You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 216:

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she was really in trouble this time... and it was a bit strange to go back after running away. If you asked her why she was running, she was actually a little scared .

      In fact, every time she went to cut people, she was actually more cowardly than the people who were cut.     As a result, she was suddenly told her inner thoughts like a mind reader yesterday. She had never encountered such a situation before, so her mind was suddenly disconnected, and she was afraid of revealing something bad. Emotions, so go first.

    In fact, running away is not necessarily a good solution... But Yuan Yuanyuan thinks it is better, and the next thing will be solved later, and then...    Twelve Yuan Yuanyuan squatted at the door an hour later, wanting to kill herself twelve hours ago. Why do you have to pile things up in the back to solve it!     The self in twelve hours will hate the self in twelve hours! Did you hear your self twelve hours ago! Yuan Yuanyuan pointed to the sky and shouted.

    But she couldn't drag her on any longer, or she would hate her now in twelve hours, so Yuan Yuanyuan rushed into the room as soon as she gritted her teeth.

    She thinks she must not let this person go...Come on, go to hell, brother, I will send you on your way.

    Then she saw Yuan Yingli who was packing.     "When are you leaving?" Yuan Yingli asked.

    "…Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan looked confused.

    "Let's go, it's no fun for me to stay here." As the man walked out, he said to Yuan Yuanyuan.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she should be the leading one, but she would be inexplicably following behind like a follower     "Senior Yuan, you are here this time. Is it a person?" The doctor didn't mention why Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly ran away last night, maybe he also realized that Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to mention this now, so he changed the topic     "It's me." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    "Then you really didn't want to kill me last night?"

    …Ok, Yuan Yuanyuan guessed wrong, this guy is actually quite rude.

    Does this kind of thing like arrogance... In fact, it is not considered arrogant when it is seen, Yuan Yuanyuan feels that she is basically incompetent with this word, but thinking about what happened yesterday, she I really didn't want to let this person die, so I deliberately scare him... Thinking about it this way, is it arrogant in disguise?

    Anyway...Anyway, the mission is completed, right? The doctor didn't die, did he? Yuan Yuanyuan knew that Aojiao in the comics seemed to have a lot of ways to tease. She once thought that if she met an Aojiao, she would have a good time playing with him, but she didn't know why she suddenly felt like she was being played with.     Illusion...    Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head, just after being called out, she no longer wears that suffocating mask, so now can see that person. She said in a cold tone, "Actually, your life and death have nothing to do with me. If you join the organization, you'd better not do it again. Because they won't be like me."

    In fact, Yuan Yuanyuan's voice is still very bluffing, it is... a voice of a man who seems to have experienced a lot. Yaya

    Yuan Yuanyuan once used this voice to sing. She was alone in the karaoke room. She sang until she was moved to tears.

    This voice actually sounds very unpleasant, it is a very serious voice, a bit like a former missionary, ordinary people will not have any thoughts to joke with her after hearing this voice , because this is not a sound line suitable for jokes.

    After Yuan Yuanyuan said it, Yuan Yingli, who was next to her, didn't come to talk to her for a long time, Yuan Yuanyuan felt much more comfortable.

    Yuan Yuanyuan followed this man to prepare to go back, she had a small mirror given to her by that organization, but they said that this thing can only be used once, so Yuan Yuanyuan can only be used at the end It was used when handing over. She injected demonic energy into the mirror in her hand. Gradually, the mirror was covered with spider patterns, and then suddenly shattered. The person who took Yuan Yuanyuan away last time appeared in front of Yuan Yuanyuan. , After exchanging a few words, the doctor left.

    "Wait, won't he go together?" Yuan Yingli next to him was a little strange.

    "He won't come with us." The Chao next to him left without saying a word, leaving Yuan Yuanyuan standing there, watching the two leaving.

    Yeah, it just got thrown away.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about going home. She was still rushing home while swiping her mobile phone. Although it seemed that someone had pierced through something last night, Yuan Yuanyuan still felt that she could be rescued.

    She looked at the forum, and the post was finally stopped recently, which made Yuan Yuanyuan really relieved, and then she saw another post, which was complaining about the mysterious organization [ What the **** is that mysterious organization? Why do you look so suffocated? 】



    Yuan Yuanyuan sighed and said that I also want to know, but in addition to complaining about this organization, more people are asking what the purpose of this organization is.

    Some people say that this organization may be a collection of all marginal monsters, wanting to kill those mainstream monsters, and some people say that this group is likely to kill humans.

    Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't know much about these things, even though she is already a member of this place... But she thinks she may be guarded by other people in the organization, because other people wear masks Everyone is free to go in and out of that eggshell, but she can't.

    Even communication is a one-way disposable mirror.

    Yuan Yuanyuan went home by car, read the forum all the way, and then went to the monster forum after returning home, there are posts there, but the style of painting is completely different from those who simply talk about comic plots It's different, you can feel the slightly tense atmosphere in the monster forum.

    Everyone began to worry that the organization might harm them and cause damage to their daily lives.

    Sure enough, this kind of forum is closer to life. Yuan Yuanyuan sighed with emotion, but these students started to scold after chatting. Some people said that everyone was worrying about nothing, they were all a bunch of little monsters. What if it really affects everyone one day?

    【Look at you guys, have you done the papers? Did you take the test? Can you graduate? 】Someone has been ridiculing in the post, 【These can't be done, so don't spread panic like this? Just such a small organization. 】

    [Not too small! What if you haven't read the comics? 】Someone replied below, 【Which comic has been drawn like this is a small organization? It looks like a huge organization, right? It might be the final boss. 】

    【Then what can you do? 】Someone replied below, "I'm not mocking you... Didn't that organization say that only powerful monsters can join in. If you want to join, no one will look down on you. That organization is not a weak organization. For so long, there have been so many people trying to find what they want, and none of them have succeeded, and none of them will die without you. 】

    【So what is that organization doing? Now if I want to figure out what the organization is doing before the comics, only the people in it can explode... But the big monsters in that organization will be willing to be hunted down and will explode? 】

    【How about you study hard, treat yourself as a big monster early, and then sneak into the organization and reveal the secrets of the organization? 】

    Huh? Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the discussion that followed, and was indeed stunned. She suddenly seemed to be awakened.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about the attitude of the person who met that organization today, it is definitely not very close, it can only be said to be polite. So what the people in the forum said is still a bit wrong. He must [infiltrate the organization and become a high-level] before he can get the news.

    She looked at her phone for a while and then went to sleep. Although a thought flashed through her mind, she didn't pay much attention to it.

    A few days later, Yaoji was updated again... The time of this update happened to be when Yuan Yuanyuan received the third mission.


    This third mission is to contact another fringe monster.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the location, it was not too far from City C at last, which made her a little happier, this moonlight train ticket has exceeded four figures, and the organization is not good give reimbursement.

    She began to think about whether to pull a means of transportation or something... I always felt that a means of transportation might be slightly better, such as the frog under the **** of the mountain rabbit.

    This city is close to City C. Yuan Yuanyuan always felt that this city was a little familiar, but when she thought about it, she could not remember exactly where she was familiar.

    She was walking down the street with her hands in her pockets, scanning her surroundings, trying to find where the target person was.

    In an alley that Yuanyuan passed by, three people came out, two young people in their twenties, and one who looked to be in their forties Middle-aged, middle-aged looks very Zhou Zheng, with a trace of righteousness on his face.

    They almost left behind, but the three people in the back didn't see the one who left in front, just kept talking.

    "As soon as you see me, do you want to pull me over as a coolie?" A boy asked in a tangled manner.     "Don't be so entangled." The middle-aged man touched his head, "Your sister said to drive you down the mountain, but you actually left, why are you so stubborn? Talk to your father Same."

    "Then I'm not from Sanqing anymore, why don't you drag me over?"

    "Follow me to see that monster." The man said, "The bloodline of such a famous big monster, I finally found his trace, knowing that he was nesting in this small place, in the future You can't even see it."

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