Although there are three million people in the live broadcast room, they are all people who come to watch the fun. Their composition is unknown. If you dare to treat them all as fans, you may not be overturned.

Su Wei deeply remembered that within ten years, the trust level of the word spirit jumped 0.01%, and at least 10,000 people were needed to believe it. In the eighty years, it could only be completed by 80,000 people.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Su Wei sighed softly: "Forget it, let's play it slow!"

Pulling himself together, Su Wei looked at the camera and said with a smile: "Today, I will help you bring down the price of this thing. I also have 10,000 boxes of Ginseng Zhihui Qi Pills here, with a total of 120,000 pills. Wait a moment Send me a red envelope and take out all of it! If you are interested, you can give me a shark coin later to participate in the lottery.”

Thanks to the [Fat Cat Story] boss for the huge reward! Thank you for your support!

91. Chapter 91 Remarks on the launch

Chapter 91 Remarks on the launch

Let’s talk about the core overview first, and then just say a few words.

[This book will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow. There will be no updates in the morning and ten updates after 12 o'clock. It has a total of 23,000 words. Sanjiang still owes ten updates, but there are not enough manuscripts saved, so I will pay them back slowly. over! 】

I didn’t want to write a testimonial for the release, because there really wasn’t much to write about. Instead of wasting that brain, I might as well write a thousand more texts.

However, some bosses suggested that I should write a testimonial about the launch, so I will follow the trend and write it.

In fact, the editor was not very optimistic about this book when it was first published, because imaginative writing is more difficult to write and prone to collapse.

But my last book had a Qianjun historical score, and I was relatively confident in this book, so I reluctantly gave me a "trial sign".

Even the editor didn't expect me to break out of the encirclement and crawl into Sanjiang. Ha ha.

My confidence in this book comes from the entire outline I designed before starting the book.

It's not a strange thing. Even if I don't say it, everyone can guess it. It's nothing more than urban-martial arts-revival of spiritual energy-xianxia. Of course, I also added some other ingredients, which I won’t spoil here.

I have talked about the plot outline with other authors in the author group before, and they also gave me a lot of suggestions. A big boss even guessed that I would go into the elixir genre in the early stage and promote ancient martial arts before it was put on the shelves. This also confirmed the feasibility of my outline.

Of course, there are also many pessimists who say that I will collapse with 300,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan, and 800,000 yuan.

Hi, it is true that imagination writing is relatively easy to collapse, but it will only collapse if there is not sufficient preparation in the early stage.

To be honest, I wrote the outline of this book about the revival of spiritual energy and the beginning of Xian Xia. As for what Xian Xia will do after that, that is too far away. Yan Ling is locked forever and cannot be unlocked until the end of the book. Who knows.

I will think about the follow-up outline as I write it.

Let’s talk a little more about my writing history.

The first book in my life, I jumped into the street and didn’t sign a contract. Well, you probably can’t see it now. That happened many, many, many years ago.

For the second book, I signed a contract after writing 200,000 words directly. It was an "encouragement sign" given to me by an editor at that time before he resigned. I won't mention the specific editor. I was young and ignorant at the time and thought he was a scam. Now, Thinking about it, what a great editor, really, I cry to death.

Then the second book was ordered at RMB 30, and I wrote 76,000 words, earning a total of 1,800 yuan for perfect attendance, and some pitiful subscription income. Oh, at that time, perfect attendance was still 600 per month, and the threshold for signing was quite low. I couldn’t even sign up for it, and I would shed tears even if I talked about it too much.

The third book is the one from last year called "Shooting the Condor Live". The results were pretty good, I finished four rounds, but I don’t know why, but I just didn’t absorb enough. Later, I wrote about a big poisonous point that should not be touched, "the golden finger is swinging", and then the order was instantly reduced to one-fifth, which can no longer be described as being cut in half.

Originally, according to my temperament, I had to insist on finishing my initial outline. After all, there were still two months of full-time work without food, which was a huge amount of income for me. However, a little life happened to be born in my family at that time. Parents all know how busy this period of time is, and in the end I had to end it when the second world ended.

The fourth book is the current one.

Well, this book, even though it’s a novel, in my opinion, did touch on a lot of poisonous points, and it was scolded quite miserably. If it had been a newbie, the plot would probably have deformed and collapsed. But I am an old author, so I have a thick skin, so feel free to criticize me. After all, it does help me a lot, but there are some pitfalls. If I don’t step on them, I will never know about them in my life.

The editor said that my book is well written and if it doesn’t collapse, it will hopefully be a masterpiece. In this case, then I will set a small goal for myself, and let it be high-quality.

I didn't sign a contract - I signed a contract and had perfect attendance - Qianjun's small results - the high-quality products officially entered the industry - the big high-quality products - Wanjun - became a god.

This book is a masterpiece, the next book will be a masterpiece, and the next book will be even better! Look, my career planning route is so clear!

After finishing the small talk, I will finally recommend a series of books to everyone. You must do what you promised your friends. Dear book lovers, please take it from yourself.

1) First of all, I would like to thank Hui Zai, the author of "Zhutian: I Became a God by Loading Templates". This book tells the story of a very H protagonist who travels through various American drama worlds. It's really H, otherwise I wouldn't have read it. After all, I don't watch American TV series. If I hadn't been pursuing his books, I wouldn't have known that he quietly gave me a chapter recommendation. He really made me cry to death.

2) Thanks to Shen Tan, the author of "The God of Strike, Starting from Climbing the Tower of Transcendence". This is a fine article, the title is very clear, it is about strikes, the battle scenes with swords cutting into flesh are written very well, those who like this can try it.

3) Thanks to Wu Shen, the author of "Black Technology: I Have a Modification Factory". It is also a fine article, also on the science fiction channel, I guess you may have read it, maybe you just recommended it by following the chapters.

In addition, I recommend a few books by group friends, you can choose according to the introduction.

6) "LOL: Who Says There Is No Love in E-sports": The heroine is the kind of love that sticks to each other, the author is a dog hater, dog fans can go over and scold him.

7) "I Bury Corpses in Fog City and Draw Blind Boxes": A Western fantasy with thousands of copies, the gold content is understood. The protagonist is more confident and outspoken, and the cool article is very cool.

11) "Can You Make a Normal Card?": A card brain hole fun article, the main feature is an unexpected one. It has a high affinity with this book, but it is still a seedling.

12) "The Big Player of the End of the World!": It takes the path of Deep Blue plus points to break through the end of the world, and it is also a pure and refreshing article.

Well, that's about it. Thank you for your support. I will continue to work hard to "not write collapse".

92. Chapter 92 Indestructible Golden Body

Chapter 92 Indestructible Golden Body

For Su Wei at present, there is not much difference between ten years and eighty years of internal strength.

The popularization of internal strength has become inevitable. Now he no longer needs to use the luxurious special effects of eighty years of internal strength to prove the existence of internal strength.

To enter a higher level, letting the public gradually contact the extraordinary is the only way.

The speed of Su Wei's evolution does not actually depend on himself, but on the speed of evolution of the entire society.

Only when more people are exposed to a higher level of extraordinary can they believe the more outrageous bulls Su Wei blows.

"People" are the main body of the word spirit.

And "cognition" is what determines the upper limit of the word spirit.

With the popularization of internal skills, the second level of Word Spirit will be realized sooner or later.

It is not yet time to fight to the death. For this thing, it is not worthwhile to risk destroying his "never bragging" personality.


Du Xiaoying sent out a red envelope and distributed 10,000 boxes of Shenzhi Huanqi Pills.

The number of 120,000 pills is a drop in the bucket for 3 million viewers, or for those who want to practice internal skills.

The lucky winner will definitely sell it if he is short of money.

Most of these pills will eventually flow into the hands of the rich.

However, there is really nothing to say about this.

Strictly speaking, Su Wei has also made a meaningful attempt to solve the problem of the gap between the rich and the poor in China...

He is so anxious to distribute all the pills in his hand, just hoping that the price of this thing will not be as high as it is now.


In any hot industry, the first batch of entrants will always make a lot of money. Most people know this truth.

After all, Shenzhi Huanqi Pills are consumables. Su Wei alone cannot produce enough to supply the entire China.

Moreover, without the cooperation of Dali Jin Gang Wan, it would be a blessing if one person out of a hundred could cultivate internal strength.

However, time will solve this problem.

When the first batch of practitioners cultivate their internal strength to a certain level, the high profits will drive them to the path of processing and selling Shenzhi Huanqi Pills. At that time, Su Wei will not need to worry about this matter.

But that is still a long way off, at least one or two years later.

It is basically a pipe dream for Su Wei to lower the price of the pills. After all, the market demand is there. If there are no restrictions, no commodity can escape this objective law.

And the value of the pills is there, and there are many red eye diseases.

Not long after the live broadcast ended, posts attacking Su Wei appeared on the Internet.

A cursory glance showed that most of the black spots were concentrated on speculation and smearing.

It was nothing more than saying that Su Wei and the Dousha platform colluded with each other and there was a shady deal in the lottery.

Su Wei just wanted to laugh at this.

"The aggressiveness needs to be improved."

Is Su Wei afraid that others will accuse him of being a shady person?

Su Wei is afraid that others will say that he is a fake master and that he sells fake medicine!

This year's black fans are really not aggressive.


With the end of the Spring Festival holiday, people who work have returned to work.

Although school has not started yet, Du Yusheng has also returned to Xiajing.

He is not a simple student now. He returned early before the New Year. Su Wei still has a lot of things to deal with, and he is embarrassed to dawdle for too long.

Du Yusheng thought that he would prepare for the opening of a supermarket branch when he returned to Xiajing this time, but he did not expect that he would receive a new task as soon as he met Su Wei-to build the framework of the charity organization with Yuan Lang.

It's not that Su Wei can't wait to get famous, but those little black fans on the Internet, although they don't bite people, are also annoying because they buzz all day long.

Moreover, the profits from the Black Jade Ointment are continuing to flow in. Even though it is still in its start-up phase and the sales channels are not particularly complete, nine-digit profits can be put on the Longchao Charity card in a month.

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