You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 275:

      The feeling of being overwhelmed" made Yuan Yuanyuan speechless.

    Then the plot of the manga developed at a speed that was completely unpredictable.

    In the first week, the fox face turned against the water.

    In the second week, Foxface took down a stronghold.

    In the third week, Foxface took out the second stronghold.

    In the fourth week, the fox face began to dominate the third stronghold, and tried to arrange his little fox in various places...

    Ah—what the hell!

     Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't wait to lift the table.

    This man is so powerful! But she is not familiar with this person at all!

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at this eldest brother who was finally remembered by her and should be called Yuan Yingli, this eldest brother was indeed pulled into the organization by her, but she was not impressed by this person at the time, That is to say, I followed him twice, and then when I went to look for it again, this person consciously followed the mask organization.

    At that time, Yuan Yuanyuan was actually quite afraid that this person would not go with her, because the mask organization was very crazy at that time, and those who didn't listen to them would not live now.

    But looking at this eldest brother's combat effectiveness now, even if he ignored the mask organization at that time, he would be king of the mountain, so why did he join the mask organization at that time?

    The original words of this man in the comics are... He is a subordinate of Yuan, Yuan Yuanyuan feels that there is nothing more wronged than this, obviously they don't know each other... How can they suddenly Become her subordinate?

    Although Yuan Yingli has a fox face, after really getting in touch with him, he will find that this person is still quite cold, and the smile on his face is more like a disguise.

    Fanning often wanted to talk to him, or get out of something, but every time he was easily avoided by the fox face, he couldn't get out of it at all.

      There are many tricksters in there.

    Once Yuan Yingli accidentally revealed something during a conversation - he deliberately picked the trick demon to absorb it as his subordinate, because the trick demon has very unusual feelings for Yuan , So Yuan Yingli tried to play the banner of Yuan, and it was particularly effective after a try, so Yuan Yingli's power developed like this.

    After Yuan Yingli finished speaking, everyone vaguely had a guess that Yuan suddenly stood at the forefront of the mask organization at that time, whether it was because of this incident.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was silent for a while, thinking nonsense! You guys are really bullshitting! Don't talk nonsense like that, okay?

    Yuan Yingli is a very powerful person. He is obviously a priest, but he has the effect of a berserker. The pictures of **** fighting on the battlefield are hormonal explosions. Hearing all kinds of little girls howling with pictures of Siqun or Faning, now they are all holding pictures of Yuan Yingli.

      ], looking at Yuan Yuanyuan, there is only one emotion left in his heart - this is a **** cult.

    Anyway... The Yuan cult has risen so vigorously now, Yuan Yuanyuan watched all kinds of **** and **** tears on the forum every day, but was concerned about the three-dimensional thing.

    The Yuan family has now come out to claim Yuan Yingli, saying that this is indeed the monster of their Yuan family, but it has been delisted before. He suddenly disappeared for no reason about half a year ago. At that time, the Yuan family did not recognize Yuan Yingli as a monster of their Yuan family.

    The affair between the Yuan family and Yuan Yingli attracted everyone's attention. Yuan Yuanyuan also knew more about Yuan Yingli at this time. Before, she only knew that this was an edge Characters, but I didn't expect that the background behind it was so bloody.

    Simply put, Yuan Yingli seems to have some problems with her mother, and seems to have taken Yin Susu's script, so Yuan Yingli has never been seen by their family. Yuan Yuanyuan sighed after reading it, that the background of the third dimension is worse than that of the second dimension... Art really comes from life and is higher than life.

    It seems that Yuan Yuanyuan's emotion is useless... Yuan Yingli's popularity has suddenly increased, and this time it has exploded to the point where everyone around him knows it.

    Yuan Yuanyuan can only sigh with emotion, although she has a high sense of existence recently, because as long as Yuan Yingli is mentioned, Yuan Yuanyuan has to be mentioned, but Yuan Yuanyuan does not What a happy feeling.

    She just doesn't understand a lot of things... Why did Yuan Yingli join the mask organization because of Yuan, is it really because of Yuan?

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan didn't understand, the plot went smoothly... It is no exaggeration to say that with the addition of Yuan Yingli, Faning is simply a shotgun and a cannon, and he was often at a loss before. It's hard to beat him now.

    Sometimes I encounter something difficult, looking at Yuan Yingli in the cartoon like a fox, smiling like a fox... Then the readers climax, the original circle is full Sweaty head.

    "This little monster called Yuan Yingli is very powerful." The proprietress said while drinking tea, "It looks a bit like the four groups back then."

    "Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly heard the news about the four groups from the other party's mouth, and was still stunned.

    Four groups... That little fool was actually Yuan Yingli's hexagram? Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what the four groups of fox smiles on their faces should look like... Maybe they would be as crazy as Yuan Yingli to attract little girls?

    Yuan Yuanyuan compared the faces of Siqun and Yuan Yingli again, and then had to admit that Siqun won, the face of Siqun was not unbeatable, but the Siqun in her mind It should be a silly look, not a fox smile.

    The proprietress spoke very much like she was recalling the past. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know anything, so she could only be a qualified listener and drink water while listening.

    I haven't waited to hear how awesome the four groups were before they were not stupid, suddenly someone walked in, Yuan Yuanyuan and the proprietress quickly stopped the topic, and two people were arrested One person is Faning, and the other person is Yuan Yingli, who has been very popular recently.

    Yuan Yingli came in from the outside, Yuan Yuanyuan's extremely sensitive ears heard the little girl in the organization shouting all the way...

    A cult, a cult. Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head, and after opening the door where they were, the sound from outside suddenly stopped, Yuan Yuanyuan saw Faning and Yuan Yingli coming in, and the two outsiders also saw the figure behind the curtain.

    A lot of things look blurry through a curtain.

    Two people at the door walked in and closed the door.

    Have been away from Yuan Yingli for half a year, I have to say that Yuan Yuanyuan’s mood when she saw Yuan Yingli is still different from half a year ago. Yuan Yingli was a special person six months ago. The daddy who was still pushed out by weak chickens has now turned into a powerful and powerful boss, and he dares not talk to others as casually as before.

    Of course, Yuan Yuanyuan has changed her body now, and she has become a big guy... so her attitude is still the same as before. Faning is an acquaintance. After he came in, he found a chair and sat down. The proprietress poured tea for him. Yuan Yingli was the first time they met and needed to say hello.

    "I've heard of your name for a long time, but this is the first time I've seen you." Yuan Yingli said to Yuan Yuanyuan with a smile, "You really are the same as the legend. "

    Yuan Yuanyuan has heard this sentence too many times. Basically, the first sentence of all strangers seeing her is "You are the same as the legend", so Yuan Yuanyuan The circle is not so strange now.

    However, Yuan Yingli was obviously different from the others, he also found a chair to sit down, and then suddenly said, "Your active period was during World War I, I specially went to check Let’s take a look at the big youkai who were as powerful as you during the First World War…”

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at him, and he added, "Although your identity has not been determined, it is strange that you suddenly disappeared during World War II... I can no longer find any trace of you, So, what is the reason for this?"

      Meaning, the proprietress glanced at Yuan Yuanyuan without leaving a trace, and there was a bit of a lively look in her eyes, Yuan Yuanyuan felt a pain in her liver inexplicably.

    "I've heard the name of Sir Yuan for a long time, and when I saw it today, I really am young and promising." Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't answer, so she could only talk nonsense with him.

    "There is one thing... we have encountered some obstacles recently and want to turn to you." Fanin said.

    "But we just sent a lot of support to you some time ago, so we couldn't get so many monsters to pass over for a while." The proprietress replied for Yuan Yuanyuan.

    Of course this is nonsense... The proprietress has always been adhering to the principle that you die first and then go up, so in fact, of course, there are enough troops, but the proprietress does not want to let her subordinates get involved in this battle.

    "I checked many ancient books in the past...and found one thing." Yuan Yingli didn't panic, but said lightly, "Following the clues, I found something."

     Yuan Yuanyuan listened to him curiously.

     "During the First World War, although your organization apparently had little to do with the spy battalion led by Yiqi, after the war, many descendants of the spy battalion came to C city." Yuan Ying Li said, "Although I still can't confirm their whereabouts, but after I ruled it out, I boldly guessed, are they under your command? Do you... know Mr. Yuan?"


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't speak... She was just embarrassed, not to mention that the lady boss next to her secretly pinched her thigh.

    "What do you want to ask?" Yuan Yuanyuan finally said.

    "I want to ask..." Yuan Ying left, "Did he tell you something before Mr. Yuan disappeared?"

    The author has something to say:  No loss...don't panic. Touch my head, I love you all = ̄ω ̄=

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