You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 277:

    Xiaoying went to college this year, otherwise Yuan Yuanyuan would have wondered what she looks like now. The fat cat was a little more aggressive than Xiaoying back then. When a box of books came down, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this was definitely true love.

    She sat with the fat cat on the ground to unpack the package, and the fat cat told Yuan Yuanyuan to tear off the last page, tear it off a little bit, and give it to him when the time comes, don't destroy his sacred ticket, he Write it yourself. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the prototype of the fat cat that he hadn't seen for a long time, and mocked him, it would be better to change back to a cat and scratch with his own claws. What he scratched with his claws looked better than the one he cut with a paper cutter.

    "Do you know who the candidates are?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "Let me see..." The fat cat pulled the list aside with his hands, "There are almost so many... In fact, the characters who won last year should be eliminated this year, but considering that Yaoji was a newcomer last year Works, so this year let these characters participate."

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the list guessed by netizens, the rows above are all the current popular characters of Yaoji, she looked from the beginning to the back, the front is the red woman, the four groups of these godheads The role that has been stabilized is followed by a rising star like Yuan Yingli.

    Looking at it, Yuan Yuanyuan saw the abyss, neither high nor low, in the middle, very unobtrusive, Yuan Yuanyuan was quite satisfied. But she suddenly realized a problem.

    —Yuanyuan counts from top to bottom, the woman in red, Yuan, the woman in red in the tavern... Ranniang has been merged with Yuan because of her identity being revealed, but these three It's still her, what do you say now?

    Yuan Yuanyuan hurriedly opened the website and looked at it again, trying to find out if he had anything to say this autumn. Last year, this guy seemed to say that he would kill people based on the voting results. How about this year?

    …Well, this guy still has this virtue.

    Yuan Yuanyuan patted the fat cat next to her, and let him look at the news on the phone. The fat cat glanced at it, sneered, and the sound of tearing the book became louder, swoosh.

    He is probably saying that he is really rich, and one person can support hundreds of people... Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the website's interview with Ji Qiu, which was seventeen minutes ago.

    Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at the "summary", and almost knew what Jiqiu said... It's still the same as last year, but this year he said it more confidently, maybe because of coffee Bit got bigger?

      quite surprising.

    Some people say that Yuan was painted to death because readers didn't like it? Below him is a long section of the elder elders, all of which are plus one plus two plus ID numbers and the like.

    When the first selection was made that year, Yuan Yuanyuan remembered in a trance that he seemed to be relying on his appearance to save his life... Because the character design was not so good at the time, so he could only fight for the character design .

    After the selection, Yuan's popularity began to plummet three thousand feet... At that time, Yuan Yuanyuan really didn't have time to think about what would happen if there was another selection, mainly because he was busy Almost forgot.

    It seems that the time is just right now. In the past, there was a selection when Yuan could sell her face, and now there is another selection when Yuan can sell her character. Both parties will not delay. If it happens to be in the middle , Yuan Yuanyuan guessed that he would hang up.

    Yuan Yuanyuan has nothing to say about this, she is only worried about one thing now - how will it be judged? If one of these three characters has an accident, will she die? Or as long as one of these three characters is safe on base, she will be able to survive successfully?

    Yuan and the girl in red don't have to worry too much... But the role of red sleeve has not been played for a long time, and I am always worried that I will not be able to compete with others' popularity. It seems that if there is a chance, I have to let the red sleeve play recently. Check out the comics.

    While Yuan Yuanyuan was seriously pondering her popularity here, the magazines outside were selling very fast. Mengman experienced the feeling of selling out books for the first time in her life, so she temporarily added a batch of prints. , and all out of stock, completely out of stock.

      One page, he turned around in an instant and quarreled with the store... Anyway, everyone was very lively this week.

    Gao Ling was watching the internet while eating melon seeds recently. She has never been so happy as she is now. Anyway, now that she knows that nothing will happen to Yuan, she has nothing to worry about.

    However, except for people like her, other readers are as enthusiastic as they are, just like Xiaoxi's group... Gao Ling looked at the page and shook his head repeatedly, "Oh my Mom, the widow... Who can tell me why the widow's attributes can be beaten so well when it comes out?"

    Is the woman in red always called Fanning's main room before... She is generous and beautiful, and the force value is quite strong, although I don't know the attitude towards various "partial rooms", but only from Judging from these conditions, it is already a big house visible to the naked eye.

      face - the widow...

    Gao Ling thought when he saw it, that these otakus will definitely go crazy after the end, everything will go away with the wind...

    However, Gao Ling is still a little excited, what is going on?

    Gao Ling's own attitude was enough to make her intoxicated, but the attitude of the otaku on the Internet was even more intoxicating. Originally, Gao Ling thought that the red-clothed girl's potential stock was over, but as a result... there is a trend of rising higher and higher?

    Then Gao Ling was in the otaku-to-fan novels all over the net, silently expressing that he did not understand straight men... Really a bunch of strange guys.

    It seems that these otaku guys are all like some Hokage fans in Dianjia, they all start to collect the harem from beginning to end, whether other people's girlfriends or other people's wives are all taken away, not sure if it's a girl But the tall and handsome ones must be taken away... Yaoji's colleagues are naturally the same, each work has a list that must be accepted, and the woman in red is on this list.

    Gao Ling took a look at it... I go, this widowhood attribute seems to arouse the interest of some otaku. They seem to especially like to play the kind of drama in which the widow is moved and turns to their arms. Thinking about it this way, if you change your sex, it is a drama in which a certain high-cold male **** forgets Bai Yueguang and turns to his arms... It seems that it is not impossible. Understood.

    I don't understand the excitement of these otaku, just like Gao Ling can't figure out his own excitement.

    But Gao Ling understands that this is just the yy of the otaku, although they have been saying on the Internet: "It would be great if you married the woman in red!", but if the woman in red is really married People, then they are not considered widowhood, and the attributes that attract residential men will naturally disappear.

    Really speaking, what is there to attract people to the widow... Could it be the feeling of loyalty, coldness and abstinence? Gao Ling thought for three seconds with his teacup in his hand, and suddenly felt that thinking about this question was like a lunatic, the man in red is so special! Why is she thinking about this kind of thing!

    Xiao Xi bought ten books from the book stand below. At that time, the money was a bit painful for her, so she could go out for a good meal. A week later, Xiaoxi looked at the prices of various purchases on the second-hand trading website, and silently found that after publishing these books, she could improve her life a little...

    In the end, she still did not fulfill this wish, which is just to say. She filled in Yuan's name on all ten cards and sent them out.

    In fact, Xiaoxi is not usually such a crazy person to buy things. This may be the first time she has made a move similar to irrational consumption of star chasing.

    Xiaoxi thinks that what irritates her may be what Ji Qiu said, "People who readers don't like will die in the comics."

    ...Because of this sentence, Xiaoxi bought ten books as if she was stimulated, and then sat in front of the computer early and pressed F5 wildly to see what the result would be.

    The candidates for the preliminary round will be announced at about twelve o'clock in the morning. Xiaoxi has been pressing F5 frantically. At twelve o'clock, the first batch of refreshes entered the official website.

    She looked at Yanyuan's first opponent and found that she was quite familiar with this person, but in terms of popularity, it wasn't too scary. that kind of role.

    It seems that the official also knows that Yuan's popularity is too strong, and now bring a small shrimp over, don't arrange other popular options together. Xiaoxi glanced at the comments below, except for a few fans of the other party complaining about unfairness, other fans of Yuan were cheering in various ways.

    The preliminary round should be stable.

    Xiao Xi felt relieved, so she refreshed it again, and the sudden surge in the number of votes shocked her.

    Wait, this number, one, ten, hundred, thousand…

    Xiao Xi's eyes are a little straight.

    This, it's only been a few minutes... The official count has tens of thousands of votes?

    A small preliminary round would not have received much attention, unless something remarkable happened in the preliminary round, and now it is like this, suddenly everyone is attracted.

    "I go, are these people crazy?"

    "How many copies did you sell the last Mengman... How many people still haven't voted?"

    "I don't know, but I've never seen this before... Is this making history?"


    Most of the fans of the character opposite were quiet like chickens at first, but now all of them are gradually sloppy, "As for, our car is only a small supporting role, why make it so big battle?"

     Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know all of this. After she filled out dozens of sheets for Fat Cat, she fell asleep from exhaustion.

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