You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 231:

    Yuan Yuanyuan has confirmed here that she is 100% integrated into the environment. I haven't watched for so long, and no one has come to see her in the square, and no one has tried to talk to her.

    In fact, Yuan Yuanyuan used to go out with this face on her face, and her presence was still quite high, and people came over from time to time to chat up. This time, there was no one to strike up a conversation with.

    She thinks it may be because she has a higher number of paragraphs, which can make herself more perfectly integrated into the surrounding background.

    Hmph, she is not proud at all.

    The original round mouth had a fascinated and confident smile, holding a handful of corn kernels in her hand, and the pigeons around her had already surrounded her. There are a little less pigeons on the playground today, probably because there are too many people here, but they still like the corn kernels in Yuan Yuanyuan's hands.

      go up?

    For a time, people in Internet cafes, water bars, clothing stores, and even underground supermarkets could not help but secretly stare at the people sitting there playing with pigeons.

    Gao Ling squinted at the girl next to him and secretly sent another announcement, [Yuan's hearing is very good, everyone, don't forget, don't discuss him, type something to say . 】The following piece 【Received! 】,【understood! 】,【rest assured! Whoever dares to say that I will hack him to death with my 40-meter sword! 】

    For a time, everyone in the square was playing with their mobile phones, whether it was a girl looking at clothes in the window or a man sitting in an Internet cafe by the window.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was teasing pigeons, suddenly raised her head, why did she suddenly hear a bunch of "dudu" penguin group prompts... Are these people going to another place to socialize?

    She looked up suspiciously, then lowered her head for fear of being discovered. After thinking about it, she sighed again.


    Remember that in Crayon Shin-chan, Mr. Matsuzaka has to pay a deposit when he goes to a friendship... Are these people all paying the deposit? Was the square taken over by them tonight? Thinking of this, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly became uneasy again.

    The girl in the shop window and the man at the window of the Internet cafe saw Yuan's ears suddenly move, and they shivered in unison.

    "Mute off! Mute off!" The girl asked the people in the group to turn off the mute, and then shiveringly asked Gao Ling next to her with her mobile phone, "What should I do? What if he finds out?"

    "Then you... just lie down and admit defeat." Gao Ling hit on the screen with a fish-eyed look, "Anyway, you called so many people here... Yuan's temper probably won't It's too brutal, just arrest an organizer."

    When she was bickering with the girl next to her, a lot of photos and videos had already been posted in the group, and there were a bunch of people who left messages below.

    Many people were shocked the moment they clicked on the photo, and it took a while to recover.

    The people who take pictures secretly also take pictures casually. They don’t dare to use flash, and they dare not make it too obvious, so the angles are not very good.

    A picture like this can shock the person in front of the screen.

    The most impressive thing is Yuan's eyes... I just patted his profile, he didn't know anyone was here, so his face was indifferent, his eyes were that It's a deep black, the black is basically free of any impurities, and the pupils are very large, so that these eyes actually look like children's eyes.

      So pretty. Just like some people's eyes are evil at first glance, and some people's eyes are woody at first glance.

    However, Yuan's eyes are different. There is no impurities in those eyes.



    【Invincible temperament! Sitting there is so handsome! 】

    【My mom! Really handsome! So handsome, I want to sit down and cry... I'm just fine with my legs. 】

     Don't cry, don't be afraid! We are all behind you! You don't have to be afraid that no one understands you, we all understand! Distressed! 】

    【Why did you suddenly mention that ah woo woo, I almost forgot. 】

    [This is the real Yuan...I thought about what the real Yuan looked like, but I didn't expect it to look like this, and my heart couldn't stand it. 】

    【Did he just come out with this face so carefree? He'll be harassed when he hangs out on the street with that face. 】

    [He made the pigeon laugh just now! Laughed! 】

     Can this be done! Even making doves laugh, is it so cute? 】

    【Ours! this is ours! Only we know, hide it from outsiders! 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan sat here and teased the pigeons for about 20 minutes, the people next to her kept howling like this, she didn't know anything, she could really feel a strange feeling , but Yuan Yuanyuan hadn't really thought about what was going on with that weird feeling.

    However, staying in this place really made her feel a little uncomfortable. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to stay here much today, so she turned her head and wanted to leave after feeding the pigeons.

    But before she left, she suddenly realized that the faint sense of strangeness in her heart should not be groundless... Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly wanted to go back and take a look, she has been walking on a tightrope until now , so suddenly realizing that something is wrong should not be an illusion, but it should be really wrong.

    Yuan Yuanyuan glanced back with a bit of doubt, trying to find out what was wrong, Gao Ling, who was sitting there bickering, stopped his movements and patted the girl next to her Notice.

    The two of them watched Yuan suddenly stand up over there, the expression on their faces suddenly became indifferent, and they looked towards the few people above the square.

    Gao Ling turned his head to prevent Yuan from seeing his face.

    After a while, Yuan didn't seem to notice anything, so he turned and sat down. Gao Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly saw a man walking in front of Yuan, the two of them sat and stood, looking at each other.

    Gao Ling was suddenly stunned.

    Not only she was stunned, but everyone in the square was stunned.

    In an instant, countless question marks appeared in the square.

    Who is that man across from Yuan?

    The girl next to Gao Ling quickly asked in the group, according to her so-called "offline theory", it should be a series of links, and she can always ask who the man in the square is , I asked around, but no one knew what his name was.

    People in a square looked at the two people over there and fell silent.

    I depended on us to come so many people did not dare to go up, but was preempted by a passerby?

    …The point seems to be a little off.

     Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the man in front of her, and instantly realized where the unpleasant feeling she had just now came from.

    This guy Nima is here again! Just that dog skin plaster!

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the man opposite, although his face changed shape, but she still recognized him through the smell, after all, there are few people who can change the taste casually like her , and other monsters recognize people by smell.

    She looked at the monster on the opposite side with a cold face. She thought that he would not dare to come after the last time, but who knew that she would meet him again... Yuan Yuanyuan is actually the least The patient is that this person has to reason with her every time he comes, and every time he looks at her with a slightly contemptuous look.

    Maybe, she, who has the world's great malice, needs him to reason? Damn it, it's a good way to save Jiqiu's face if I don't kick him in the face.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the guy on the opposite side, wondering how he found her, but if he came over again and said something messy... She was going to continue to use words to attack the function.

    Anyway, is Yuan a dead arrogant? Long live Aojiao, Aojiao is so good.

    Gao Ling and the girl next to her secretly stood up and turned on the camera on the phone. She secretly used Gao Ling's cover to put her mobile phone into the leftover glass, pretended to be a pair of girlfriends with Gao Ling, and prepared to leave while chatting and laughing.

    When passing a trash can, my girlfriend threw the cup into the trash.

    Gao Ling squinted the girl with his eyes, and the words "Don't you want your phone?" flashed in his eyes.

    The girl's face hurts, "Yes, pick it up early tomorrow morning."

    The two of them went out of the square and hid in a nearby restaurant, turning on Gao Ling's mobile phone and listening to what was being said inside.

    Because it has been a while since the two of them arrived at the hotel, there are no buildings or people nearby, so they walked for a while. The two of them didn't wear headphones, so they were afraid that Yuan would hear the sound, so they found a restaurant to sit in, so when they turned on the phone, it was already a long time.

    The girl just turned on the call function of the penguin group, because her mobile phone has a little more battery, so she used hers.

    After two people clicked into the group, they found that the group actually exploded, and the screen of the mobile phone was frozen for a moment, because there were too many messages.

    The two of them found that they only left for almost half an hour, and they didn't know what happened in this world.

    In the past half hour, they seemed to have missed a lot of things, and there were a lot of messages that could not be connected, so the two hurriedly scrolled up.

    The penguin group seems to be a sign of frying in minutes, and the eyes can't keep up with the speed of swiping the screen. Gao Ling randomly picked a few to look at,

    【I’m so shameless! 】

     I want to rush out and scratch him! 】

    【Then go. 】

    [Dare to…]

    【Then you talk so much? 】

    【Then don’t I hold a fire! 】

    Gao Ling opened the call with the girl next to him, just in time to hear Yuan's voice coming from there, because it was separated by a trash can, so it looked blurry, maybe because of the demon reason for the impact.

    "If you think I did this thing, then you won't believe me no matter how I excuse it." Yuan's voice was calm, "Then this is what I did."

    "Do you think I'll let you go if you say that?"

    "Of course you won't." Yuan said again, "Although I am not far from the time of death as you said, but you must not be able to catch me now, if you don't believe me, come and try Try it?"

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