You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 290:


    Why come here in the middle of the feels weird. It's not a military matter, and coming here so rashly will always give people a feeling of panic.

    Yuan Yuanyuan hesitated at the entrance of the tavern. She didn't go in for a long time. When she finally turned to leave, the door was suddenly opened. she.

    …When did you stand there? Yuan Yuanyuan was speechless for a second, and quickly followed. The proprietress snorted coldly and slammed the door shut.

     Yuan Yuanyuan let out a sigh of relief after entering the door. The weather has been getting colder recently, and it is autumn. Standing outside at night, it was really cold. After entering the door, a hot air blows, mixed with the fragrance of fat powder and wine.

    "What are you doing standing outside in the middle of the night?" The lady boss asked in a very bad tone.

    "Can't sleep..." Yuan Yuanyuan.

    "Then you can fall asleep when you come here?" said the proprietress.

    Well, that's not true... Yuan Yuanyuan has also figured it out. It seems that I can't tell the boss about this matter, because Yiqi doesn't seem to be as stupid as her. It is estimated that if he was there, he would I've already seen this shit.

    Ah... It seems that Yuan Yuanyuan really rushed over when his brain was hot. But she didn't intend to leave like this, thinking of finding some opportunities to talk clichés.

    Yuan Yuanyuan just thought so, when the proprietress over there suddenly called her over, "Are you in a bad mood?"


    Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned for a second, then nodded sharply.

    "Do you want a drink?" asked the proprietress.

     Yuan Yuanyuan continued to nod fiercely.

    The proprietress gave her a white look, turned around and waved her sleeves, Yuan Yuanyuan understood and immediately followed.

    Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan thinks the proprietress is also very interesting... She is a very easy-to-understand person, of course, it may be because the girl has the same brain circuit as the girl, Yuan Yuanyuan only needs to read Xiaoyan back then Just the brain circuit.

    Here Yuan Yuanyuan and the proprietress have already started drinking, and Gao Ling just stayed up late to read the comics.

    There are a bunch of night owls in the group, and they haven't slept yet. Everyone looked at the comics and asked in the group, [Big guy! What do you think? 】

    【Boss, tell me what's going on? 】

    [What happened back then? 】

    Gao Ling looked at the messages in the group, and silently complained about how she knew... Don't treat her as a spy just because she provided private information several times before.

    Is there such a thing in the Northwest? When Gao Ling read it for the first time, he was stunned and didn't see it. Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't know how many turbulent things are hidden under the surface of the calm comics.

    Gao Ling sighed when she saw it, and suddenly felt a little tired, but she cheered up immediately, it's okay not to cheer up... Otherwise, there is nothing she can do.

    Anyway, it depends on the situation, the woman in red is living a smart and unrestrained life now, and there is no shit... It means that Yuan has nothing.

    Sometimes Gao Ling couldn't help admiring Yuan, and he managed to get himself out of such a complicated situation. Who would have thought that he is the woman in red now?

    Gao Ling silently turned on the computer, there seems to be a lot of speculation about Yuan's next step on the Internet, many people say that Yi Yuan's brain should not fail to find that people around him are monitoring He, and some people said that it was very likely that the events at that time had left a particularly deep impression on him, so he was always distracted, and it was also possible that he occasionally did not find anyone watching him.

    I was fascinated anyway, Gao Ling sat on the chair and looked up at the sky. Since she can see the monsters, she often sees a lot of strange little bright spots in the sky, or very beautiful light and shadow.

    On this day, Gao Ling saw a lot of beautiful light and shadow in the sky again.

    She looked up at the sky and suddenly felt that she was small. If she looked down from the top, would she be as small as an ant?

    While Gao Ling was still watching, she suddenly found that a particularly dazzling red light flashed in the sky, and it was fleeting, like a shooting star.


    "Why do you close the window?" Gao Ling's mother said inexplicably.

    "...It's a bit cold, close it for a while, don't open it first." Gao Ling said.

    Sometimes it's a burden to see what others can't see... At least she wouldn't be so worried about it.

    This day, the people with spiritual power in City C were a little frightened. The crackling sound from the top of the head sounded all night, and everyone had no idea what happened.

    Not just in C city, it can be said that this is the case all over the country. Basically, there are mixed settlements or border areas of humans and youkai, and there was a lot of fighting that night. Most fights take place in the dark.

    In fact, it's not just yesterday, this situation has been going on for a long time, but something happened yesterday, and there is no way to satisfy them in the secret fight, so the movement is bigger. .

    This movement is so big that ordinary humans like Gao Ling have discovered it, but Yuan Yuanyuan is completely unaware.

    She is still drinking quietly with the proprietress, singing and dancing in the tavern, as if nothing happened.

    When Gao Ling heard the first explosion outside, Yuan Yuanyuan was drinking the third glass of wine with the proprietress, although she wanted to have a good cliché just before coming here, but she came here After that, she found that nothing was needed, just drink it.

    Because the proprietress drank harder than her, Yuan Yuanyuan tried to open her mouth once, then closed her mouth tightly without saying a word.

    In terms of the speed at which two people drink, it is really a shame to each other if they are not drunk. Yuan Yuanyuan became drunk after half an hour and didn't know anything. The proprietress was even worse than her, and she got drunk even faster.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was a little alert, stopped at the critical point, and looked at the boss with her eyes, half-dreaming, she vaguely seemed to hear the boss say something.

    "Yuan...what did you think when you killed the mirror demon?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan's head was blank after drinking, she thought, who is it? Mirror demon?

    That…that…the monster buried in the backyard…

     Yuan Yuanyuan's mind flashed a lot of pictures vaguely, and there were many pictures that she didn't know what they were at the end, and at the end she held the wine glass and sat there in a daze.

    "It seems...I didn't think about it, I just felt that this result...seems to have been expected." Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly said softly, she herself didn't know what she said now.

    C city suddenly heard a violent explosion, this time the explosion was very close to the tavern, Yuan Yuanyuan looked up and looked outside, but she was too drunk, and there was no any representation.

    The sun is rising gradually... There is a mess outside, this time, in addition to the monsters and Taoist priests, even the government has come out to clean up the mess. A shopping mall in the city center suddenly exploded last night. Fortunately, it was at that time. It was midnight and no one was inside. However, the road was blocked early this morning, and no one was allowed to enter.

      Just a few thieves.

    Gao Ling wears a pair of panda eyes, thinking that that is not a thief... At about three o'clock last night, the ground shook and the mountains shook, she was worried that the building would collapse directly, and she had not slept all night , countless times she wanted to rush to the next bedroom to wake her parents up, if she didn't suddenly think that there was nowhere to hide even if she wanted to hide in the middle of the night, it might be more dangerous to go out, she might have actually done it.

    What did she think about this... What the **** happened last night? Why did the land collapse all of a sudden?

     Yuan Yuanyuan over there crawled up from the table with a splitting headache, feeling the pain all over her body to death.

    She thought about what happened to her yesterday, but she couldn't remember.

    Ah... what happened?

    "Wake up, wake up." Yuan Yuanyuan patted the proprietress next to her and asked her to get up quickly, "What's the matter? Why are you sleeping here?"

    "Hmm..." The proprietress also got up in a daze, but looking at Yuan Yuanyuan, she didn't respond, she waved her hand directly, "Go away."

    ... Yuan Yuanyuan was counseled for a second, not knowing what the lady boss meant, but she got up, pretended she knew it, and silently got up and left.

    She was walking on the street, and suddenly found that the street looked strange, she frowned, watching the corpse of a monster being carried out, she watched for a long time, then turned her head again When he came over, he suddenly had a dazed look on his face.

    Huh? How is this going? What happened when she was drinking last night?

    Yuan Yuangang thought this way, passed a shopping mall that he often walked by, and looking back, the bustling shopping mall was now half collapsed.

    Original circle: "…"

    It seems that everything is different after waking up from sleep...Ah, what happened last night?

    Yuan Yuanyuan realized that after realizing it, she seemed to have avoided something inexplicably... But she didn't know what was going on.

    She felt that the whole world was spinning, she returned to the door dizzy, and she was relieved to see the fat cat squatting there.

    "Fat cat, what happened yesterday?" Yuan Yuanyuan walked over and asked.

    "The people of the King of Hundred Demons want to intervene in City C." Fat Cat said, "But the outside world didn't want to, so they asked people from the anti-war organization for help, and the monsters who came temporarily were forced to retreat. The King of Hundred Demons has not dared to show his face for the time being."

    "Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned, she repeated it again, "Huh?"

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