You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 330:


     Yuan Yuanyuan ignored the reactions of the people around her at this time, and just looked at the person opposite her with peace of mind. She is now thinking about how to get out of this person's mouth.

    "You have the wrong person."


    She clearly heard a slight sigh behind her.

    This sigh is a bit strange, I don’t know if it’s painful or comfortable or something…

      , Yuan Yuanyuan, who was standing opposite him, saw with his own eyes the process of why his smile was slowly disappearing.jpg.

    For a long time, the person on the opposite side put on a smile again, and this time the smile was a little different from before.

    Yo! Yuan Yuanyuan's heart suddenly began to become subtle again, which is very interesting.

    Yuan Yuanyuan feels that she has started to skin now, and the skin is a bit speechless.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan still has a very clear goal in mind... If you can't do it, you can fight. Anyway, looking at the current situation, it is necessary to fight. of.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that the other party didn't want to fight for a while, but the old man behind couldn't wait any longer, he shouted, "Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and kill this person Get rid of!"

    The moment he finished speaking, Yuan Yuanyuan stepped back several meters, and the light that had just been lit with her went out again.

    The place where she stood just now became as cold as an ice cave, and even ice cubes appeared on the lit candle.

    The little devil on the opposite side also closed his mouth, his body exuded a thick ghost, Yuan Yuanyuan felt very uncomfortable, after all, monsters and ghosts are two completely different creatures, and there are too many ghosts , Yuan Yuanyuan is also uncomfortable.

    At the critical moment, Yuan Yuanyuan took a big puff of cigarette and the smoke exhaled from her lips formed a looming wall in front of the two of them, blocking each other's breath.

    The other's face also became blurred in this smoke.

    The pressure of Yuan Yuanyuan instantly increased, and the thought in her heart was that she was playing around.

    The kid on the opposite side... was unexpectedly awesome, she felt that she was a little cowardly against him.

      way to recognize her at a glance.

    Isn't that bad? Yuan Yuanyuan's brain was running wildly, and the kid on the opposite side took another step forward.

     I want to run away! Yuan Yuanyuan looked behind her, but suddenly realized that there was no escape from this situation, and it would be useless if she escaped.

    "Who is this person?" The proprietress next to her said to herself, and other monsters asked her, she frowned, or shook her head.

    She couldn't figure out who the person opposite was.

    Yuan Yuanyuan found that the person on the other side was very familiar with her, this should not be an illusion The other party is very familiar with her several ways.


    Considering the strange relationship between the other party and Yiqi, it is not strange that he is familiar with the blood jade magic art, but it is more than this that makes Yuan Yuanyuan feel strange.

    Every move of the other party gave Yuan Yuanyuan an indescribable feeling, that is... awkward.

     Yuan Yuanyuan didn't quite understand why it became like this at first, but then she suddenly realized that the way the ghost on the opposite side is not so much a monster as a Taoist priest...

    Is it weird?

    Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes became strange again. At this time, she remembered another thing. The place she went to on July 17 should be Sanqingmen, and her name was Ranniang.

    Yes, since you can recognize Ranniang at once, is it a Taoist priest who was there back then?

    Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking blindly, not sure if she was right, but she began to pay more attention to the actions of the person opposite, and sure enough, after a while, Yuan Yuanyuan had basically confirmed One thing, that is, the person opposite is really a Taoist priest.

    My God, what kind of world is this, can even a Taoist be a kid?

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't quite understand this principle, but the person on the opposite side was the only Taoist priest she had ever seen who became a little devil.

    In order to verify her conjecture, Yuan Yuanyuan decided to test it a little more, this time she risked her life to test it.

    "You..." she said vaguely, "...why did it become like this?"

      With a hint of coquettishness, Yuan Yuanyuan sounded even more bizarre.

    Damn... why are you smiling at a man so coquettishly?

    "Didn't you guess it?" After landing, the other party said in a faint tone, and the black ghost behind him emanated from him, "After all, he is such a smart person what…"

    I rely on this tone! This tone! Yuan Yuanyuan's inner gossip was flying around for a while, and she didn't care about the unanimous voice of the onlookers, "Oh!"

    This scene is quite a bit like the middle-aged group in the comics and the elderly group exploded with each other in the past, and then turned over the old accounts.

    Yuan Yuanyuan immediately began to answer, "I can't guess unless you tell me."

    The onlookers next to them, "Oh!"

    The man over there bowed his head, did not attack for a long time, and did not speak.

    The crowd, "Oh-!!"


    Is the presence of the onlookers too strong? Yuan Yuanyuan was silently complaining in her heart, but she saw that the person on the opposite side started to attack her again. This thing is probably the same as the reincarnation of the dirt in Hokage. Even if you really don't want to fight, you still have to be controlled by others.

    At this time, Yuan Yuanyuan really felt that the person on the opposite side was a bit miserable. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't mind giving each other a good time if she was an old friend back then.

    So when they attacked again, Yuan Yuanyuan's strength was slightly stronger. Of course, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to kill the opponent directly at the beginning, but tried a little bit.

    Her movements on her hands were a little bigger, and she began to add a little magic trick that Yuan often used. The magic speed was very fast, and not many people could see the traces. The circular movements were done very carefully, and absolutely few people would notice.

    She just swung out the cigarette stick in her hand, but she saw the person on the opposite rush up, came straight to her, and pulled down the thin layer on her face The veil, and at the same time the sharp ghostly energy also scratched Yuan Yuanyuan's face.


    From the perspective of the onlookers, half of Yuanyuan's face was exposed, but it was not clear for a while, but it made the people next to him stunned for a while.

    It looks really good-looking, although only a small half of her face can be seen, but this small half of her face can be seen, she is indeed a beauty, worthy of the popularity of the Internet Clothes women have always been guessed by beauty.

    But the face of the other party is a little different from that of ordinary women, which may be the problem of eyebrows and eyes. Inexplicably, people feel that she has a sense of perseverance and sharpness that is different from ordinary women, not the kind of traditional gentle beauty.

    Those red eyes made the monsters next to them froze, and the big monster's temperament was full. After today, it is estimated that everyone will not forget the real aura of the woman in red.

    The face of the woman in red was only exposed for a moment, the smell of blood in the air was getting stronger and stronger, the woman in red gently touched her face, oozing out the face The trace of blood that came was wiped off, but the smell of blood had already spread to the hall on the first floor.

      The entity may only be a form of incarnation, but it also means that he has also been seriously injured.

    "You..." Yuan Yuanyuan said a word, and suddenly she couldn't go on. She clearly felt that the other party just let her kill her on purpose, although the ghost has already died Yes, but if you get hurt again, it's very likely that you won't even have the chance to be reincarnated.

    "Cough." The person behind him coughed and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The whole hall was very silent. There were people who would say a few words just now, but now no one has said a word.

    Yuan Yuanyuan gently reached out and wiped off a trace of blood on the cigarette rod. Although she had been shocked just now, it did not mean that she really felt that Yiqi had a relationship with the other party. What, after all, this thing has a higher chance of joking, there is no need to be too serious.

    But to be honest... Now even if she doesn't like to think too much, something will happen to her.

    What was the relationship between the other party and 17? Yuan Yuanyuan said in his heart, would he rather be swept away than face the sword of Yiqi?

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