You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 303:

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't care much after she gave the whistle to the other party that day, she actually hoped to see from the comics what Faning and the others were going to do with the whistle, and what the whistle was. , but it never came out, so Yuanyuan could only put it down temporarily.

      Growing up, slowly becoming friends, and finally parting ways.

    The thing that makes Yuan Yuanyuan the most happy is that the author actually drew from the direction of the Mirror Monster's rebellion. Precise but not much.


    "For example?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "The earliest comic about Yuan being a spy on the Internet was drawn by it." Fat Cat said, "At that time, Yuan's identity hadn't been revealed yet."

    "I'll go, it'll be amazing." Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly remembered a fanfic she read a long time ago, and glanced at the artist's name, it was really the same person.

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly became interested and looked at the computer.

    Looking at it, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly made a "huh", she seemed to have discovered something strange, "Wait, Fat Cat, how did you know that the mirror demon is a traitor? "

    "I guess." The fat cat said.

    "...Can you guess this?" Yuan Yuanyuan was instantly shocked.

    "Of course." The fat cat said, "I still believe that Lelouch's righteous extermination of relatives, Yuan? Impossible, that person is good at everything, and he has always been bad in this respect. If you had understood the righteousness and annihilation of relatives, it would not have been so miserable back then."

    " that what it looks like?" Yuan Yuanyuan nodded suspiciously, and thought about it again, yes, if Yuan could have started with his friends earlier, maybe It won't be so miserable to be pitted... Of course, maybe there is a better reason for the disguise of the head of the Li family?

    No matter what, Fat Cat really guessed the truth, Yuan Yuanyuan chose to believe him temporarily. In fact, she is also a little cowardly now. Since the fat cats have already seen it, then someone must have seen it... What is the reason why they didn't say anything?

    On Sunday, Yuan Yuanyuan bought a popsicle and walked on the street alone. Now that winter has entered, it is estimated that Yuan Yuanyuan is the only person who eats popsicles in the winter. People around look at Yuanyuan. Yuan Yuan's eyes are very subtle, in fact, even Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes are very subtle.

    There are too many messy things this summer, Yuan Yuanyuan was sweating in previous years and sighed with emotion that ice cream ice cream is really delicious. Yuan felt inexplicably sentimental for a while when she realized this, and then bought an ice cream to eat.

    Yuan Yuanyuan shivered and bought an ice cream, then passed the newsstand, saw a new dream come out on the newsstand, walked over and took a look, and found that this issue was unexpected thick.


    Yuanyuanyuanxin thinks why this issue is so thick? An anniversary special or something? However, since the magazine is sealed with plastic film, it cannot be disassembled to look at it. Yuan Yuanyuan paid the money, bought the book, and went home. After entering the house, before she could read it, she was snatched by the fat cat.

    "Why, I haven't read it yet." Yuan Yuanyuan said, the fat cat shouted, "I'll take out the voting card and give it back to you!"

    Whoever believes in you is a ghost. Yuan Yuanyuan complained silently, and sure enough, the Fat Cat didn't return it to her for about ten minutes after he took it away. Yuan Yuanyuan knew that the Fat Cat was probably watching.

    She carefully pulled the door open a small crack, and looked at it, the fat cat was lying there, sitting on the cartoon, Yuan Yuanyuan slowly entered the door, In a soft tone, "Is it difficult for your paws to turn the book? Or I'll turn it for you."

    ...If the fat cat has seen a big scene, he replied calmly, "No, I have a meat pad, it's very comfortable to use the meat pad to turn over."

    "Can't you hear what I'm implying?" Yuan Yuanyuan almost used strangulation on the fat cat, the fat cat rolled his eyes and scratched Yuan Yuanyuan for a long time, and both of them lost both. Relatively out of breath.

    "What are you looking at? Why is this issue so thick, and what's in it?" Yuan Yuanyuan didn't have the heart to continue making trouble with Fat Cat, so she simply asked. The fat cat lay down on the magazine, and turned the pages of the book with his meat pad very flexibly, then turned to Yuan Yuanyuan and said, "Yaoji has an extra issue, it's a bit like the form of Fanwai, not me. Say, this additional issue... It's quite fun, it's a bit like a fandom, if it wasn't for the signature Jiqiu, I would have thought it was a fanart."

    "Additional issue? The supplementary issue is not on the official website, but on the physical book?" Yuan Yuanyuan said strangely, "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

    "Maybe it's a few autumns and I don't think it's very formal." The fat cat said, "Otherwise, my colleagues were also posted on the official website before, but this time it's only on the physical journal... with It doesn't conform to the usual common sense... If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, maybe this is a fan work drawn by Ji Qiu?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan was said to be itchy by the fat cat, and she also wanted to know what Ji Qiu's doujin was like, how could it sound so attractive. She thought to herself that you are a big devil in Jiqiu, but she didn't expect to have such a boring hobby? It seems that I have been painting the "original book", but I was a little tired of painting, or it was not enjoyable, so I simply did it myself?

    She pushed the fat cat aside, then turned the comic back, and the fat cat said to her, "Do you think this is interesting? Jiqiu's brain is not ordinary, it seems that it is usually There is no shortage of yy, I originally thought that this guy’s brain circuit was rather strange, but today, when I look at it, it is more than pure and strange…”

    Yuan Yuanyuan hadn't read the first page when she heard Fat Cat's words and turned to look at him, Fat Cat said, "Why are you looking at me? Reading a book."

    "Oh." Yuan Yuanyuan bowed her head and turned the book, and the fat cat continued to complain, "But when he draws like this, I'm even more unsure whether Yuan is alive or what, why is the painting so vague, It used to be true all the time, but now I can't see the true and false all of a sudden, I'm still a little worried..."

    "What are you talking about, what are you talking about?" Yuan Yuanyuan opened the comic and lowered her head. After turning two pages, he was suddenly stunned, and his eyes blinked several times uncontrollably.

    "How is it, are you scared?" The fat cat asked, "And he said that I was crazy, let's see which of us is more crazy."


    "Is this extra fun?"


    The fat cat said two words to Yuan Yuanyuan, Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't answer him, she couldn't sit still, she just stood up, picked up the comic and rushed into the toilet, only The fat cat sat on the bed dumbfounded.

    "Wait, you're being a fool!" The fat cat shouted, "You hide in the toilet and I can't enter!"

    Yuan Yuanyuan was shocked when she saw the comic. This comic was about her going to the comic exhibition not long ago. It used the first perspective of the boy next to her at that time, and it was about an ordinary When the boy was out of cos, he suddenly saw a coser who looked like himself standing next to him, and then the two chatted and went to the story of the comic exhibition together.

    She ran through a series of blocked words in her mind, and finally there was only one thought left - silly fat cat, where is this fan, do you think Jiqiu has drawn a fan? Doesn't that guy always draw real stories... even if this one looks fake, it's not a fanfic...

    Why do you say this fandom is heavier, because the whole story is very warm as a whole, and the warmth makes people feel a little scared. The original style has always been simple and vicissitudes, so suddenly everyone is so warm are all vigilant.


    【Have you watched the latest issue? So cute! 】

      Our Yuan is a big spy, it is absolutely impossible to be so stupid! 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comments on the Internet and thought - ah, bad, did you go too far in acting?

    ...But what's the matter with everyone's unexpected duplicity?

    Yuan Yuanyuan opened the cabinet and took a look at the fox mask inside. In fact, when she went to the comic exhibition that day, she felt that this paragraph should not be drawn, and the rest is basically habitual entertainment It's just for fun, but I didn't expect the terrier to play too well, so it was directly drawn as a sideshow.

    She thinks this is really strange, just like Fat Cat's evaluation. But for some people... the whole thing isn't quite as simple as that.

    For example, the guy who met Yuan Yuanyuan that day, he is looking at the screen with a pale face, and his calf is shaking inexplicably.

    The person that day…

    【Big guy! You look like a cos. A good coser should look like not only on the outside, but also on the inside! 】

    【Big guy! You Yuan cos are great, why don't you join our society! 】

    My God! What did he say that day!

    The boy hugged his head in pain and lay in front of the computer.

    He spoke to Yuan!

    He ran to pull Yuan's sleeve!

    He's exposing scars in person!

    The boy was in great pain and wanted to get drunk. At this moment, someone knocked on the door. As soon as he opened the door, a friend from the club came to him for rehearsal. He rushed up with a painful look on his face, "Boss! I'm going to be hacked to death by the boss! Help me!"

    Friend, "...what happened?"

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