You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 212:

    For Yuan Yuanyuan, suddenly receiving such a message made her a little confused, but she still packed up and prepared to go, anyway, it is easier for her to run back and forth.

    Before Yuanyuan went out, she asked where Fanning should be now. The most effective way to find Faning's whereabouts is to find it in Yaoji. It was only after such a search that she realized The original Yaoji has been updated.

    What day is it today?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the calendar and realized that she had misremembered the day. She hurriedly clicked on the comic that she hadn't read, and then read it seriously.


    … um!

    Yuan Yuanyuan read the manga from beginning to end, and after reading it, she fell into some kind of confusion.

    Is this something not quite right?

    Yuan Yuanyuan read the comments below by the way, and realized that not only did she think it was wrong, but other people also realized it was wrong, and then she realized that she was maliciously sold by Jiqiu. .

    How do I say it... Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the person standing on the threshold with disgust. She was directly voted out in the popularity vote, but in this way, it is a very malicious thing for her to sell corruption. You still have to pick such a person, you see who you choose...


    Yuan Yuanyuan had an expression like stepping on Xiang, and closed the phone again. She vaguely knew how to find Faning's location. Faning is now in a She looked at the mountain of flowers in the comics, and knew that it should go to the south. Faning himself is also a child in the south, so the possibility of being in the south is higher now.

      There is a mask, and then a note is posted on the door, saying that it will be back in a few days.

    She, the boss, basically has no time to come back. This store is said to be a store selling clothes, but in truth, she seems to be selling such a whole set of clothes.

    Yuan Yuanyuan fell asleep while sitting on the train... The train took her to a southern city with beautiful scenery and a relatively large and ancient Taoist settlement , Yuan Yuanyuan is going to go there to have a look first.

    After sleeping on the train for two nights, Yuan Yuanyuan finally got off the train. Since there is a Taoist settlement there, outsiders must not be allowed to enter casually. Yuan Yuanyuan is going to look around first. There are many people with spiritual power, if you find them, they will join in...

    You ask her if she has thought about killing Faning, she will clearly say no, one is that they have the aura of the protagonist, I don’t know how powerful this thing is, but look at all It seems that these things are quite powerful. Second, she doesn't really want Faning to die. If he dies, Yuan Yuanyuan always thinks that there may be pills on the human side. In this respect, she is indeed a human being. A little spy who serves mankind wholeheartedly.

    It's not that Yuan Yuanyuan is a monster now, so she wants to serve the monster, her thinking is more inclined to "I am a monster, but my heart is still biased towards people, in general Under these circumstances, I will serve humans, as long as those humans don't treat me as hostile to other monsters."

    It is a beautiful dream not to treat her as hostile to other monsters, but Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that she can run so well, even if these people want to kill her, it is probably a little difficult. As soon as she entered this unfamiliar southern town, she felt the damp breath in the air, and her breathing was extraordinarily comfortable.

    Before I came here, I heard that the clothes drying here may be slower. Yuan Yuanyuan is also the first time to step into the land of the south, so she didn't have too many ideas. She first looked at it with the chessboard There was someone near the eye, and then slowly moved in one direction.

    Before it was dark, Yuan Yuanyuan came to this place where she used the chessboard trick to feel that there were many people, although it was indeed her first time here, but she couldn't stand it. I can hear so many heartbeats here. It would be better if it was a relatively large market, but in such a deep mountain and old forest... It is really obvious that there are so many people, unless it is a black mine. .

    When she got there, Yuan Yuanyuan saw that there was a faint mist between the mountain gate and the woods next to it. The mist was very strange, and it looked cyan from a distance. Yuan Yuanyuan observed it carefully again, and the layer of cyan appeared from the stone wall next to it.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan approached, she tried her best to hold back the demonic energy on her body. Although she didn't know what it was used for, it must be a bit tricky. Wait for Yuan Yuanyuan to go smoothly She breathed a sigh of relief when she walked through the green mist.

    Bypassing this green fog, it is a mountain, and now it is just summer, but the mountain is green and green, like it is midsummer, and it is not like two compared to the outside. season.

    Yuan Yuanyuan touched it carefully, she didn't know how much she could do that group of people would be satisfied, but since she can't beat it, be obedient first, Faning and the like... Then she will let go Fanning Yima, as the protagonist of Yaoji, since she has let Faning Yima, Jiqiu shouldn't be idle to hurt her, right?

      Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head as she walked, wondering if the people in the mysterious gang had read a few comics... Something similar to the protagonist can't be messed with, it's easy to become cannon fodder if you mess with it. Everyone in the world has to live, so there is no choice, but she feels that shrinking now is the best way.

    What should I do if I see Fanin? Just talk to him about your parents, and steal that talisman by the way. After all, Fanin didn't hear what the talisman said in the original work, right...

    The best situation is that Fanin is actually a non-existent person, or just a person who was transformed by Jiqiu. In this way, she can hand over the talisman when she takes the talisman.

    When she thought about it, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly saw a small mirror appear on the side of the road. There were several lines of bright red words on the mirror. It was too far away, so she could not see clearly.

    But Yuan Yuanyuan immediately felt a shudder.

    No way…

    She ran over immediately, squatted there and looked at the words on the small mirror.

    It said [Go left] in bright red lipstick, and there was a big red arrow next to it.

    The original circle looked in the direction of the arrow, and the arrow pointed to a far direction.

    She stood up, her eyes full of vigilance, and the moment she got up, the small mirror below shattered with a snap.

    With the broken pieces, and the words written on the lipstick on the line above.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the broken small mirror on the ground, with a tangled face, she wondered if Nima should do this... This is knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to go to the mountains.

    She stopped, took out a small package on her body, and took out a piece of clothing, a mask...

    When the mask was stuck on her face, she really couldn't see anything, it was pitch black, Yuan Yuanyuan opened the chessboard trick while complaining about how to move like this.

    The chessboard can hear the heartbeats of the people around you, and can also vaguely perceive the nearby obstacles. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't wear it first, but took the mask in her hand, and then followed the mirror He ran in the direction she pointed to.

    I have to say that the teacher is very unfavorable, Yuan Yuanyuan took off the mask after trying a few times... It's too much trouble for Nima, the person who made the mask at the beginning must not have a brain hole, right? She simply took off the mask and clothes together, wrapped it up, and threw it here.


    The further Yuan Yuanyuan goes, the more small mirrors she sees. They are all on both sides of the road. Every time she passes a Yuan Yuanyuan, she will take a look and wait for her eyes to leave. , the mirror shattered.

    She was a little suspicious of what kind of illusion this was. She felt that way last time, because these mirrors were placed on the road so carelessly, as if no one could see them.

    And that shattering effect...a little bit of an exaggeration.

    But Yuan Yuanyuan didn't meet anyone on the way, which has to be said to be a very miraculous thing, that mirror is like a guide, with Yuan Yuanyuan After passing through streets and alleys, we finally came to a small courtyard.

    This yard… is nothing like the one in the comics, can't find any similarities, and doesn't have any special place, Yuan Yuanyuan thought so, so she crouched on the top of the tree and faced Looking down, she was Spartan when she saw a familiar face.

    I will say this person is real! What are you all eating, this person is strutting outside with such a face, and none of you can find him!

    After Yuan Yuanyuan finished cursing other people's trash, she saw the person under the tree looking up, he may not have discovered Yuan Yuanyuan's existence, maybe he just glanced at it by accident, and then It happened to be eye to eye with Yuan Yuanyuan...

    For a while, the courtyard was very silent.

    Yuan Yuanyuan silently pulled out the double knives from her cuffs, Fanning below knew at a glance that the person who came from Yuan was not good this time, and it was different from the last time, so she slowly stepped back.


    Yuanyuan lying on the tree is so sad...

    The things she was worried about were more profound. She thought that she was attracted by Jiqiu this time, so she would basically be in the comics, so the problem came. After she entered the comics, Everything that is happening here now, readers will know, can she expose her membership in that mysterious organization?

    Certainly not.

    Then she, a big monster, ran all the way here, what is the purpose?

    This is worth talking about in detail.

    Yuan Yuanyuan needs to make a move that satisfies the three parties at the same time, the three parties are the high-level monsters, the mysterious organization, and the readers of Yaoji.


    She wanted to choose death a bit, but she wanted to struggle again. Fanning below looked at Yuan, raised her head and asked cautiously, "What are you doing here?"

    "...I came to see an old friend, but I didn't expect to meet you." Yuan Yuanyuan looked at him from the tree, and couldn't see any emotion on her face.

    When she said this, the villain in her heart burst into tears.

    The original circle looks great! you did it! You have successfully rounded up this lie!

    It is possible for Yuan to come to see the old man! This guy used to be an undercover agent at the Taoist priest's side!

    Fanning's expression changed suddenly, Yuan Yuanyuan said, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm not here for you this time."

    Thinking about the non-existent old friend, Yuan Yuanyuan continued to scratch her ears and cheeks. Although she looked like this, the organization said that she would take Fanin's body back when she saw him... The body will definitely not be brought back. Yes, she is like a child of two or five in her heart, but how will she deal with it after she goes back?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Faning below, and suddenly remembered all the villains' killing methods in the legend - talk well, don't do anything.

    She won't tell Fanning a bunch of life truths-because she's not good at eloquence, she's going to make a joke if she's excited, so she's ready to prove it with practical actions.

    Perhaps by the way, I can also show the anger that I just got played by Ji Qiu.

      is much weaker than before.”

    Fanning raised his head to look at her, and there was a faint anger in his eyes.

    However, he still respects Yuan Yuanyuan on his face.

    Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't care what his expression looks like, anyway, the protagonist and supporting roles are born to be opposite camps... So I used two knives to play with Faning below.

    Like a cat teasing a mouse, she scratched Fanin's body with blood within ten minutes, and accidentally discovered the location of his spell, which happened to be in his left pocket .

    Yuan Yuanyuan pulled it out and took it into his hand, "How could this thing be in your hand?"

    "Senior, what do you want this for?" Fanning said while panting, "This is the relic of one of my elders, can you return it to me?"

    "Give it back to you?" Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the spell in her hand, and suddenly smiled, "If you can take it, come and take it."

    Fanning bowed his head and remained silent.

    "But I think it may be difficult to achieve your wish in a short period of time." Yuan Yuanyuan said while stuffing the spell into her pocket, "When will I wait for you? You can come and get it yourself, little one."

     Said Yuan Yuanyuan and looked at the horizon again, "Someone is coming this way. Little kid, did you call someone?"

    Fanin gently took out a relatively new-looking spell from his pocket.

    "Take the things back, I don't want to provoke people." Yuan Yuanyuan got the things, and she was in a good mood, so she ran towards where she came from.

    There was a trace of red in the air, and then gradually dissipated.


     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was kicked out like a dog, got her package and was ready to go home immediately without staying for a minute.

    She is not afraid of those who come, but she has to find a reason to save Faning's life.

    How can I tell the organization when I go back...Is it okay to say that the old injury suddenly recurred? If people ask her why she doesn't have a good time... Then she says she's brainstormed for a while, okay?

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt a headache on the way back, and finally thought, if it really can't do it, let's give it to Ji Qiu, and say that Fanning is protected by a superior, there is no way to kill him, only cut A few knives out.

    Who is this master?

    A few autumns.

    Yuan Yuanyuan lied to Ji Qiu unilaterally, I just hope he doesn't tell her, at least don't let it be exposed so quickly... In fact, as long as Faning doesn't die, this Things can't be missed.

    Yuan Yuanyuan hurried to the train station while thinking, and returned home before the weekend.

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