You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 319:

    Yuan Yuanyuan has been guessing the identity of this person, although her brain is not smart, but after thinking about it for a few days, she gradually came up with something.

    First of all, this person should be very familiar with Yiqi, and secondly, the relationship between the two should be very good.

    Yuan Yuanyuan set her sights on Si Qun at first, and deliberately went over to test him secretly, but after saying a few words, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she was probably confused. Come up with a way to test the four groups.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan really thinks that the four groups have a great possibility, but the four groups really can't come up with anything, so Yuan Yuanyuan silently buckles this hat on On the head of the four groups, no one said anything about it.

    The four groups were more leisurely than Yuan Yuanyuan during this time, still squatting quietly in the back to wash the cups. Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan feels that the other party is like this, it seems to be quite good, and I don't know how many years have passed.

    Yuan Yuanyuan has been observing the four groups recently, which is the most days of observing the four groups this year. As a result, I did not confirm whether the four groups were the person in the comic, but found another A very interesting thing.

    Yuan Yuanyuan also accidentally pushed the door into the back kitchen that day, and shouted "four groups" but no one answered, she searched for a long time, but still couldn't find anyone, she thought the four groups had gone out , was a little worried.

    After all, the four groups are not the same as before... Although they used to be popular male gods, but at that time no one knew that he was Yuan's friend, and now they know that he was Yuan's friend back then, maybe they will get it What happened.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought to push the door and go out to look for it, but as soon as she turned her head, she was suddenly stunned.

    On the curtain of the back kitchen, there is a moth of the boss...

    No, this thing doesn't seem to be a moth...

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked over silently, looked at the white butterfly on the flower curtain, and looked out the window. It just happened to be snowing the day before yesterday, and it was icy and snowy outside...

    How come a butterfly came out of the sky... The greenhouse effect is too much...

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought it was a large moth hatched from the silkworm chrysalis bought in the kitchen next to her because the weather was too hot. She just wanted to execute it on the spot, but it turned out that it was really a butterfly.

    Xiao Fudie...Where did you come from? Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it, could it be the pet of some guest outside?

    She touched the butterfly's wings with her hand, the butterfly trembled twice, and then suddenly flew towards the ground. Yuan Yuanyuan had a flower in front of her eyes, and before she could see clearly, she suddenly noticed that the butterfly emitted a soft light and then grew bigger.

    "Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan silently watched the little white butterfly fall to the ground, slowly getting bigger, and then the silhouette of a person squatting there appeared, she The four groups that I couldn't find after searching for a long time just now are squatting there...

    "… Quner, what are you doing?" Yuan Yuanyuan went over and patted Siqun on the back.

    "Sleepy." The four groups beat Hache, "Think, want to sleep...".

     Yuan Yuanyuan put down her hand silently, and walked to the lounge over there.

    In the next second, all kinds of strange sounds were made in the lounge, including strange wall scratching sounds, and the sound of "Hao Su Hao Su Hao Su", and "Why are you stupid?" Ah," the voice, the four groups were quiet the whole process, and continued to squat there to brush the cups...

    After about five minutes, Yuan Yuanyuan finally came out. She closed the door and looked at Siqun with bright eyes, "Siqun, was that your prototype just now?"

    "Yes..." said the four groups weakly.

    "How come I never saw you change before." Yuan Yuanyuan said.

    The four groups lowered their heads and did not speak.

    The setting of the high force value and the butterfly demon is really very Su... No wonder the four groups look so energetic. If we suffer, we will suffer because our minds are a bit stupid, otherwise we will be real male gods.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the four groups and thought, the white butterfly just now is very beautiful, although there is no pattern, but the wings are very large and look very energetic, it is a special one Pretty butterfly.

    She touched Siqun's head again, and was stabbed again, the thorn was round and grinned.

    Suddenly Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little strange, she glanced at the four groups of pitted hair.

    Generally speaking, the prototype of a monster has many connections with its original illusion, for example, if a monster with bright feathers is transformed, there will be a brightly colored head s hair.

    The semi-demon like Yuan Yuanyuan belongs to a special situation, so it cannot be applied to her under normal circumstances. But Yuan Yuanyuan felt that the special hair of Siqun must have something to do with the prototype and should reflect on his prototype.

    For example, the color of the pattern on the wings, or the tentacles... Anyway, the hair of the four groups does not seem to be congenital, it must be acquired by some kind of damage to become like this.

    Yuan Yuanyuan recalled the butterfly she just saw, but she couldn't think of any injuries. She couldn't touch Si Qun's hair, so she touched his forehead, hesitating. After a while, he still asked, "Qun'er, what is your hair... Wings or feathers? No... Butterflies don't have feathers either..."

    The four groups scratched their hair, "It's me... a bunch of silk spit out when I pupa..."

    “…” Yuan Yuanyuan was silent for a while, how did the butterfly pupa? Isn't it the silkworm chrysalis that spins silk? So it really was a moth just now, right?

    …But the hair of the four groups is actually this kind of thing, it is more magical, after the butterfly turns into a butterfly, there will be no chrysalis... Is this the poor group of four that become non-mainstream hairstyles? ?

    Also... Okay, I didn't turn bald.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little curious again, taking advantage of this opportunity, she asked the four groups carefully, "Then I touched your hair, how do you feel?"

    "I don't feel anything." The four groups shook their heads dumbly.

    …Then why does it hurt so much when she touches it? It's not fair.

    Yuan Yuanyuan touched her tentatively, but this time she tried to hold on for a longer time, grinning her teeth in pain.

    She hadn't survived this long before, this was the first time, probably because curiosity overwhelmed reason.

    Some mortal behaviors are thus produced.

    She persisted until red marks appeared on her fingers.

    When she put her hand down, Yuan Yuanyuan's hand trembled. She was really shocked this time. She never thought that the hair of the four groups was so powerful before. That is, it hurt a little, and she was actually injured.

    What kind of injury is this... Yuan Yuanyuan quickly took off her hand to see what it looked like. The four groups sat on the small bench and stared blankly at Yuan Yuanyuan's movements. There was no sound.

    Yuan Yuanyuan blew with her hands, observed the marks of injury, blew and blew, and suddenly stopped. Her brows furrowed, and she gently pressed the red mark on this hand with her other hand, and her face slowly turned ugly.

      Serious injuries are like this.

    However, the two injuries she injured were not her hands, but her internal organs. The bleeding from the hands was not that serious.

    "Silver thread...what could it be?"

    "Three thousand silver wires?"

    A long time ago, the conversation between her and the fat cat suddenly appeared in Yuan Yuanyuan's heart.

    She looked down at Siqun's little black hair, then looked at the wound on her hand, and suddenly asked slowly, " used have white hair. ?"

    "...It seems to be?" said the four groups.

    "It seems like... what does it mean?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "It was when he was not so stupid, his hair was still white. As a result, after people became stupid, their hair turned black. It can be seen that whether people work hard or not can be reflected in their hair." Sister Lizi suddenly walked in and said to Yuan Yuanyuan, "Why did you suddenly ask about four groups of hair? Did someone tell you something?"

    "No, no, no..." Yuan Yuanyuan quietly tucked her hand into her sleeve. The tavern's clothes have relatively large sleeves, so it is easier to hide.

      The door is closed."

    "Yes yes yes..." Yuan Yuanyuan nodded again and again, she felt that Sister Lizi might think that someone outside had said something to her, but she didn't care too much, just knocked a little bit. , After all, given the current situation of the four groups, no one came to say anything to Yuan Yuanyuan, and Sister Lizi didn't believe it either. She can't say more now. Sister Lizi is different from Siqun. She is very smart, and she will be suspected if she talks too much.

    Yuan Yuanyuan washed the cup honestly that day, then got off work and went home, thinking about it all the time.

    There are many things, if no one reminds her, she will always forget, for example, the surname of the four groups is Li, the brother of the head of the Li family.

    Although they look very similar, their personalities are very different, so it is not a strange thing that Yuan Yuanyuan always forgets.

    She pushed open the door, and saw the fat cat squatting there, teasing Xiaoying, since the last time Yuan Yuanyuan told the fat cat that the little girl in the first episode was Xiaoying, the fat cat I got entangled with Xiaoying, and then heard the story of giving ribs from her... At that time, the fat cat's reaction was to look at Xiaoying silently, and said the word "warrior" with his eyes.

    After that, the fat cat began to play Xiaoying wholeheartedly to relieve his boredom.

    "Fat cat..." Yuan Yuanyuan pushed the door in with a heavy heart, "What do you think the hair of a butterfly demon should be..."

    "The hair of the butterfly demon? What could that be?" The fat cat froze for a moment, "What's so special about that thing?"

    "...No, nothing special?" Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly got a somewhat unexpected answer, she thought about it again, and started looking for other clues, "Uh...this Butterfly... This butterfly is a Gu King... But his brain is a bit difficult to use, will it affect the hair? These two places are quite close..."

    She talked for a long time before she suddenly realized that the fat cat was looking at her like a fool.

    "Why, why are you looking at me like that?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "Although I haven't seen many Butterfly Monsters, after all, that thing is really rare, and generally they are dead before they become monsters." The fat cat said, "But I still know the hair of the Gu King. what is that..."

    "What?" Yuan Yuanyuan was still at a loss.

    "Gu!" Fat Cat said, "That thing is the legendary Gu! Haven't seen the TV series? Haven't seen the novel? Are you stupid?"

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