

How can a species that goes crazy when it sees the moon be left alone?

These things are much harder to control than Guwu.

Even if he had a hundred thousand courage, Shen Haoyu wouldn't dare to expand this thing.

What's more, blood in the blood bank is always in short supply. Once the vampire community rises, there will be fewer people donating blood.

Originally, the purpose of donating blood was to save people, but if this thing might become food for vampires, who would play with you?

Shen Haoyu didn't think so much at all. He just thought that whatever Su Wei brought out, no matter how useless it was, must have some positive effects. But who would have thought that in Su Wei's eyes, this thing was really just a little bit useless. It has no effect.

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