You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 327:

     Yuan Yuanyuan came to the tavern in the middle of the night with her bag on her back. The lights in the tavern had just been lit, Yuan Yuanyuan looked around and looked a little nervous.

    "Okay, I'll go find you a room." Sister Xue turned to look for Sister Lizi, Yuan Yuanyuan was less than ten seconds after Sister Xue left, the whole person relaxed, The expression on his face also returned to normal.

    The pub is very quiet... Now the customers haven't come up, most of the clerks are sleeping, the room looks a little dark, for the average clerk, this situation is actually is rarely seen.

    But Yuan Yuanyuan had seen it... She came over, pulled a bench and sat down, thinking about making up for a sleep, she didn't sleep well at first, but now she was suddenly pulled over... Yuan Yuan Circles are tired.

    After a while, Yuan Yuanyuan heard someone's footsteps approaching, she hurriedly sat up, turned around and saw that it was Sister Lizi.

    Why did Miss Lizi come here? Yuan Yuanyuan was taken aback, at this point, Lizi sister should still be sleeping...

    "Yuanyuan? Are you going to stay in a pub?" Sister Lizi was wearing very thin clothes, a bit like being pulled up from the bed.

    "Yes..." Yuan Yuanyuan hugged her luggage and pretended to be pitiful skillfully. Sister Lizi stretched out a hand towards Yuan Yuanyuan, and Yuan Yuanyuan followed Sister Lizi obediently away.

    "Oh, so that's what it is..." Sister Lizi heard Yuan Yuanyuan's words and said, "I'll just say, why did you come here suddenly, since that's the case, it's right to come to the tavern, at least It's safer here."

    Of course it's safe... The headquarters of the anti-war organization, as long as the woman in red doesn't fall, this place is definitely the safest for a half-demon like Yuan Yuanyuan.

    Speaking of which, the vest of the woman in red disguised by Yuanyuan actually protected herself in disguise.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked around, Sister Lizi took her to the back kitchen, pushed the door and walked out, walking towards a path, "The atmosphere has been really bad recently, fortunately, the people here are also Not many people know that you are a half-demon, you can also spray perfume to cover up when you go out... But you should not go to the front recently, it is too close to your home. "

    Yuan Yuanyuan nodded again and again, looking at this place with a little curiosity.

    She has never been here, not even the woman in red.

    This is a more remote place than the back kitchen. If there are other staff in the back kitchen, then this alley is absolutely forbidden for strangers. When Yuan was deeply impressed by this place, it was when the four groups walked towards it.


     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly became vigilant.

    She looked at Sister Lizi, and suddenly felt a fascinated smile on the other party's face... Was it her illusion or what?

      The potted plants just cover the sight of outsiders.

    There are several cages next to it, and there are several birds and hamsters in the cages.

    A tank of goldfish was placed in front of a large mirror. The first thing I saw when I went up to the second floor was this large mirror, which just showed the original round face.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the mirror opposite, and both herself and Sister Lizi were photographed. She ran around for a long time, and she seemed to be in a hurry. Sister Lizi walked quickly, and her face flashed in the mirror, a little blurry.

    "There are three floors here, and there are many vacant rooms on the third floor. You can just go in and live here. It's the quietest place..." Sister Lizi said while taking Yuan Yuanyuan upstairs, Yuan Yuanyuan Eyes rested for a long time on the well-served flowers and birds and fish.

    …Is this a retired old man with big pants, a big vest, and a big fan?

    "By the way, there is also a cat here." Sister Lizi said, "The name is Xiaomi, the black cat, with blue eyes, it looks good, although it looks a bit fierce, but He has a very docile personality and will never scratch anyone... You don't have to be afraid of it."

    Yuan Yuanyuan and Sister Lizi went up to the third floor. The top is a "concave" shape layout. There are a total of seven or eight rooms. Yuan Yuanyuan glanced to the side, followed the window and saw the four groups sitting there. She was staring blankly at a point. After hearing the sound, she turned her head and looked at her blankly again...


    Is there such a little fool living in seven or eight rooms here!

     Yes, every house has an antique feel, and I don't know how long this house has been built.

    No computer, no wifi...not even a light switch, a giant candlestick in every room.

      set aside.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about what Si Qun was doing just now, but when she entered the room, she saw that she was watching the TV on the wall.

    The yellow square SpongeBob SquarePants is on the TV.

    … Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head and looked at Sister Lizi with a subtle look. Sister Lizi was not at all conscious of using public equipment for private purposes, she smiled and said to Yuan Yuanyuan, "Oh, it's fine, don't look at it. There are no gadgets you are using now, but if you want to install it, I can install it tomorrow, and I know a few people who are assured..."

    …Is this a playmate or a nanny for her silly brother? Yuan Yuanyuan randomly chose a room to live in, and put her luggage down. She had nothing to do, so it was relatively easy to pack up. The only valuable thing on her body was her mobile phone.

    Sister Lizi explained for a while, then turned around and left. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Sister Lizi, she was heading towards the second floor, the layout of the second floor was not the same as the third floor, but only one person lived in seven or eight rooms.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed to sit on the chair. These rooms are so close together that if the curtains were not drawn, Yuan Yuanyuan would be able to see the four groups as soon as she looked up.

    Now this is the animation time of the children's channel or what... Yuan Yuanyuan remembers that when she was a child, the children's channel didn't seem to show anime during the day...

    Wait, it's winter vacation! This is not necessarily true... Yuan Yuanyuan walked over and looked at Siqun. It was daytime, and the door of Siqun's room was not locked, so she pushed the door and went in.

    The four groups are now all focused on the TV, and they don't care about Yuan Yuanyuan.

    After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand, secretly picked up the remote control beside him, and put it in a place far away from Yuanyuan.

    Original circle, "…"

    Is he really stupid or fake!


    Sister Lizi looked back at the third floor, the view of the third floor was completely blocked by the surrounding potted plants, and she could not see anything useful.

    She looked at it, sighed suddenly, entered the room herself, turned around and closed the door.


    The next day, Yuan Yuanyuan got up, stretched, and saw that the sky was bright. She didn't go to the tavern to help last night. Sister Lizi felt that she had just moved in, so she might be a little tired. So I specifically told her not to go there.

    Yuan Yuanyuan stretched her waist, and then began to think about how she should go to see the boss while working here... It seems that she has no clue. Mainly because she didn't live here before, she could go wherever she wanted, but now she lives with Sister Lizi in four groups. She said she wanted to leave, and she had to make up a reason.

    She looked up at the four groups over there, and suddenly remembered a method she used before.

    Yuan Yuanyuan pinched with her fingers, she used illusion to separate a figure lying on the bed, sneaked over there, and went to the proprietress.

    This is the method she used when she was at Comic Con.

    Before leaving, Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head to look at Si Qun, Si Qun sat there with no response at all, still watching TV.

    Today he watched the classic program of Children's Channel during the winter vacation - Fu Luwa.

    Very good...this stuff is a puzzle. Yuan Yuanyuan has no sense of responsibility at all.


    Yuan Yuanyuan hurriedly went up to feel the pulse of these little monsters, it looked very weak, but fortunately she didn't die. She was startled, thinking that someone had come in, and even this place could be touched. It was really a big deal. Could it be that the old nest was sent to others?

    After entering, Yuan Yuanyuan was relieved when she saw it... The situation was a little better, it wasn't that the old nest was caught, but the old nest was strife.

    The old men who came last time are still standing here... Yuan Yuanyuan is not sure if the other party read the last issue of Fanning and the woman in red under the tree to kill them. , but that doesn't take her seriously. Why not beat Faning first, but beat her first?

    Yuan Yuanyuan sneered, and she stretched out her clothes at once, and walked over with a domineering and enchanting look, leaving only a bright red figure.

    The group of four who were watching TV over there suddenly raised their heads and looked at the window, "Yuan Yuanyuan" was still lying there.

    He glanced at it, snapped his fingers gently, and the curtains of the original Yuanyuan room were suddenly lowered.

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