You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 308:

    Anyone who has read the comics should know that the bone whistle was given to Yuan by the woman in red... Now, should he not force Yuan to come out? Yuan Yuanyuan thought to herself, is it possible to temporarily stop the operation of poisoning everywhere like this?

    Just when Yuan Yuanyuan had this thought, she suddenly felt comfortable sitting in the room. Although she had red gauze, she still couldn't completely isolate the dust outside. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that now was the most comfortable time in the past few days, and instantly collapsed on the floor.

    Ah... Then again, this time...

    Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at the clock, just 20 minutes after the update of Yaoji, she thought that everyone is the same, she just finished watching Yaoji, and the other party just finished watching Yaoji , and stop the loss in time when it is found to be wrong, both parties are synchronized.

    In this way, Yaoji saved her life. Yuan Yuanyuan got up, ready to go home.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't come home for several days, she heard the purr of the fat cat as soon as she entered the house, she got into the bedroom, lay on her little bed, turned on the little bedside lamp , I feel like all the bones in my body are relaxed.

    The inside of the pub is not bad, it is really comfortable to stay, but the golden den and the silver den are not as good as your own dog kennel. Yuan Yuanyuan stayed on her bed, feeling that there was no more comfortable place in the world than this place, and even the bright red sky outside seemed less scary.

      It started with the bone whistle she took out.

    Fa Ning and Yuan Yingli felt that this was the most critical moment, so they asked Yuan Yuanyuan to borrow the whistle. A bunch of trouble followed.

    However, this kind of thing is not something that can be avoided, just like a time bomb.

    Yuan Yuanyuan saw more things she didn't know from the comics. It turned out that after Faning blew the whistle that day, a group of people wearing brown clothes and strange hoods suddenly came to C city . When these people first came to the battlefield, everyone thought it was very strange where they came from and which forces they would join, and then these people actually started to fight inside, fighting to the death...

     Yuan Yuanyuan also seriously thought about the origins of these people, the biggest possibility is that after Yiqi died, the king of the hundred demons went straight to black. However, this part is not drawn in great detail in the comics, and readers' attention is more focused on everyone in this bone whistle.

    At first, the outside world guessed that the bone whistle was abyss, and the specific reason was not drawn, but this is enough for readers to make up for it.

    There was a lot of commotion in the outside world about this matter, and many people thought that Yuan might not be dead, and this time he really came back. Not many people believed this at first, but as time went on, more people learned something, and the number of people who supported this argument began to increase.

    Later, a group of strange people were provoked. These people do not know their names or appearances. Their job is to light something in the high-rise buildings, and then blow the wind to the whole city.

    Everything ended on the woman in red. This issue pointed out that the bone whistle was given to Fanin by the woman in red.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this operation would definitely attract a lot of hatred, so she went through the comments and it was true. A group of people are complaining and complaining in the comments.


    [The official of Yaoji is the most peculiar official I have ever seen. Generally speaking, shouldn’t popular characters be resurrected as soon as possible? Yaoji has no action at all. It's getting cold. 】

    【Why! That bone whistle is really a very important thing... Why give it to the woman in red! Is it really the widow? 】


    【I hate it! Why can't you wait a few more years for me! Was it really preempted by a woman who couldn't see her face after being born a few years late? 】

    This last comment... is from a monster brother who is on the Internet. The style of painting is too obvious.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comments and thought it was fair, anyway, she kept the scolding herself, and didn't bother others.

    But the important things have not been drawn at all. What is the burning thing, and who made them burn? Yuan Yuanyuan was puzzled and fell asleep on the bed in a bewildered stomach.

     Yuan Yuanyuan slept for a long time this time. When she woke up again, she looked up at the sky. The sky had returned to its original color. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the red sky several times. The sky, suddenly seeing the pure blue pure blue sky, is still a little unaccustomed.

    Looking down, there are many monsters cleaning the street, Yuan Yuanyuan thought that this is the end of the paragraph?

    She looked again not far away, there was a group of "scavengers" in C city cleaning the city, one by one corpses were carried away by them, the pedestrians on the road could not see them, the monsters were passing by Passing through it, it looks quite a fantasy style.

    Yuan Yuanyuan packed up and went to the street, everything on the street was so quiet. She heard the person who went to work and said with relief: "The color of the sky has changed today. The color of the past few days was really scary."

    "Yeah, I don't know what it was polluted by." An old man walking beside heard the voice and turned his head and said, "The tap water has a fishy smell these days."

    When the two of them were talking, the two monsters were carrying a stretcher covered with white cloth as they passed by.

    But neither of them could see the monster, so they didn't feel anything. They even leaned in the middle, forcing the stretcher to walk to the side.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked sideways and passed between the two people walking, with the poster of the Yaoji live-action actor hanging next to her, she turned to look at the person on the poster who was smirking , how to see how to feel awkward.

    I always feel so heartless...Is it her illusion?

      There are a lot of people, and everyone is mentally prepared to die on the street. On weekdays, because of survival, they don’t do less **** things. Over time, they don’t want to be hypocritical.

    But in some ways, humans are sometimes crueler than monsters.

    But it's not the fault of humans, they just don't know.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked along the place where the monsters were doing more, she could smell the mixed smell of a bunch of things in the air, that smell was very bad, Yuan Yuanyuan's sense of smell has changed now It is very sensitive, so it is more uncomfortable.

    But as she was walking, she suddenly smelled a familiar smell in the air, which made her stop and glance over there.

    There are many monsters over there, it looks very crowded, I don't know what they are doing. Yuan Yuanyuan frowned and looked over there, her eyes locked on a figure, and then suddenly followed.

    She pushed a person away, and cut a woman's face that looked very bland. After being pushed away by her, the nearby monster glanced at her and found that it was someone she didn't know, so she turned around and continued to do her own thing.

    Those people have been walking towards the crowded place, Yuan Yuanyuan can only squeeze all the way, she is not to find out where these people are going, but to confirm Look at the identities of these people, after all, she had met these people a long time ago.

    If I read correctly, that person is…

     Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes narrowed, she didn't know how her memory was so good, she recognized the people on the opposite side at a glance, it seemed that the silver stick was on the comic exhibition back then silk man.

    When she smelled that thing, she felt uncomfortable, so she didn't fight to the death, she just scared the other side away. Some of the monsters smelled like they were imprinted in her head. She thought she had forgotten it, but she just smelled it, but found that she had not forgotten it at all.

    What are they doing here? Wait... It was the silver thread they ignited half a year ago, so now that they are here, could it be...

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't catch up anymore, she stopped after confirming that it was those three people, she was afraid that they still had that kind of thing in their hands, so if she pressed for one, she might return not going.

    This is an unexpected it confirming that the people of the past and the people now are indeed a group?

    Yuan Yuanyuan remembered what the other party looked like, but she couldn't figure out who the other party should be, so she went to the tavern. When I entered the door, I heard a familiar voice, "There are so many scavengers on the street today... I was a scavenger when I was working in City C."

    "Hey? This is the first time I heard you say that in the comics you work in a very respectable place? How could you be a scavenger?"

      After a few turns, I didn't expect that the person who took me in at that time was Yuan... If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't hide it, he must have discovered it long ago."

    … Yuan Yuanyuan silently pushed open the curtain and walked in, with a paralyzed expression on her face, she sat silently behind the curtain, the red gauze in the room had been removed, and it was a little less hazy , but it suddenly looks a lot more spacious.

    "Hey, you're finally here." Fanning and Yuan Yingli, who had nothing to say, greeted Yuan Yuanyuan, Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Faning and suddenly felt a little embarrassed , I always feel that it's wrong to see how his face looks...

    "I remember that there were a bunch of red curtains hanging in this house a few days ago." Fanning saw Yuan Yuanyuan, waved his hand, and asked, "Why all these overnight? Did the curtain suddenly disappear again?"

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