You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 287:

     Yuan Yuanyuan was shocked when she saw the comics, although she was different from ordinary readers.

    What Yuan Yuanyuan thought was "I found the red manhole?"

    What the average reader thinks is "the red manhole is found now?"

    From here, you can see that Yuan Yuanyuan is different from ordinary readers... Yuan Yuanyuan has been to Hongshajing in person, and she knows how strict and remote the place is. And the kind of guarding one step at a time, the feeling of being around is not very good, a feeling of dead silence.

    The guards at the entrance are all real guns and live ammunition. It seems that Faning and Yuan Ying have really changed their guns recently, and they can even touch that kind of place.

    [Fanning and Yuan Yingli arrived at this so-called red sand well. Before they came, they were very curious about what kind of place this was and why did it use the well as its name? When they got here, they discovered that there really was a well here. 】


    ["I thought this place should be full of bones." Fanning lowered his head and looked at the flat ground. 】

      Paper, looking empty. 】

      Dirty things were not cleaned up. It was quiet all around, not even an ant could crawl out, only the crow's cry could be heard, which made people panic for no reason. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at it and sighed in her heart, it seems that this should have been a real visit, and it was a real place, because their feelings were the same as when Yuan Yuanyuan went there. Yes, she also felt that the surrounding environment was very confusing at the time, and it didn't look like a red manhole.

    But the "well" will come out after a while, and you can see it if you walk a little further.

      When he was talking, Yuan Yingli, who was beside him, suddenly stopped and touched Faning lightly. 】

    [Fanning turned his head to look over, then his eyes suddenly stopped. 】

    [In a corner, there are some weapons scattered on the ground, which have been rusted away, but the blood slots and barbs on it seem to be very lethal. 】

    [Fining watched for a while, then continued to walk with Yuan Yingli. 】

    The road they walked became more and more familiar, Yuan Yuanyuan realized that this was the road she went to at that time, and they would find Hongshajing immediately.

    Sure enough, in a ruined place, Faning and Yuan Yingli turned a little, and suddenly they saw a well, standing there alone.

    When they saw this well, Yuan Yingli and Faning froze.

    Yuan Yuanyuan understood that feeling, but when she didn't see it, she thought it was such a terrible thing. When I really saw it, I found that it was an ordinary well.


    And the well appeared too abruptly, and the location was very coincidental. There was just a wall in front of it, and you could see it when you turned around a curve. Lu, suddenly saw it at this time, as if the well had popped out of itself.

    Anyway, this well left Yuan Yuanyuan with a very bad impression. She originally thought that she was overwhelmed when she went there last time, but it turned out that Fanning and Yuan Yingli also felt this Evil.

    【“Why did it appear so suddenly?” Yuan Yingli didn’t say much, just said this. 】

    ["This is the red manhole?" Fanning asked, "Is it really a well?"]


    【“Why are you so uncertain?” Fanin asked. 】

    ["Because all the materials from that year have been destroyed, except for those still hidden in the hands of the noble family." Yuan Ying left, "I need to remind you here, unfortunately there are three A few months ago, I was officially expelled from the Yuan family, and the monsters from the descendants of the spy camp knew about it, but we came out without telling them.”]

    ["Okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't provoke your sadness." Faning said, "But this is different from what we heard... It's not a corpse Is it all over the"]


      I didn't realize that the two of them were mumbling so many things behind her back... Hey, doesn't this sentence sound a bit wrong? Why did she actually use the tone of an elder?

    Tired...I feel like watching two bear children...

    Yuan Yuanyuan watched the two people open their backpacks, and pulled out a long thing resembling a knife, her expression froze.

    Shit, this thing is not…



    Changsheng is an old man of Faning's harem. Yuan Yuanyuan has always liked this character very much, she looks very delicate, just like a little girl. If you want her to say, if the four groups are on the comics without any filters, it is estimated that they are like Changsheng, soft, tender, and usually don't talk much.

    However, after Changsheng, the popularity has become more and more sluggish... Yuan Yuanyuan feels that these days readers like to see people with unique temperament, and they don't like such soft and tender people. And this person Changsheng has a bad habit... If it doesn't sound good, he is called Our Lady.

    It is said that because of the relationship between the prototype, Changsheng is very easy to perceive some things, other people's emotions or some uncomfortable magnetic fields... This also makes his character more restrained, also A little more empathy.

    He once let go of an enemy monster before, because the monster kept crying to him, he couldn't stand it, so he let it go. Because of this, he was spammed very badly on the Internet. He was probably the second monster who suffered from Internet violence (the first was Yuan Yuanyuan), and then he simply didn't get involved in this, and concentrated on squatting. Be his otaku at home.

    But as far as the three dimensions are concerned, Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that Changsheng is definitely the most reliable person among the three, and the Virgin doesn't matter at all. In fact, she really wants to meet such a Virgin... It's better than meeting Yuan Yingli, who is a black jerk.

    Then this reliable person is now in the hands of others. This is one of the few cute points of longevity. Faning, who was very unreliable, and Yuan Yingli, who was more unreliable than him, put the Guan Dao at the wellhead, and then opened their hands one after another, letting blood drip on them.

    ["Is this really possible?" Yuan Yingli asked, Faning said, "It should work, last time I saw Changsheng did this."]

    Yuan Yuanyuan understood a little what the two of them were doing. They probably used Changsheng’s most commonly used weapons to make an introduction. Changsheng’s perception ability is very strong, and his Guan Dao also has this kind of It works, but what do these two want to perceive?

    She was quite curious to see the two bear children chattering there. Anyway, since Jiqiu has been drawn, it means that there is nothing wrong with these two people...

    [Yuan Yingli and Faning put all kinds of spells on Guan Dao. These spells make the sword look like a cursed item. 】

    ["Does this really work?" Yuan Ying left, "It really doesn't work...why did I believe in your evil in the first place? I promised to do this with you..."]

    [Before he finished speaking, he suddenly became unsteady and fell straight down. Fanning who was standing beside him was startled. 】

    [Fining just wanted to ask Yuan Yingli what was wrong, but suddenly his body swayed. In front of his eyes suddenly, like a slideshow, countless pictures flashed past. 】

    [Red sky, dry ground...corpses all over the ground. 】

     Everything was like a pantomime, and Fanin suddenly understood something. 】

    【—Why isn’t there a corpse or a skeleton on the ground? 】

    [Because they are all in that well. 】


    [Gradually, the frequency of corpses being thrown into the well became less and less frequent. 】

    [After a long time, a figure finally appeared again. 】

    [This figure looks like all the previous figures, I really want to be no different. The picture kept flickering like a black and white movie, and Fanin vaguely heard what he said. 】

    [It seems that someone said something to the figure. 】

    【“How deep can the hatred be? How many years can it last... I really really want to know, so if there is a next life, then come to me for revenge.”]

    [The figure was silent for a long time. 】

    ["But in my next life... I shouldn't remember you."]


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