You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 312:

    The head of the Li family has always been a sinister and cunning old man in Yuan Yuanyuan's impression, but Yuan Yuanyuan was a little stunned when he suddenly said that he had done so many crazy things.

    She thought about her impression of the old man of the Li family, she seemed to be crazy, but not crazy enough...

    The head of the Li family is like a mysterious boss hope, which has been popping up suddenly in an inconspicuous place. Or it can be said to be a ghost... Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it for a while, or the ghost is a more suitable option. The appearance of the other party is about to become a ghost.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was caught up in this incident and recalled the years of torn with the Li family master, the Li family master still used the face he had when he was young... Saying that he once again Seeing "One Seven" appearing in front of him, would he be so angry that he would die? The original Yuanyuan suddenly switched to another way of thinking.

      Go down... The head of the Li family deliberately used the face of his youth to come here, is it to not show his cowardice?

     Yuan Yuanyuan's thoughts accidentally collided with the proprietress's, and she suddenly thought of what the proprietress said that the head of the Li family would be very angry.

    At first she thought that the proprietress meant that the head of the Li family was a very proud person, so she would be very angry when she saw "Yiqi" ignoring him. Thinking about it now, the proprietress may not only mean this, but another meaning is very likely that the contrast between the two sides is too obvious, one is dying, and the other is flourishing.

    When Yuan "dies", will the head of the Li family be so happy? Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it and suddenly felt angry... Suddenly she wanted to punch the head of the Li family in the face.

    She wasn't so angry at first, but she got so angry with her brain, which was quite a magical operation.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the trailer on the Internet, and it seemed that it only lasted five minutes. However, a lot of things were cut into it, and most of the scenes Yuanyuan can recall at a glance.

    In it, there is a piece of rivalry between "Yuan" and "Master Li". In this regard, the show respects the original version very much. Instead of looking for an old man to play the head of the Li family, they found a handsome guy. ... Of course, handsome guys are also more attractive.

    She watched the five-minute video over and over several times. The makeup of all the actors in this show is extremely exaggerated. After all, is it a monster... Yuan's makeup is already very refreshing in comparison .

    In the five-minute video, a short segment of the confrontation between Yuan and the head of the Li family was cut into it. Yuan Yuanyuan watched it several times. Bu Ji Yuan looked at each other for a long time, and it seemed that there was no sense of tit-for-tat at all, in exchange for a group of rotten girls below howling...

    …Oh, obviously it’s not like this. Yuan Yuanyuan sneered, she'll be tough once in her life! How can she act so cute at such a rare tough moment in her life!

    By the way, the group of students said before that they wanted to educate the actors they loved... Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes began to sharpen, or else...

    The curtains automatically move without wind, and a man with red light all over stood up slowly in the room, holding a large knife in his hand, standing against the wind...

    Although she thought hard, Yuan Yuanyuan went in a taxi orderly the next day. As she walked, she inquired about the location of the shooting, and she found a building building. As soon as she got off the building, she was smothered by the demonic energy that rushed towards her face. shouldn't be her illusion...

    There are more monsters in this building than people...

    Yuan Yuanyuan stood under the building with her mouth open when she got out of the car. The driver behind him saw her stupid and patted her, "Girl, I didn't give you any money."

    "Oh." Yuan Yuanyuan silently drew out a one-hundred-dollar ticket, the driver looked at Yuan Yuanyuan's demented appearance still staring at the building, shook his head, turned and drove away .

    Because she was too shocked, Yuan Yuanyuan forgot to ask the driver to get the money back. When she remembered, the black-hearted driver had already driven away. Yuan Yuanyuan silently recalled the license plate number of the car, then raised a newspaper, and then quietly walked into the building.

    When passing the door, Yuan Yuanyuan glanced over there, it should not be an illusion... The two bodyguards standing at the door are definitely monsters, not people. And from their demonic aura, Yuan Yuanyuan smelled a familiar smell.

    It seems to be...the local monsters in City C should be affiliated with the government.

    Yuan Yuanyuan tried her best to disguise herself as a harmless human being and went in. There are still human workers going back and forth in this building. Now the monsters should be interrogated to death in this situation, but human beings are very Easy to mix in. Sure enough, the two bodyguards next to Yuan Yuanyuan didn't respond at all when Yuan Yuanyuan entered. Instead, they began to check a monster behind Yuan Yuanyuan.

    After entering the door, there is a huge incense burner, this thing Yuanyuan also knows, it seems to be used to identify monsters pretending to be humans. Yuan Yuanyuan continued to restrain her demonic aura, and then went all the way up to the second floor, and saw a pile of photographed objects hanging there.

    Someone stopped him from going inside, Yuan Yuanyuan hurriedly hid in a place where no one was around, changed her body shape secretly, and then touched it, Yuan Yuanyuan was sharp She felt that there should be at least five or six youkai around like her, and everyone was hiding nearby.

    Yuan Yuanyuan is confident that she will not be discovered, after all, she has not been discovered for so long. Seriously speaking, she found that others' abilities were a little worse, so she was caught out by five or six at once, and they were hiding in various corners around here.

    A person who can sneak in like her is considered a daring artist, and can not be caught by the monsters around. There were also many official monsters in City C. Yuan Yuanyuan even saw several familiar monsters, all of whom were her colleagues when she was still a "civil servant" in City C.

    These monsters are most likely not unaware of these lurking monsters around, but simply don’t want to care. After all, the monsters that can sneak in silently are not big monsters.

    The cat, who was tacitly understood by everyone, was watching the shooting of the actors below. What kind of drama is this? Yuan Yuanyuan studied it for a long time, and suddenly realized that this was the plot from the day before her comic "blackened".

    In a shopping mall, a bunch of monsters suddenly broke in, and then Jiqiu started to encourage her to kill people... It doesn't seem like a good memory.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was lying on the top to watch the "Yuan" who was filming the scene below. The crew hanged Weiya for the actor. It was the first time Yuan Yuanyuan saw this thing in reality. Interestedly, she wanted to go up and have a look, but as soon as she got closer, she suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from her ear, and she picked up a small blade with her hand.

    Her eyes moved forward silently... If I read it correctly, the blade was meant to cut the rope of the hanging actor.


     Yuan Yuanyuan squeezed out a stiff smile.

    Fuck! Is it really good for you to be able to shoot so far? It turns out that some teenagers really came to teach you a lesson?

    Wait, those who can break into this place are definitely not teenagers... They should belong to the boss level, so is this a gathering place for the second and second bosses?

    Yuan Yuanyuan completely forgot what the purpose of her coming here was, she stared at the filming with trepidation, and after returning, she was confused and forgot everything, just remember one thing, it seems that everyone I was very nervous, the filming was very difficult, the actors below were very happy, very stupid, and very ignorant, Yuan Yuanyuan even saw that the guy playing Yuan Yingli was secretly picking up girls during the filming...

    Then this young man who secretly picked up girls was unconsciously raped by dozens of monsters with sharp eyes and ears.

     miserable miserable, I want to write a miserable word on your leg... Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly remembered something after coming back. It seems that the filming process of this crew is a bit fast. Didn't they all take pictures here? How can you act like you've just finished casting your roles... what a bunch of insidious and cunning people.

    She had a hot drink in the tavern, and then was called to the front again, just to see a group of monsters wearing "civil servants" clothes in City C coming over and asking for a private room.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was called to help them pour the wine. After the big monsters from C city sat down, they sighed, "Oh, I'm so tired... Why is this work so tiring?"

    "Yeah, let's not let us drive everyone away. It's a little bit bad to drive away if any big monster comes to see it in person."

    "How many big monsters can come in our city C? You can come and see when Yuan is alive."

    Yuan Yuanyuan, who was sitting beside him pouring wine, felt inexplicably that he had been stabbed several times...with scars all over his body.

    She lowered her head and continued pouring wine as if she didn't hear anything, but was suddenly called by someone, "Hey, girl, we almost forgot our business after drinking... Do you have any here? Prettier girls and boys? Can you ask a few to come with us?"

    "Huh? What are you doing?" Yuan Yuanyuan raised her head vigilantly.

    "Oh, that's it." The humane said, "The crew didn't know much about makeup, and some people were always dissatisfied with their makeup, so the shooter secretly told us to bring a few people who knew how to wear makeup. The girl used to be a model for them, and we didn't know any of the girls, and suddenly we remembered that there should be one here, so we came over."

    "Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned, "Well, then... you can ask our lady boss."

     "By the way, don't just look for girls, if there are handsome guys, help us find a few."

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked forward with a stiff face, thinking that we have the most handsome male monster in the back kitchen squatting and eating apples... You want me to give him Did you bring it?

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