You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 210:

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who hadn't been out for a long time, felt dizzy when the sunlight outside.

      , disappeared without a trace.

    If it weren't for the clothes and masks she carried with her, she would have thought she had a big dream.

     Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about what the person before told her all the way back, until someone came over and suddenly said to her, "Yuan, are you back?"

    She raised her head and saw that it was the woman in white that she hadn't seen for a long time. She looked at her in surprise, as if she was shocked why she could come back alive.

    Everyone...seems like this expression.

     Yuan Yuanyuan nodded to her, and then she didn't say any more, but turned around and pushed open the door, and walked in.

    Stayed there for days as if everyone thought she was dead. The first thing Yuan Yuanyuan did when she came back was to open her phone and read the Yaoji content updated in the past few days after she left.

    From the top to the bottom, I haven't read a full five issues, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized that she had disappeared for so long, looked out the window, the trees had begun sprouted.

    She looked at the recent content and frowned when she saw the unfortunate death of the Taoist priest. She knew how the Taoist died, but she really didn't know that this person was from the Consonance School. .

    In the comics, everyone thought that the Taoist priest was killed for no reason after going down the mountain. Yuan Yuanyuan knew that this was not the truth. kill her.

    Famous and decent…

    Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan feels that it is not easy to be famous and decent.

    She took another look, trying to find out if anyone found out who the Taoist priest died under, but found that there were several scenes in the comics that made her a little concerned.


    This person has a lot of presence in the early stage, because he took care of Faning before he went down the mountain.

    ["I know." Another well-known Taoist priest next to him replied, "Be careful recently, especially when you see people wearing masks."]

    ["Mask? What mask?"]

    The man didn't want to say more, just said, "Just listen to me." Then he left quickly.

    Yuan Yuanyuan picked up her own mask, and they didn't open a hole for her, so she simply gave it to her.

      After a long time, it is also a thing to exercise the muscles of the face.

    How to walk with this on... Yuan Yuanyuan didn't really understand it now, but she suddenly remembered the masks on the faces of several other people.

    Everyone seems to be wearing one, as if they don't want others to know their identity.

    "I still can't find who that 17 is." Gao Lingdao, "But I think this person is more and more powerful, he really has almost all the tricks. Are all your tricks now written by him?"

    "It should be like this." The Tang Shi over there said lazily, "Anyway, I haven't learned any other tricks..."

    Gao Ling looked at the book in his hand and thought about such a powerful person... Is he really dead? Did the youkai really keep that promise and send Yiqi out?


    It must be a very powerful monster.

    Gao Ling opened the phone and saw the comments below the recent issues.

    The face is good-looking and tops everything. Although Yuan has always been a person with a medium sense of presence in the original work, the frequency of appearances is not top, and the character is relatively unpredictable, but because of this face, he In the fandom world, it suddenly burst into flames.

    Almost everyone is keen to give this character a bunch of doujinshi. Although Gao Ling doesn't want to admit it, she has to say that she also has a lot of doujinshi for Yuan. , There are many settings that have been passed down from her fan comics.

    Sometimes the character in the original work and the character that readers fantasize and generally accept are not the same person at all, the most obvious one is the undefeated East, and another example, Draco. Most of the fan works of these two people are shown to the author himself, and it is estimated that everyone will be confused. Who is this Nima, I don't know, I don't know, I didn't write it.

      What are the signs of this...

    I don't know whether to be happy for him or sad for him.

      Not to mention it.

    …Such a person usually has a title called Aojiao.

    Is Yuan arrogant? Gao Ling couldn't tell, but after reading some masterpieces, she felt that she was about to be brainwashed.

    But these fan works are easily criticized by the original party, so now there are people who spray ooc, and there are people who support it, but in the end, when I trace the source, it is actually in Gao Ling's comic... She thinks Things are unpredictable.

    Another widely circulated setting is that Yuan's body is very poor, very poor.

    But this is not a second design! This is the original character! Every time Gao Ling saw this, she couldn't help but want to scream. She still hasn't forgotten the scene of the person who was vomiting blood when she happened to meet in the toilet that day. Of course, this was never drawn in the original work, and it was never mentioned. , so in the eyes of most of the original party, Yuan is still the Yuan that is omnipotent and omnipotent.

    Sometimes Gao Ling wonders if Yuan is really sick...Because from the appearance, there is nothing wrong with him, because he is very turbulent every day.

    So how should he clean up his situation... Gao Ling felt that he was more worried about Yuan than he was about himself.

    "Oh, I heard that there is a sick and arrogant person in the cartoon you drew recently?" I rummaged through the manga but couldn't find it, it **** me off..."

    "No, don't read the nonsense of those who have read a book or two on the Internet... Wait, since you have heard it..." Gao Ling suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

    "Is that right, you obviously deceived the public, where is the man in the original book so arrogant? I'm looking for it. I thought it was a main character that appeared in every issue. I don't know how you saw it. Some people said that the artist deliberately sold corruption. What an honest comic... Who will be next time? Having said that, I decided to avenge the original artist."

    Gao Ling was amused by her best friend's words, and she didn't know how to explain this... To achieve today's result, it needs the right time and place, understand, just like if Qingxia was back then If I didn't play Dongfang Invincible, it is estimated that Dongfang Invincible will not change from a disgusting character to a god-level character, and there will even be otaku-like obscene things like Dongfang girls in the future...

    Yuan didn't know how to get the appetite of these people, so he turned into a fandom boss. While thinking about it, Gao Ling also picked up the board and started to draw. She said that she was also one of the people who added bricks and mortar to the fandom... Cough, there is no way, she also has to eat.

    She looked at the latest comic and decided to tell her best friend not to mess around. This is a pretty normal comic, not so much mess. It's better to watch a fan, don't read it as a fan of this manga, just treat it as a completely unrelated manga or read it.

    After sending the message, she lay on the chair and quietly clicked on the comic, she flipped through it, and suddenly saw Yuan.

    He hasn't appeared for a long time. During this time, Gao Ling has also been paying attention to Yuan's trace. She even came to inquire from the monster, but all she heard was Yuan recently. He was evading pursuit and disappeared for a long time, so naturally he didn't find out his whereabouts.

    She heard something vaguely, that Yuan seems to be famous in the trick demon recently... But she is not very clear about it, after all, she is only a person, more in-depth can't hear anything.

    Now that she saw Yuan come out, Gao Ling was happy for a moment, Yuan was fine, at least not dead, which made her extremely happy.

    I don't know why, Gao Ling is always interested in Yuan's affairs, she feels that Yuan is a link between her and the monster world, she knows the monster world because of him, and now she understands the monster world because of him he.

    Yuan… What is Yuan doing?

    Gao Ling looked at Yuan on the screen, he was sitting on a bed, with bandages on his body, there was unstoppable blood on the bandages, and he looked injured.

    She was nervous.

    However, there was no expression on Yuan's face. Judging from the amount of bleeding from the bandage, the wound was definitely not small, but he still had that cold face, looking very cold.

      All the way down... masculine oh masculine.

    Gao Ling scolded himself for being a beast and peeked at the painting...cough, I don't know why I feel a little guilty when I read a comic, probably because She is too upright, in fact, the person who secretly sees the painting will not know it.

    [There is also a man standing opposite him. He can't see his face, but his back is to him, which is the figure of a man. 】

    The man with his back to him was leaning against the door, looking lazy, and the faint light of candles outside made him shrouded in light.

    He spoke, although it was a dialog box, but Gao Ling's inexplicable brain made up a lazy voice.

    【“Old man, when will your injury heal?”]

    …Old, old man? ! ! Why, why use this title to call Yuan?

    I don't know why Gao Ling's face turned red when he heard this title under such a picture. I don't know why, when she read these three words, she always felt a little strange.

    This title... It doesn't seem to matter if you put it on others, but put it on Yuan...

    [The man leaning against the door frame covered his eyes with his hands, and the candlelight filtered through his fingers. 】

    【Yuan sitting on the bed raised his head and glanced at him like a knife. 】


    …What is the development of this plot?

    Gao Ling watched for a long time, and finally confirmed that this is actually the picture of Huayuan's healing during this period of time... The man who can't see his face may be his friend or an old friend, anyway, this episode of Yuan Time should have suffered a lot of injuries and is still healing.

    The plot is such a plot, but your drawing...

    Gao Ling looked gloomy for a while, and suddenly someone called her. When she answered it, she heard that the caller was the best friend she just hung up.

    "I was wrong." was her first sentence.

    "Ah? What did you do wrong?" Gao Ling was a little confused.

    "Nili Yaoji... quite strong."


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't watch Yaoji today...why? She just came out, dimly, remembered the wrong day, thought it was Thursday.

    She was still sleeping in bed, snoring, snoring, snoring... She slept soundly.

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