You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 298:

    Yuan Yuanyuan followed the boy slowly towards the front. When she arrived at the manga show, many people gathered around it. As soon as Yuan Yuanyuan arrived at the door, her eyes went black.

    Roughly, there are four or five people wearing Yuan’s clothes at the gate of the light... Just like the Zhuangshan Conference, Yuan Yuanyuan began to think about whether the clothes of which cos clothing store was discounted, otherwise why? There will suddenly be so many bumps...

    This level of shirt-collision is only available to those popular characters. For details, please refer to Sister Xiu, who has a sword in the third field, and the grass father when the Onmyoji first became popular... Yuan Yuanyuan looked at this one in front of her. The scene, inexplicably felt a little magical, and in a word - am I crazy or the world is crazy?

    "Well, little brother, hello, can I take a picture with you?" When Yuan Yuanyuan was standing there, several people standing at the door came over, Yuan Yuanyuan The round face almost twitched, "Little brother?"

    Uh...she used to call her coser to take pictures back then, the man was called little brother, and the woman was even a little sister. Suddenly being called that today...

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly fell into philosophical thinking.

    Is it because I have always been used to being called an old man, although I usually complain about the name of an old man, but suddenly I am not used to being called a young man?

      The beauty gave Yuan Yuanyuan an extraordinarily sweet smile, and finally said, "A ticket is 50 yuan."

    Original Circle, "...OK."

    Hahaha, she brought cash and asked if you were afraid? Yuan Yuanyuan silently took out a piece of fifty yuan from her pocket, and let the beautiful woman put a bracelet on her hand. Suddenly, she felt that this was also a magical experience... Who can believe it?

    Two people walked in, Yuan Yuanyuan still had a fresh memory of the last time she went to the Comic Con, and it seemed that she had a hard fight. This time the comic exhibition was bigger than the last one, Yuan Yuanyuan walked around and didn't know what to buy, she always felt strange standing in the crowd...

    What's so weird...I can't tell. Yuan Yuanyuan Xin wanted to be able to take this outfit as a cosplay in a calm manner. The problem is that she is used to wearing this outfit, so she can wear it as a cosplay outfit...

    But Yuan Yuanyuan walks in the field, that stands out from the crowd...

    "Hey, look at that person, is his face covered with powder or not?" Yuan Yuanyuan's ears moved, and he heard someone talking behind him.

    "I didn't wipe it...otherwise how could it be so even?"

     "Not necessarily, I have seen a real god, and the makeup is just like no makeup..."

    "I can't guarantee that he has no powder on his face, but he certainly has no lipstick, and no eyeliner and double eyelid false eyelashes."

    "Really? How?"


    "Isn't this eye cleaned up yet? Impossible... It looks like it has been cleaned up?"

    "His hair is just his real hair, look at this hairstyle... where did it get cut?"

    "I'm going... The co-author came here without much cleaning up? It just kills all the coser in the field..."

    "There is also a handsome guy from Cos Yuan over there, but that handsome guy has too much makeup and looks uncomfortable."

    Yuan Yuanyuan silently glanced over there, then was silent for a second...

    The handsome guy was looking at her silently... His eyes seemed to be filled with some kind of inexplicable hatred.

    Don't, don't do this, brother, you are actually quite handsome, there is no need for us to compare. Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes swept across the handsome guy, and then instantly withdrew his gaze as if no one else was there.

    —Although he said he didn't care, he started the male peacock's battle mode unconsciously.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked forward for a while, and the coser who brought her had just fallen behind, but now she suddenly caught up.


    Yuan Yuanyuan had fallen into drama mode at this time, her face was indifferent, she pointed to a stall selling souvenirs and asked, "What is this?"

    "…Huh?" The boy next to him was stupid, Yuan Yuanyuan took advantage of this moment and glanced at the stall quickly, I went, a lucky bag is only 30, I really want it Buy, buy, buy, so cheap...

    …But of course there is no way to buy in this case.

    Yuan Yuanyuan swallowed a mouthful of old blood, and struggled for eight hundred back and forth between buying and not buying, and finally forced herself to say the following lines , "...why did they print people on the bags?"

    "…Huh?" The boy over there was completely stupid and didn't understand what Yuan Yuanyuan was talking about.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't expect him to answer, and after waiting for ten seconds, she turned around and walked forward with her hands in her pockets. The boy behind her was stunned for a long time, and then quickly chased after her, "Wait a minute! Don't go now!"

    They strolled around, and came to a stall selling handmade masks. There were various hand-painted masks hanging on the high barbed wire, including foxes, cats, and beautiful women. Yes, various. Yuan Yuanyuan stopped in front of the stall for a while, and the boy behind her suddenly came up mysteriously and whispered in Yuan Yuanyuan's ear, "Ah... I see, brother, you are very involved in the drama, very With the demeanor of a professional coser, I am ashamed of myself, from now on, I will work hard to learn from you, I am indeed a god."

    Yuan Yuanyuan was holding a mask with a fox face in her hand and looked at it. After hearing this, she turned to look at the boy beside her, she was taller than others It came a lot, so he lowered his head slightly and looked at others. The boy covered his heart and said, "Don't look at me so close, I can't stand it..."

    "Why do you call me a god?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked while paying the money and taking the mask of the fox face.

    "Because you look very much like a cos." The boy said, "To be honest, you don't look like a cos anymore, it's a bit like an actor acting, with real hair and no makeup. Very strong... God, you are really amazing, how did you look so similar to He Yuan?"

    He heard the man in front suddenly chuckle softly, his voice was very soft, but very pleasant, as if a small brush was scratching in his heart.

      face exposed.

    The eyes that were similar to the eyes of Zhongyuan in the comics were also covered. The boy was a little regretful, but he saw the masked man pointing at the stage not far away and asking him, "What is that doing?"

    The boy turned his head to look at it and nodded, "Ah... today's finale, a well-known animation club here put on a stage play, come at two o'clock in the afternoon, you Isn't there a circle of people over there?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked over and looked at the curtain behind the stand. The cover of Yaoji's comics was printed on it. She turned her head and asked, "Is it related to Yaoji?"


    Speaking, he got close to Yuan Yuanyuan, and said in a very serious tone, "This... is actually a modern drama, a group of people perform a play on it, this The play is related to Yaoji, your lord has a lot, don't go up and smash the scene when you see it later, it's all fake, it's an act."

    …what a mess.

    Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing and laughing in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be clear and nodded. The place suddenly boiled, and it turned out that the actor had arrived. From the gap between the front and the backstage, the actor who was dressed could be seen standing there. The audience saw the actor in front, and began to cheer wildly.

    She glanced at the actors over there, and suddenly had a point in her heart... So she turned her head and asked, "What is this for?"

    "Today is the part where Faning and Yuan fight, and then Yuan falls from the air and disappears." The boy said.

    ... Yuan Yuanyuan looked up, the actor in Faning's clothes and the actor in Yuan Yingli's clothes were both standing at the entrance, and they even waved when they saw the audience. There are also a few actors over there, why Yuan Yuanyuan can see it at a glance, because the clothes he wears are the clothes of that day, and the people are also looking for those who imitate the people of that day, and the directionality is obvious.

    She swept around, but couldn't find Yuan, wondering if she was changing clothes in the back or something. At this moment, the person next to her suddenly said excitedly, "It's started!"

      Little fake hair, but if Yuan Yuanyuan is to speak for herself... I really feel a little bit, and it is worthy of being a famous club.

    This Fanin acted out the various performances before departure, and when he left, he half-kneeled and promised everyone the details... It looked really good. Yuan Yuanyuan wore that fox face mask to watch the whole time.

      A person, dressed in black, put on makeup, and put on fake hair, Yuan Yuanyuan said "yooo~" in her heart when she saw it.


    Yuan Yuanyuan even heard the two girls next to her shouting, they waved their hands and shouted piercingly. There were some people who might not have been so excited. The atmosphere went crazy.

    The venue suddenly became like a concert, with deafening calls, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt as if she had returned to the time when she was in college when she went to a comic exhibition and met a handsome guy.

    She looked back, the boy next to her was shouting, she shook her head and smiled, and continued to look up at the stage.

    The actor in that Yuan is very dedicated, even if it is lively and boiling, he still seems to have seen nothing.

    He walked to the center of the stage, and the music behind him suddenly became intense.

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