You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 218:

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comics with great relief. Last time she said something in front of Faning that she knew about Yiqi, so this issue really came out.

    This can be considered to solve one of her recent thoughts, Yuan Yuanyuan was lying on the bed, looking at Fanning Wenyuan in the comic, ["Who do you know Yiqi?"], Yuan laughed With a sly look on his face, he said he knew.

      It can be said that it is sweet, but it is too frustrating.

    Yuan Yuanyuan wondered if she should sleep again, but suddenly she heard someone knock on the door, she pushed the door and saw no one, only a cat sitting on the ground.

    "...Fat cat, why are you here again?" Yuan Yuanyuan picked up the cow cat on the ground and rubbed her stomach.

    The cow cat meowed in her hand, Yuan Yuanyuan grabbed its two small claws and entered the house, and by the way called Xiaoying and asked her to play the cat.

    Why call Xiaoying? Because Xiaoying brings a bunch of food every time she comes, and since this little girl has a heart for the fat cat, the fat cat can eat the meal made by Xiaoying's mother for free, and even bring Yuan Yuanyuan's share.

    Yuan Yuanyuan touched the cat's head, looked at the fat cat and asked, "Why are you here again...don't say hello?"

      , If it's about monsters, I don't need to be so nervous."

    Yuan Yuanyuan rubbed the fat cat's belly, and then rubbed the fat cat's tail, the fat cat Ren Yuanyuan and Xiaoying moved their hands, and Xiaoying asked nervously, "Hey , Sister Yuanyuan, is it not good for the two of us to treat Mr. Cat like this..." The fat cat said indifferently: "It's alright, sometimes when I'm too lazy to go home and have no money, I will secretly find someone to let me go. She took me home..."

    …Is there such an operation!

    There is no way to change back to the prototype, and now Yuan Yuanyuan, who doesn't know what kind of monster she is, suddenly feels that her life in hiding before is a bit painful, and the fat cat has finished eating the contents of the bowl , just talked to Yuan Yuanyuan about his important discovery with Heihong this time.

    He said he found some peculiar background to Fanin.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was eating the ham sausage she had snatched from Xiaoying and was going to feed the fat cat, while thinking along the lines of what the fat cat said to her, "You mean that Fanning is being There must be something peculiar about being chosen as the protagonist for no reason, so I went to find out what was going on...and found something?"

    "Yeah." Fat Cat said, "Naruto also has a Hokage father, and Xiaojie also has a hunter father. Where can I find the protagonist who really doesn't work hard these days... So I went there. After visiting the Sanqing faction, I went back to my home and got some news."

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the photo in the fat cat's hand, and immediately became horrified, "Hey! Really, really like it! Why is it so similar?"

    The photo in Fat Cat's mobile phone is a yellowed painting. The original Yuanyuan has seen this painting before, but the memory is very vague, and the painting at that time is not as clear as this one .

    The painting depicts the battle between the monster and the Taoist priest. The monster is surrounded by black clouds with countless blood-red eyes.

    The person from the Taoist priest appeared in front of Yuan Yuanyuan. Previously, Yuan Yuanyuan could only see the face of the Taoist priest at the front, but this time the painting is a little clearer, so She could also see the face of the man behind the leading Taoist priest.

    The face of that person is just like Fanning in the comics.

    "I wiped it." Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the man in the painting, stunned, "You have found Faning's father directly..."

    "No no no." The fat cat flicked his tail, "According to his age, this should be Faning's grandfather, or even Faning's great grandfather... This is not important, what is important is I really don't remember that there was such a famous person on the Taoist side, and even in the paintings I saw before, this person's face was deliberately wiped off."

    "How can I play this..." Yuan Yuanyuan pointed at the man on the phone who looked very similar to Faning, "What kind of person must have died! It's no fun to play any more... Why bother?"

 We talked about this issue in the group, and two men who usually seemed more decadent than the other had been arguing for a few nights because of this issue.

    Yaoji is a cartoon, but it is adapted from reality, which makes it full of a realistic but innocent feeling. As we all know, in all juvenile manga, the protagonist defeated the bad guy and the world returned to peace. What is the bad guy in Yaoji? It's obviously a faction of youkai that opposes humans.

    Fat Cat and Black Red have been worried that the final result may be a result that is very unfavorable to the demon world... The demon may be squeezed for the last little living space.

    So the two men shouldered the future of the demon world and embarked on a tragic road to death...

    Well, in general, their pressure and awareness are much higher than those of Yuan Yuanyuan, who is heartless.

      Not so.

    She hugged the fat cat, buried her face in his fur and took a deep breath, while she sucked and said to him the words of a hot-blooded boy, "It's okay, it's okay, no matter what the outcome is In this way, you and Heihong definitely have a clear conscience, you two are big heroes, but big heroes, others don't know, I know..."

    Then she sucked and suddenly felt something was wrong, "Fat cat, why are you so... stinky?"

    "Ah, because it's not easy to find this painting." Fat Cat said, "I ran to the innermost part of Sanqing Taoist Temple, on a wall that was not burned down. The person who found this painting... was hunted down for a long time, and spent half a month as a wild cat outside..."

    "Then this taste is..."

    "Ah, this comes from apple-flavored Fanta." The fat cat said, "Anyway, I successfully hypnotized myself, and the liquid is apple-flavored Fanta."

    The original circle froze for a second.

    "Maybe the taste is more layered." Fat Cat said, "The deeper taste comes from a substance called fruit orange..."

    Yuan Yuanyuan grabbed his neck and ran into the bathroom, filled the sink with water, threw the fat cat in, and watched him spit bubbles on the water...

    The fat cat said that the pursuers behind him were all thrown off, Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t care about that, she actually felt that the fat cat was a little warrior with a very high inner consciousness, maybe it was because he was unreliable A bit, but she can take in this miniature warrior. She continued to look at the photo on Fat Cat's phone, and saw that there were two groups of people in the picture. The Taoist group had already discovered a huge secret, and she felt a little strange in the monster group.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at this painting and frowned slowly, wondering if she was a little over-hearted, this black cloud filled the sky with red dots in the middle, how could it look like this A painting she once saw...

    It may be some strange premonition, Yuan Yuanyuan dare not say it, because this thing may be misleading, but Yuan Yuanyuan has a little impression in his heart.

    After she arranged the fat cat, she suddenly remembered one thing, she just finished reading the demon, but I haven't read the comments, especially the weird ones in the forum Yaoji readers... I don't know why, I didn't read their messages, I always felt that something was missing, so Yuan Yuanyuan turned on her phone again, lay on the bed and looked at the forum, wanting to see what would happen to these readers carnival.

    Actually, she has read it a bit now...Especially after reading Yuan's fanbook, she feels that she can bear everything.

    These people seem to like to give Yuan some weird features... In fact, as long as she doesn't pay attention to who the people are in this book, she guesses that she can still rot along...

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the famous post in the forum. As long as there is "sugar" posted recently, everyone will dance in that post. As for whether it is real candy, it doesn't matter. ...After Yuan Yuanyuan entered, the famous fanboy hadn't come out yet, so the dancers were all small shrimps.

    【Sugar! Yuan has met Faning twice without killing him! 】

    【Can you believe it? can you believe it? Why didn't Yuan actually take action against Faning who was so rude to him? 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked ridiculous, although she would deliberately release water every time she encounters Faning... But only the cp dog will hold on to this point, everyone else thinks this is an ordinary protagonist Halo, the villain just doesn't kill the protagonist, so he won't grab this point.

    However, no one may ever really know, Yuan said so much, he really didn't want to kill Faning.

    I don't know why, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt a little sad, and she wanted to roll up her sleeves and write a fan book to reveal her true heart to the audience...

    Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head, refreshed the forum again, and suddenly there was another building of the elder elder, which was very conspicuous. When she saw the id, it was the fandom she was familiar with guy.

    The big fan may be late, but he will never be absent, Yuan Yuanyuan propped his chin, watching what the big fan wrote this time.

    [Yuan looked at Faning over there, a sudden anger rushed into his heart. 】

    【“How could he do this? He, how dare he do this?”]

      People, everyone will die. 】

    【Who gave this to him? What is the purpose for him? 】

    [Although his heart was already turbulent, but his face did not show a little... He just looked at Fanin opposite, just sneered on his face and said, "I just said why this thing is like this Familiar... Have you actually practiced this Taoist art? Who taught you?"]

    [Faning still looked at him with those uncomfortable eyes, Yuan felt a little unhappy, but didn't say anything, he didn't know how to express his feelings for Faning Caring, the facts are not allowed at all, so he can only face him with cynicism. 】

    [He is also not suitable for caring about people, because no one has ever taught him. 】

    【“However, cultivating this art will become very miserable.” Yuandao, “In the end, you will die miserably.”]

    [No one saw the worry in his eyes as deep as the ocean. 】


    [There's a way, it's dangerous...but give it a try. 】

    The original Yuanyuan turned down, and the plot after that was really...dry~ It's cool, she turned around with a hot-eyed expression, the boss doesn't know why, he always likes to end like this .

    She looked at the comments below, all of them were [Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Yuan is so miserable! Spicy chicken Faning scum attack! ], [You go to the website! I vote for you! ], [Why is the Yuan in the doujin different from the original woo woo... The Yuan in the original is stinky and hard, but the Yuan in the doujin is delicious, arrogant and soft-hearted, the delicious food can't stop, I will eat it later What should I do without such delicious food...]

    Damn mental retardation.

    Yuan Yuanyuan left a message below with a bit of nasty interest, [Great, Sahua~] and then went to bed, and cleaned up the memory and history of the phone before going to bed...

    How to say...I always feel that this kind of thing...can't be left in the phone overnight...

     Yuan Yuanyuan soon fell asleep, but the lights were still bright outside, and countless people were walking on the street, continuing their nightlife.

    Gao Ling suddenly sat up from the bed, full of cold sweat.

    The one Tang poem told her before, she just took it as a joke, but as the saying goes .

    One or seven in the the deep.

    In fact, there are many things in the dream that are not very logical when you think about it carefully, but Gao Ling is thinking about the things in the dream like a fascination.

    What's wrong? Why do I suddenly have this dream? Gao Ling thought, is it because I have too many brain holes recently?

    What kind of person is Yuan? Gao Ling thought slowly in his heart that he is a very reliable monster in her eyes. Although he looks cold and **** the surface, he is indeed very reliable.

    Then the one seven who was pushed out by the monster back then, could it really be him?

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