When buying a new car, you need to ask for a consecrated amulet to ensure safety, and when taking the college entrance examination, you also need to ask for a consecrated amulet to ensure high school.

Not only do many elderly people from the ignorant era believe in this, but many young people now also believe in this.

Many people bathe and burn incense before drawing cards, shouting "Heaven and earth, may the gods and Buddhas bless them", and randomly calling for the blessings of gods and Buddhas. It is difficult to say whether these people believe in gods or not.

There is an old saying in China, "It is better to believe in it than to believe in it."

When facing probabilistic events, people always trust metaphysics more than probability.

Fortune is something that cannot be seen or touched, but no one doubts that it exists.

This willingness to believe or not is what Su Wei has been studying.

People believe in the God of Wealth not because they really believe in God, but because they believe that doing so can bring them wealth, which is greed.

But being afraid of ghosts is really being afraid of ghosts, without any other deep meaning, which is fear.

It is not easy to associate calling the wind and rain with these negative emotions, but it is very simple to drive away ghosts and evil spirits.

The natural fear of ghosts is very easy to use. Su Wei feels that if he goes out now to draw a talisman and says that this thing can drive away ghosts and evil spirits, it will definitely be more credible than that Taoist priest.

Su Wei sighed slightly and finally drove this idea out of his mind.

"Wait, wait a few more months, wait until the second word spirit is unlocked before you waste time. Now there is only one way to go."


Wudao Yongchang started shooting, and it is one step closer to obtaining the skills.

With the sale of "Brother Wei", a substitute for the Dali Jin Gang Wan, the Chinese people began to learn internal strength in large quantities, and the market price of Shenzhi Huanqi Dan ushered in a new historical low.

Even though Longchao Supermarket is not profitable, it has opened a second one in Xiajing.

The framework of Longchao's charity is gradually taking shape. The first six Hope Primary Schools and eight trunk roads are being tendered and repaired simultaneously. Du Yusheng and Yuan Lang fly all over the country all day, and they have initially shown the momentum of successful people.

Shen Haoyu sent a message that the Black Jade Intermittent Cream was already exploring sales in foreign markets, but it was definitely not as "cheap" as buying it in China. The main idea was to throw away conscience and make a lot of foreign exchange.

The Olympics were approaching, and the Dali King Kong Pills would be unblocked soon. At that time, there would be no need to suppress the popularity of the ancient prescription, and Su Wei could do something new.

According to Shen Haoyu, the eight production lines of Dali King Kong Pills, which were producing day and night, were all taken away. It was estimated that at least hundreds of millions of pills were hoarded...

Obviously everything was progressing steadily, but Su Wei was a little upset for no reason.

It was too troublesome to transform the entire society's cognition. For several months, Su Wei had been thinking about how to increase the public's tolerance limit for the extraordinary every day.

The pressure was a bit high and a bit tiring.


Perhaps it was because Su Wei's business touched the most familiar field, or because Su Wei offered three times the remuneration. In short, Li Guangli's efficiency was a bit high.

In just three days, a demonic wind took the short video platform as its base camp and swept all the way, sweeping the traditional video station.

Create super topics and buy hot searches.

For a time, developed countries led by the United States reported "cutting-edge technology leaks".

Someone attacked the database, someone was arrested, and someone in the laboratory found his conscience and reported it.

In short, various versions of the story suddenly became popular.

If this was a general "unknown true or false news", you would just laugh it off.

But Su Wei gave too much!

Li Guangli found a group of PS masters to match these prophetic stories with appropriate pictures, including newspapers in pure foreign languages ​​and clips of foreign arrests of suspects...

There is a fence between China and the outside world. In fact, most people don't know what happened or what is happening in foreign countries.

Their perception of foreign countries depends on propaganda. They believe what others say.

This kind of badmouthing of foreign countries is undoubtedly another kind of correctness. For a time, those who understand have evolved into "Kings of Understanding", and a few people who know the truth can't stop this trend of self-congratulation. They can only sigh: After all, netizens have low IQs.

If this kind of self-congratulatory news of Chinese netizens spreads to the outside world, it will probably become a source of joy for the whole world.

However, with Su Wei here, they may not be happy.


Knocked on the door of the studio, and as expected, they were welcomed by a wave of barrages.

"Hey, didn't you sing today?"

"I'm tired of singing. The barrage recommended a few games. Xiaoying will try it, but this one is very difficult."

After listening to Du Xiaoying's explanation, Su Wei's head was full of black lines.

"You listen to the barrage, then you are afraid that you are not satisfied with your life!" Su Wei pulled a chair and sat down.

On the computer screen is a small game with a 2D horizontal version of the painting style, which is the "King of Jumping" that was very popular in the past two years. Like "What's the use of playing without legs", it is a fun game that changes your mentality.

This is a game that "it's better to watch others play than to play it yourself".

Du Xiaoying manipulated the little man to jump left and right, and had reached the third level, and seemed to be very skilled. But soon, a mistake made her fall directly from the third level and landed at the beginning of the first level.

"Puff--" Su Wei couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, Du Xiaoying didn't scream like those female anchors in her impression, but was calm with a hint of loss.

"Hey, I'm back again!"

In this way, Su Wei seemed a little rude.

Although the camera is set up, Du Xiaoying can't really perform the effect of a crazy woman. It's just that this kind of pitiful loss is unexpectedly heartbreaking.

The barrage is full of "Stop playing", "I'm wrong", "Sorry" and so on, which is completely different from those "Hahahahaha".

Su Wei scratched his head and asked: "How long have you been playing?"

"Not long..." Du Xiaoying looked down at the time: "Ah, how come it's been four hours?"

Su Wei was speechless for a while, so he had to curse at the camera: "Look at you guys, what have you done to the child! It's hurting people!!!"

Indeed, Du Xiaoying is not lively anymore, and it seems that Shen Haoyu needs to find a psychologist to intervene.

Seeing Su Wei cursing the barrage, Du Xiaoying hurriedly waved his hands and explained:

"No, no, I think it's quite fun. Every time I jump to a new node, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Brother Su Wei, do you want to try it?"

"Heh, why did you trick me?" Su Wei touched his nose and said with disdain: "Let me do this thing, and I can pass it easily. I can only say that having hands is enough."

[Ding! Word Spirit Three "I can easily pass this game" was generated successfully. Current trust: 32.50%]

Facing Du Xiaoying's expectant face and the noble barrage who played the role of a black, Su Wei snorted coldly and took the keyboard from Du Xiaoying.

Catching the space bar "bang bang" and pressing it randomly, as expected, after jumping up a few levels, it quickly fell back to the starting point.

[……. Current trust: 0%]


I would like to emphasize again that the update time is 8 am to 5 pm. If I don't do it on time, there is no doubt that I will be screwed.

112. Chapter 112 The bug of the Word Spirit!

Chapter 112 The bug of the Word Spirit!

As Su Wei fell back to the starting point, he was immediately mocked by the barrage, and of course, there was a wave of wild gifts.

Du Xiaoying covered her mouth and nose with both hands, but her eyes twitched from time to time, and it was obvious that she was laughing wildly.

[Historian, please remember this historic scene! ]

["It was easy to pass!\

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